Getting close to spirits

Hi everyone how many times should i evoke spirits in this case Sargatanas before asking him something also while im asking him something should i just tell him the result that i want and also should i visualize the goal?
Is there anything else that i missed for asking entities for a goal?


You don’t want to think of Magick in a mathematical/left brained sort of way. For something like this, you wont find an equation like… 3x + 4 = # of times to evoke before making request. You could make a request the very first time you evoke, or after the 100th time. When I told you to learn more about the entity, the purpose of this was for you to grow more of an emotional connection to the spirit, and so this isn’t really something you can place a set number on. It depends on how comfortable you feel at the end of the day. Remember too that you still have a bit of deprogramming to do when it comes to how you view yourself, so you may not want to jump into things too quick.

Last thing I’ll state is to remember not to lust for result after the ritual is over, if you happen to do a ritual asking for something in particular. Its a common problem for folks that are inexperienced with magick. I advise that you read that article so you know exactly what its about and how to best avoid it.



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So its ok to ask the spirit on the first evocation?
And also another question when im asking the spirit to bring someone to me do i need to visualize the goal i want and also visualizing it happening?
Is it all the thing i need to do or there are other parts that im missing?

Yeah. Though as I told you in your previous post, if you are still in a place where your beliefs in blackpill philosophy supersedes your belief in magick, then the magick you do to improve your love life will most likely fail. So it may be a good idea to spend some time deprogramming yourself from that first. Remember, there is no rush when it comes to fixing your love life, despite what blackpillers may say. Every time in my life where I felt a girl I liked was the only girl I ever wanted, I’d end up running into a better one later in time. So don’t be concerned if the girl you are into now in your classes slips through your fingers. There will be more.

Yeah, you do. And this really is where the problem will be for you. For one thing, you told me that you forgot her face, which is somewhat problematic because you will really want to visualize being with her in a full and complete way. The second problem though goes back to your blackpill views. I keep harping on this because it actually will hinder your ability to get results where love magick is concerned. When you visualize it happening, you need to feel like its a real possibility in your mind…and when the ritual is over, you need to leave with a certainty that it will happen. But the blackpill mindset trains you to view your looks as a hindering factor that will lock a certain caliber of women away from you. Its a big conflict within you that you really should work out before you jump into this. Again, you aren’t really on a strict timetable here so you can afford to take things slow.

I’m curious as to what you know about invocation and evocation, because there is a difference. I advise you go down the invocation route because its easier…but I’m not sure you know all the steps. Basically, you are going to sit down, relax your body, then invoke sargatanas by reciting his enn (you will find his enn and sigil in that master thread I linked you in the previous post you made) while gazing at his sigil. When you gaze at the sigil, you will want to pull your vision back so that lines on the sigil itself start to disappear/reappear and become blurry. You do this until you feel a change within yourself or you mentally feel like you’ve recited enough. Once done, you then want to visualize the thing you want to happen…so if its a specific girl…you need to visualize being with her in a relationship. The important part here is that you need to feel like its actually happening in that moment while you visualize. Think about the emotions you would feel if you actually got the result you envisioned, and project that emotion onto the sigil. Keep doing this until you’ve exhausted your emotion and desire…and then make a simple statement like, “Sargatanas, make Rachel from my math class desire to be my girlfriend.” Once the request is made, the ritual is over. If you want, you can do this at night and light a candle for light. It helps put you in that mood mentally for doing magick.

Oh and one more thing i forgot to talk about. I know its very common for folks who follow blackpill philosophy to masturbate often to porn. If you do this, I strongly advise that you abstain from this for at least 3 to 4 days before performing magick. Give your body enough time to replenish the lost sperm before doing this ritual. Once the ritual is over, you can masturbate again. This is something that is still debated within this community, but from what I’ve seen personally, it makes a difference.


Thanks i agree i need to reprogramm myself to be able to succeed in love magic

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About the last part fortunatly i quit masturbation when is was 19 i dont do it anymore and much bettet after it

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Thats good to hear. Good luck with this. Let us know about your progress.

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Now im pretty sure i will succeed and i feel very better i will make a post in future when i got the result


You really don’t need to evoke the spirit more than once if you did it properly the first time. At the end of the day you’re either going to get results or not.


Thanks also glad that your back

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