Glistening Sigils?

While reading one of the comments on the BALG, I came across a sigil that appeared to glisten and almost sparkle as it seemed to ungulate at the corner of my eye. I later discovered that it was the sigil of Andras. Does anyone know what this means? Is this Andras’ way of soliciting contact with me? In studying demons of the Goetia, I’ve seen a number of sigils but have never seen one of ever do this.

In hearing people having fairly unpleasant experiences with Andras, I’m a bit hesitant of making contact with him.

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[quote=“Temporal_Anomaly_2013, post:1, topic:2896”]Does anyone know what this means? Is this Andras’ way of soliciting contact with me? In studying demons of the Goetia, I’ve seen a number of sigils but have never seen one of ever do this.

In hearing people having fairly unpleasant experiences with Andras, I’m a bit hesitant of making contact with him.[/quote]

If it was me I’d take that as a probable sign to get in contact, but if I had any doubts about the entity, first I’d do divination on it, and I’m not an expert at this as I’ve said before but I’d use maybe pendulum, Oracle of Napoleon, things you don’t need mad skills to get an indication from, and then if you can get a reading done for you, that might help.

This is almost 100% what happened for me after I watched EA’s Azi Dahaka vid - I had obvious reasons to be wary, but it really drew me and I did exactly that, did my own divination, and luckily Orismen put up a free reading offer that night, and that was good as well, so I did it. And to say it’s opened doors for me and stuff would be an understatement!