General Discussion About Desert Cults

According to this document, the name Allah (al-Lah) actually referred to Jupiter: .

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Alright, I’ve a question, just how powerful Yahweh really is? Has anyone even attempted utilizing him or getting into a conflict with him?

Theoretically, he should be, but his followers don’t seem to get any benefits. So we have two options here:

A. He’s powerful, yet his followers don’t know how to utilize him.

B. He’s just a glorified desert spirit, and nowhere near the description of his followers.

Which is it?


I don’t bash the people of the three abrahamic religions, I bash the religions themselves, that agree in slavery, racism, sexism, etc.

The religions where they have Jesus as a great prophet who’s supposedly holy, but didn’t he just sit by when a woman was stoned to death and he said she must pay for the crime.

Or Muhammad who had relations with a 6 year old girl but consummated the marriage at the age of nine or something like that.

A Muslim told me " yeah but that was back then times were different, the age wasn’t to do with the religion it was their customs ".

Haha okay whatever or how about when they say Muhammad is the best version of the perfect human being and everyone should strive to be like him.

Oh you mean the murderer, then a Muslim intervenes and says his hands never claimed a life, oh yes that is true but he did have others to kill a huge amount of people.

Just because they wouldn’t convert he had them sent to death.

These are just minor tiny examples, then you have the radical terrorist attacks.

They claim the muslims do that, really what about the Jesus loving folk huh, when the KKK whipped and killed and burnt alive black people while using a burning crucifix and quoted the bible during whippings.

All these religions are terrorist and bigots and close minded individuals, who do nothing but quote a book for the rest of their lives.

These three religions are also one religion with just different versions like the Star Wars saga you could say :joy:.

Huh rant over I guess :joy:.


This is a heavy statement. I don’t have a lot of time right now, I will say that yes there were Christians and Muslims that did advocate for slavery, racism, and sexism. It is because of Christians that opposed slavery, racism, and sexism that those views are regarded as wrong.

That literally never happened. There is one story which is the exact opposite of that. In the Story of the Woman Caught in Adultery, some Pharisees and Scribes bring a woman who was caught practicing adultery and they say that according to the Law of Moses, such a woman should be stoned, and they ask him what he says (Jesus, in some of his teachings has been redefining aspects of the Law and so this ties into that). Then, Jesus said, “Let whoever is without sin cast the first stone.” (The implication being that they all deserve judgment under the Law.) And one by one, all the accusers left. And Jesus told the woman, “I don’t condemn you, now go and sin no more.”

Yes, but this was common. In the Jewish communities men were considered adults when they grew three pubic hairs and women, when they first began to menstruate. So, they would have to be after puberty to get married, but a child could be any age to be betrothed (promised in marriage) that’s what arranged marriages are.

Also, not many people know that St. Joseph was 70 when when he married Mary at the age of 12. This was the culture then and it’s improper to impose modern values on ancient people and call them wicked.

Yes, the KKK exists, but most Christians at the time had the same reaction as Christians in the modern day with Westboro Baptist Church.

As ashtkerr says, that’s actually the opposite of what happened.

if you actually read the Bible and especially the Qu’Ran, you’ll have grounds to condemn them that go beyond hearsay and are much more… inspiring! :wink:

I find “racism” and “sexism” to be pretty meaningless terms created by marxists to morph in to whatever form they wish, in order to create thoughtcrimes and engineer a compliant society, BUT it is worth noting that Muslim women had property rights far in advance of those granted to Christian women for a long time, so be careful about stereotyping them, toxic as they are.

Personally I find the prohibition on magick and the lockdown on interacting with all other entities, and the genocide committed on Europeans (and other groups) by Xianity first and now, Islam coming for a second scoop, is reason enough to hate and to have combatted them as I did (link in other thread).

The weird phobias about women you find in the Bible and other cults from that region are also fucked up, but the thought-stream of humanity as equal sheep, spiritually powerless and either in need of salvation or of endless work to merit evading hellfire, under only one “god” and its annointed son is the most heinous misrepresentation, IMO.

We’re only discussing this and not three remarkably-similar-but-opposed Inca sects because that slave mentality (like the communist ideals it later spawned) makes people easy to manipulate, and so there was an incentive to spread it as far as possible.

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“Some apocryphal accounts state that at the time of her betrothal to Joseph, Mary was 12–14 years old, and he was ninety years old, but such accounts are unreliable.”
More on those accounts: CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Joseph

Absolutely no solid evidence for the age of Mary and Joseph (if those characters actually did exist), but some Muslim channel used that in order to justify Mahomet’s marriage to six year-old Aisha and his deflowering of her three years later…

Regardless of cultural context, there was certainly a huge physical difference between a six or nine year-old girl and a fully grown woman. Most men (of any age in history) would have absolutely no sexual desire for a child so young—there’d simply be no interest and arousal at all!

In order to have sexual relations w/ a child so young, one must have express carnal desires for them. And keep in mind there are still Islamic countries where sexual marriage to girls aged 12 or less (like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen and Nigeria) is legally admitted.


We have two very early witnesses arguing for an old ag of St. Joseph and a young age for Mary at the time of their betrothal. The Infancy Gospel of James (145 AD), and the Panarion of St. Epiphanius of Salamis (374-375).

There are three views on the question of who are Jesus’ brothers. The Epiphanian view, the Hieronymian view, and the Helvidian view.

The Orthodox Church believes in the Epiphanian view, that the brothers of Jesus were from a previous marriage of St. Joseph. This is the earliest tradition.

The Catholic Church believes in the Hieronymian view, taken from St. Jerome (347-420). That the brothers of Jesus are cousins.

And the Protestants (for the most part) believe the Helvidian view, taken from the heretic Helvidius. Who wrote a book before 383 teaching that the brothers of Jesus are his blood brothers from St. Joseph and Mary.

So, the idea that Joseph was 70 and Mary was 12 is not Muslim hearsay, but instead is the belief of an entire Church body.

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Not exactly what I was getting at, but essentially correct. Humans are going to act and think with human error.

takes a shot of Mead

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Gonna play devils advocate here (heh).
Which civilisation prior to the abrahamic did NOT have slavery?

Ancient Egypt?
Pagan Arabia?
Babylonian ?
(There are exceptions above yes but what was the rule?)
Which one did not take women captive after war?
Fuck they even had sacred prostitution where the girls had no choice on who to fuck in the temple.

These are the civilisations where the roots of our magick systems developed, thier gods are the demons and deities we commune with.

They are spoken about like they were the most liberal egalitarian democracies.
The most definitely were not. They were brutal societies if you were part of the wrong social class.
“But Laith the abrahamics are anti magick and ascent” I hear you say…
Well what did the Greeks do in Egypt, they collected all the magic scriptures from the temples and hid sone destroyed others so they can’t be used against thier rule)
Simple conclusion those in power abuse it and don’t want competition with thier power.
same way the Chinese are locking up fulan gaung practitioners and are shit scared of psychic children (According to drunvalo Melchizedek).

Shit I wouldn’t be surprised if the crackdown on magick in modern day society happens. if people in the general public and those in power started seeing this as a threat and believed it’s real they would shut it down (or at least try). Same reason it got shut down before. Power in humans doesn’t want competition. We’re lucky that we’re seen as a joke right now.

You acting like it will never happen to us well right now there are many novices (myself included) 5 years from now how good will they be? And how advanced will the already advanced be?
To know to will to dare to keep silent.
People need to take that last part seriously, shutting the fuck up and pretending you’re a muggle might save you one day.
Edit: moar gifs


This is also true. The origin of the problem is religion as a device of control, and this is no phenomena exclusive to the Abrahamic faiths. Organized religious structures generally have and always will be a drain on humanity, and only serve as much function as the population requires in proportion to that population’s size. Slavery exists in every country even today, in some form, but I feel religious leadership came before slavery, so I have to look at it as a root cause of human suffering.


Ancient Egypt was a fertile valley and shunned the desert as belonging to the forces of Chaos and destruction; their entire culture, along with its insanely OCD aspects, was predicated on honouring the annual Nile inundation which prevented their land being a desert. :slight_smile:

Norse, Aztec, Siberian, middle European, Chinese, Indian… all very much not of the desert, and considerably saner, in many ways, primarily the one I’m going to address below at more length… :thinking:

(I have a theory on why desert cults are so fucked, I’ll save that for when I have time to word it in the LEAST triggering fashion! :laughing: )

Obviously the key issue here is spiritual slavery, and the kinds of restrictions and outright pathologies that develop when EVERYONE is a slave.

So it’s that I want to address: why do these desert cults have such toxic power compared to the types of magico-religious societies, and beliefs, named above?

Simple answer – the statement that there is only one god.

Once you have that in place, you open up a small but critical need for believers to start thought-policing themselves and others, and to start limiting spiritual exploration and experiences, because you cut out the possibility of calling on ANY other entity, which slowly becomes the ancestors, nature spirits, you also get to create social and later, religious/criminal crimes to prosecute anyone whose actual experience is that other spirits exist.

It’s like 2 people trying to hike and follow compass bearings, a teeny 2 degree difference doesn’t seem huge at first, but go 10, 20, 50 miles and you’ve diverged so far that you’re visibly on a different route.

Cut out ancestors, and you replace the sense of identity with that of the Church, its esteemed figures, and the clergy, which – well, we’ve seen how that worked out for the Catholics, and it happens elsewhere even with married clergy.

Remove the right to contact the dead at all, you have people left in dread and fear, which then means you can drive in the wedge of saying “you MUST comply with these rules about everything, or you will burn for all eternity in hellfire and damnation.”

Remove the chance to call on other spirits, suddenly there’s only one go-to god for all your needs, and of course, by this stage you’re happy to burn anyone who does magick, has different beliefs, or sees spirits.

One god means justification for imposing a pre-set belief structure with multiple limitations, ALL of which are disempowering and spiritually enslaving.

Introduce blasphemy and heresy laws, so there’s not only ONE god, but people must believe in “Him” in the exact same way and perform the exact same observances - and bam, you’ve created an immediate justification for killing people you don’t like, something that happens with the (almost always FALSE) accusations against people for dishonouring the Qu’ran in many countries right now, and which led to the deaths of millions across European history.

It also leads to the creation of the concept of thought-crimes, which were more or less unknown prior to this (people were judged on their actions, not for having incorrect beliefs), then you also get the concept found in these religions that all humans are EQUAL, which again looks nice on paper, because who wants to think someone might be better than them, right?

But then you get marxism, the next mutation, which is REALLY big in thoughtcrimes and on violence and brutal mass murder of those who dare believe a different system may be better.

So again, you take something that may, to a starving peasant, look reasonable enough, and you end up with over 100 million dead, for having the wrong type of beliefs, a concept that began with the Abrahamic faiths and the steadily tightening noose which it creates through the insistence, and this isn’t a mistranslation, that (first) only one god could be worshipped, and which later became the statement that there is only one god, period.

And of course, this one “God” smiling merrily on its faithful still creates various requirements to convert or kill those filth who fail to see The Truth™ - something that has gone on forever and been rekindled with more zeal thanks to islam, possibly the nuttiest interpretation of the "“here is only one ‘God’ and you must worship him as I do” because, of course, along with jihad in infidel nations, Muslims do also like to kill different kinds of Muslims quite enthusiastically, which is why they then have to flee Muslim nations in such great numbers.

Finally, that people will act in previously unthinkably inhumane ways when they feel the have the sanction of authority was demonstrated in both the Milgram experiment, which was duplicated with similar results on several different occasions, and also the Stanford Prison experiment.

What higher authority can there be than “God” and all the writings and teachings in a society that strives to worship “Him” with the utmost devotion and fervency, in order to avoid eternal torment?

While all societies and belief systems may at times veer into this murky territory, the Abrahamic faiths which rest on having doctrines in a Book which can never be altered, and a whole invested structure to enforce compliance of thought, belief, and practice, open this up to be a normal manner of proceeding in society, instead of a temporary abberation.

This isn’t a “slippery slope” fallacy or warning of something that I fear may happen, but which seems unlikely – this is recorded human history for the last two millenia, and the present day’s main source of political tensions, and in parts of western Europe, massive social upheaval.

So, that’s my analysis of why these faiths are so abhorrent, so opposed to everything magick and ascent stands for, and so fundamentally anti-human from root to tip. :slight_smile:


One thing I want to add, is that I don’t rule out the possibility that the figure we call Jesus was, at first, a person or syncretised group who had taken the high level of magick and what amounted to theogensis (self-identification as not just A god, but THE god - the creative Source) to a point of excellence, which is what the PGM hint at, what can be seen underlying the Mediterranean syncretism that we find in hermetic magick (and explained in full detail in Stephen Flowers’ book of that name, spelled without the K).

So for that reason I don’t find it weird if people want to work with that figure, archetype, whatever.

But the fact his cult became one of the heaviest shackles of oppression, very rapidly, and was the tool by which first Europe and later, other culktures, were culturally genocided and stripped of their native spirituality and ancestral beliefs means I don’t personally want to dabble in it either, because sifting the murk from the entire thing when it has little relevance to my present day life, and when the gods, spirits, and teachings he would have absorbed are available to me in the same way, seems like a regressive step.

But I do grant the possibility of it, based on what I’ve read and on various other patterns that seem to repeath through history, the same way I accept that some of the saints performed miracles, but it’s my contention that they performed them within Xianity because that was literally the only game in trtown, and NOT because it’s unique in granitng powers, especially when you consider that large numbers of Xians on the Protestant side would have been very happy to burn them at the stake, and tear down those who revere them as idolators…


I feel you not only convinced me but also inserted this idea into my head.

This is the first and last star wars meme I’m using.
I understand where you’re coming from clearly now.


Holy fuck we just broke the internet! :scream_cat: :smiley:


I see the JCI as three different flavors of spiritual slavery. So in that context I find it hard to hate a slave who doesn’t try to push his slavery on you which is why I don’t say that I hate Christians, Muslims, or Jews anymore if they don’t push their beliefs on me. But sadly the JCI isn’t known for that. They are known for their path of carnage throughout the history of man and for the ravage of the consciousness of man. Were there some inspiring people who used this pile of crap belief system(s)? Sure. I would even consider Jesus one of them if he even existed as they say he did. But for every saint, there are a hundred dead human beings who were killed for their beliefs, rebellion against Yahweh’s ridiculous laws, or spiritual practices. Just do research into Saint Olaf or for a modern example, the Catholic church’s actions in Haiti. The JCI can’t tolerate other beliefs which is exactly why they are and SHOULD be bashed. The Catholic Church almost drove a species of tree to extinction in Haiti just because it was holy in Vodun and this was the sixties for fucks sake.


I have the opposite opinion when it comes to religions believe that my eternal destiny relies on me choosing their religion in this life. If a Christian or Muslim doesn’t proselytize (Jews don’t believe that you have to be a Jew to enter heaven, in fact it’s easier to enter heaven as a non-Jew, so they actively discourage conversion) then I have no respect for them. Because how much can you really hate someone else to not tell them about the only way to avoid hell (from their perspective at least). Penn Jillette, famous skeptic and atheist has a similar view on proselytation.

But, my views are minority, most people want to treat religion like a social club that should not effect how you interact in the world. And I can respect that view to an extent.


I’m not an opposer to religion. People chose there own path. If said person follow follow a God/Goddes instead of becoming one, fine with me. Whom am I to chose their life?

But I do disrespect Yehovah and Allah since they chose to disrespect me. They say I am a slave to them and should follow them without question. No, that’s not me. I am on my way to become a God, why should I enslave myself for them?


Yeah, I made that point on here a while back when someone was being harassed by their friend, I mean a lot of us on here have some bugbear, like mine is testing for dietary intolerances and not eating certain foods, other people it might be adopting a vegan or keto diet, it’s human nature and a pro-evolutionary thing to try and stop someone else fucking up, and help them go in the “right” direction.

But the KILLING of those who won’t adopt the faith, that is VERY fucked up and unlike trying to truly save people, as the preachers are trying to do, this doesn’t pass the sniff test because the killers believe in their hearts that they’re condemning the other person to eternal hellfire, when maybe next week, or next year, they’d have “seen the light” and joined the faithful, so that’s where I draw the line.

Of course some religion push this harder than others…


I see where you are coming from, but what business is it to anyone what someone else does with their own soul? If it was as simple a matter as spreading awareness I would never have an issue with any religious organization, but they never seem to stop there, do they? I have no issue with any religion, actually, because I do not care what others believe, but the organizations built around them are a threat to freedom in multiple ways.