Getting rid of a demon

So, i’ve never really been into the idea of summoning a demon, and I haven’t tried it yet. But for some reason or another there seems to be one pestering around my house. I am not really sure how I picked it up, and I actually asked it, trying to figure out what was going on. A day or so later it was being a pest again and said something like “Do exactly as I say” so i guess it thinks that it can get me to give in to its will or something, but I am really quite shocked and surprised at its audacity, as this is obviously something I would never consider. I basically just countered back and said, “do what i tell you to.” I’ve had dealings with negative beings before but never one quite this persistant. I know that you can do things like cut off their negative energy source, but i’m not the only one in the house, there is a 13 y/o girl with all kinds of emotions (my sister), and my wife, who can be a bit negative sometimes, both of whom would consider me crazy for suggesting the idea to them.

So I was considering evocking a demon to come and beat this one up, and that seemed to take it aback. But I wanted to get some feedback, has anyone ever tried this? Or does anyone have a better suggestion? As i said before, i’ve never really wanted to, but it seems like a good option. I know there are all sorts of banishing rituals and such on the internet but I would prefer if someone had experience with the particular ritual.


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Abaddon or astaroth would be good for this.

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why not just do regular smudges or try the LBRP? Why summon another demon when you don’t like the first one hanging around? Curious…

Also, have you considered that it may not be a demon? there’s lots of ‘astral nasties’ that get a thrill out of doing exactly what you’ve described… I really think regular and simple cleansings would the trick…

@ asherfadude,

Learn the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, and Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram. Showing these signs to the spirits and calling the names of the Archangels involved dismisses any spirit bound by laws of the multi-verse. I had one bother me with visions, and thoughts that were not my own, brutal things that run against the very grain of my person-hood. I learned those rituals and just by calling the name of the Archangel Michael the spirit immediately left and has not returned!

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Hi Asharferdude! (I love that moniker, btw!) Doncha just HATE that?!?! Damn pesky little vapor!

I’ve had such occurances off 'n on, but not recently. Seems like once you get fed up enough to deal firmly with these jerks, word gets around … much like the mortal counterparts! The day I got fed up, I stood stock-still in the middle of what I was doing and said to my Guardian, “Get rid of that jackass NOW!” And, I’ll admit I was in a temper about it - literally vibrating in my ire, and my voice went deep, resonating & bouncing around the room… never saw it again. :wink: Z

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Not enough is said about using the inverted pentagram. I’m not Satamanagical by conventional standards, but in my experiments the inverted pentagram creates a repulsive barrier and an intensely powerful grounding vortex. Stronger entities shoot back and escape. However, weaker entities will usually get caught off guard and struggle to get out of this intense pull of energy. If you act quickly, you can “grab” them, force them down into the earth and completely neutralize them. I was even able to do this with a very human looking fellow who, when I woke up and caught him trying to initiate sexy-like dream doings while I was asleep told me he was astrally projecting from the local prison. The way he kicked and struggled, I kinda felt bad for him afterwards. If I’d been fully awake, I wouldn’t have been so merciless, but that’s what you get for bothering people in their sleep.
The banishing ritual of unknown origin that Koetting provides in two of his books is veeery strong. If you recite it three times in a row, it’s like an astral nuke. I go all tingly and it feels like the air is full of peppermint cleanness.

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Banishing will also remove the energy you have been trying to build up. So there are good and bad sides to it.

Damn, my first read of your moniker was ‘Aftershavedude’.

Anyway, on topic. It sounds like a ‘little nastie’ to me. The LBRP should do just fine. Other practical tricks are copperwiring your house/bedroom/bed, but this may not be desirable if the other members of the family are not open to the idea of the astral reality.

I attempted a LBRP (but not sure i did it correctly, I’ce only been aware of the astral per se for about a year) and I also tried to call upon an angel I met once in the astral reality, as well as get some advice from some Buddhist friends I’ve made there. I’m not sure which method or who did this for me but there was some type of barrier constructed around me. It was kind of fascinating actually, I had this vivid nightmare where my brother was being mauled by a dragon and I woke up and could feel the demon pushing desperately against the shield. This was a night before I had to take a board examination for my medical school. As it stands, I can sort of sense it on the periphery but it definately can’t influence me quite the same way.

I really appreciate all of your comments and suggestions. I’m not sure that I’ve gotten rid of it for good really or not, so I’ll definately be trying them out to make sure this doesn’t happen again. It’s nice to know that other’s have been in similar sItuations.

[quote=“ashaferdude, post:9, topic:148”]I attempted a LBRP (but not sure i did it correctly, I’ce only been aware of the astral per se for about a year) and I also tried to call upon an angel I met once in the astral reality, as well as get some advice from some Buddhist friends I’ve made there. I’m not sure which method or who did this for me but there was some type of barrier constructed around me. It was kind of fascinating actually, I had this vivid nightmare where my brother was being mauled by a dragon and I woke up and could feel the demon pushing desperately against the shield. This was a night before I had to take a board examination for my medical school. As it stands, I can sort of sense it on the periphery but it definately can’t influence me quite the same way.

I really appreciate all of your comments and suggestions. I’m not sure that I’ve gotten rid of it for good really or not, so I’ll definately be trying them out to make sure this doesn’t happen again. It’s nice to know that other’s have been in similar sItuations.[/quote]
Smudging, house cleaning, and The Rosy Cross (including the LBRH) work instantly and hide you from ALL beings…

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