Goat man in the shadows

I started talking about this in the other thread so I am going to spill it out here hopefully I don’t sound nuts. I keep seeing this 12 foot tall goat man with yellow eyes and black wings he is always hiding in the dark. right now I am in my living room and I can feel him watching me in the hallway and in my bedroom which is pure dark right now. I keep sensing him I think it’s Azazel or Satan himself. and when I close my eyes to meditate I see him.

please explain this shit who is it?


Ever heard of Baphomet?

And no Baphomet and Satan are not the same. They are two completely different beings


I never thought of baphomet as a deity or actual demon though. unless he is? just familiar with his use in the church of Satan.

Yea he’s real, first spirit that tried to contact me tbh


well maybe azazel or Satan have sent him to guard me since that seems to be what he’s doing.

He moves independently of other beings @LucifugeAzazel.
He came to you of his own accord.
And he is a Deity lol

One of the main ones of black magic


@Micah I thought of Pan at first, however considering the size and the description Baphomet is a likelier candidate. Never worked with Pan though but Pan indeed has a similar appearance from what I know about him.


I have been asking for knowledge of Black Magick so maybe that’s why he came to me.

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it doesn’t feel like pan because I sense pure darkness and that it’s from the infernal realm.

a lot of ppl view him as just a symbol of the church of satan so that’s what I thought.

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according to my ouija board Baphomet is here to teach me Black Magick and he said he is not Satan and he is his own deity. :goat:




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:joy::joy: the goat of Sabbath is finally in your house… Work with him he is great…

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Similar situation i found myself in after summoning. After time I’ve come to believe the spirits acted in this way as a means to provoke success and progress. Specifically action.

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