Get the feeling someone needs to see this

Not sure why but I really feel someone needs a bit of advice either that or Jormangandr just wants some publicity but he has the answers you want to get out of where you are and to where you wish to be. You don’t need a sigil or any tools just your own mind. Call out to him and leave yourself open try when awake and when you go to sleep. He is straight forward and rough but is an understanding serpent. Hopefully the right person or persons see this and I am not being made a fool of not much more I can say other than you will probably know this is meant for you if it is.


Hm. Might be me.


You are not a fool. Important messages have arrived at me in the same way you are exposing this right now. Follow your intuition


That name sounds sooooo fucking familiar like from another life. I just looked him up and when I saw his pics my body went super hot and felt energy radiating across my chest like serpents in it- in a good way. Im sweating now…weird

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Give him a call he is quite friendly.

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That would explain this during my meditation yesterday before work. It was a purple and black skinned serpent/dragon eye with a white/yellow glow inside the eyeball staring back at me when I was working on my ajna chakra. It crappy but couldnt see it long enough to get super details

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Yep that is him. He is connected heavily the third eye and crown and very good at psionics surprisingly.

Invoking him the same as other entities cause Im having hell of a time trying to get them to communicate in a way I can understand.

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I find it is best to picture a purple energy massaging your third eye, crown, and temples as you lay to go to sleep and call out to him mentally and he will come in your dreams and whether you remember it actively or not you will find that you take something away and just find you suddenly know something new or can do something you couldn’t before.


My dreams is how some woman has been teaching me to become a better “hunter” Im supposedly born psy and sanguine among other bloodline things. She’s my height 6’0", abyss black hair, super pale skin, thin with hips/thighs for days, blood red lips always in a white see-through night gown and barefoot. She won’t let me see her face just lips lol. She visits me in my dreams and is teaching from the ground up.

Viking is in my bloodline…this should be interesting. Hope he answers cause this isn’t the first time in the past 2-3 months Ive seen an eye like thay staring back while doing chakra work

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How does he usually look like? Giant black serpent with thousand of red eyes on its body?

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That sounds likes Hel to me another of Loki’s children… they all seem to be waking up as it were lately.

@Anassa for me he appears as a black and greyish mix between an eel and a serpent and extremely massive. Don’t get the red eyes though in my case but he can probably easily appear like that.

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Probably I shouldn’t say this but It’s what I saw for @Donaldf973 when he first joined BALG. Somehow I felt your post is for him.


I asked her if she was Naamah since ive been trying to work with her and she laughed sensuosly and said" Im FAR more and a hell of a lot more wicked and cruel. I like you though more than I should so we’ll see."

Ive never heard of Hel.

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Then it has served its purpose and if it is meant for anyone else they will likely find it as well.

@Donaldf973 Norse goddess of the underworld, she rules the realm of Hel or Helheim as it is more formally known.

She is often depicted at least in more modern pictures I have seen as having a scared or half dead face though I know she can change this around. She is also rather nice… Though that might just be how I compare her to Loki who is fucking insane though quite fun in his own way.


Probably why she only lets me see her lips and chin which sucks cause shit like that doesn’t bother me. The raven in the pic- when I first made contact with black hair chick the next day the only bird around was a single black raven going out of its way to get my attention also following me everywhere.


Yep sounds like her. Hiding her face is probably more a game and amusement for her to see how long it takes you to figure it out.


My personal favorite depiction of Hel is the one from Smite. Feels more her to me. We all see different though

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Hel, Fenrir and Jormungandr are supposed to fuck a whole bunch of stuff up and wipe out all the Norse gods and everything to do with with them supposedly and how does that play into our world? I think Ive met Fenrir already when I was a kid now these two.

This is going to be interesting.

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Nvm black hair lady voice just said Earth is one of the 9 realms…oh boy.

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