
So working the altar today and was actually moving something when I saw in my peripheral vision color , like a light gold color, and movement and FELT the physical presence of someone my height standing very close to me. I turned my head to the side fully expecting to see someone facing me but there was no one. For a few seconds after turning my head even though I didn’t see anyone it genuinely felt as if someone was standing there with me. This is the closest I’ve experienced to a spirit being so close and I’ve never experienced that before. I used to be scared to death years ago of seeing or hearing spirits funny because when I was a Xian and in bible school we had classes about “spiritual warfare” and developing “prophetic gifts and discernment” and it was a feather in your hat if you had dreams, visions etc… so back then I was really afraid but it was because I thought spirits were evil lol because that’s what we were taught. But now that I know more I’m like “oh hi” lol I was actually really happy when it happened but I always try to be as respectful as possible when dealing with spirits. Anyone else had an experience like this?


Yep. Happens especially with the dead and the Lwa. I see figures in my room and in my yard after I work with the Lwa. When I first started in Vodun, it was hard to sleep because I felt the Lwa watching me as I lay in bed. But eventually I got used to it. The Baron (Samedi) still does it from time to time but he’s usually just trying to prank me.


Its still hard for me now, though I’m slowly getting better, because of being raised Christian. The “everything is an evil demon” mindset really fucked up my spiritual development. Ive seen things at different points in my life that could have started the journey for me into the occult, but my instant fear and rejection of them prevented anything constructive from happening. Theres only one case where I’m certain it WAS a negative/non-benevolent thing (“shadow person”), but the others I’m really sad that I missed out on interacting with. I still have that knee-jerk reaction of fear to this day when I sense/feel energy or an entity around, and I have to consciously fight against that feeling.


That sounds wonderful! I’ve also had “presences” like that - as late as yesterday actually while we were watching the second episode of the Alienist. That was kinda creepy really, but in a fun and hospitable way. I let it know that it could stay for a while if it wanted, but that I had claws and that I would use them if it came up with any shenanigans. My wife is very reluctant to let me “host” any kind of otherworldly beings at home having really encountered ghosts on several occasions herself (I haven’t though). It left shortly after the TV-episode was over so I suppose it just wanted to stay and watch it with us, heh. Really, what’s up with that? O.o

Respect is always a good protocol for dealing with everything otherworldly, but so is also letting it know not to mess with you. Spirits when encountered as “a presence” are for the most part harmless (at least in my experience), but it’s still a good idea to let it know not to try to take advantage of you. Explain to it the terms of hospice when it visits Your House. That is also good protocol imo when they come uncalled.

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Do you have your vodoun altar in your bedroom? I think I remember EA mention in The Spider and the Green Butterfly to have it in a separate area as the spiritual influences can be quite heavy and intense if you sleep next to it.

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He and elegua just shot a bunch of puns at me when I met them.


I would like to have a separate room for work, but my bedroom is all I’ve got sadly.