From Star Moving To Star Removal

This isn’t true. Moving a star a centimeter is, in the grand scheme of things, nothing. GamingOn could make the claim that he nudged the sun a centimeter all day long, and no one would be able to prove otherwise, since there would be no perceptible difference. Hell, the changes in gravity wouldn’t even make it to us immediately.

If he’s really removed a star from the sky, then it would take time for the stars around it to move accordingly, while the crease in spacetime that forms the gravitational track on which the star was moving straightens out, so to speak.

…Still something that would be front page of every science news outlet all over the world.

What we have here is impossible to prove without serious coordination. What we need is a timed moment where several available magicians are looking at the same constellation and say if they perceive a difference in it. Then, you have some potential evidence the guy can pull a David Copperfield on an astral body for a brief moment.

As it is, I’m concerned this might be a symptom of some working that’s gotten completely out of hand.

EDIT: Just adding that even after the stars orbits were adjusted, it could still take millions of years for their light to reach us. Going to just jump on the “it’s maybe a glamour” train now.

This isn’t true. Moving a star a centimeter is, in the grand scheme of things, nothing. GamingOn could make the claim that he nudged the sun a centimeter all day long, and no one would be able to prove otherwise, since there would be no perceptible difference. Hell, the changes in gravity wouldn’t even make it to us immediately.

If he’s really removed a star from the sky, then it would take time for the stars around it to move accordingly, while the crease in spacetime that forms the gravitational track on which the star was moving straightens out, so to speak.

…Still something that would be front page of every science news outlet all over the world.

What we have here is impossible to prove without serious coordination. What we need is a timed moment where several available magicians are looking at the same constellation and say if they perceive a difference in it. Then, you have some potential evidence the guy can pull a David Copperfield on an astral body for a brief moment.

As it is, I’m concerned this might be a symptom of some working that’s gotten completely out of hand.[/quote]

Yeah I will try to do that after I record a star moving tomorrow when its more bright. That is really easy to do and the Big Dipper stars are really bright. When I try to remove one I see little mini stars going into it red ones and they vanish.

I tried for quite some time and it appears as though I have dimmed it a bit but anyway I appreciate all the feedback and will be posting a star moving tomorrow since I couldn’t today cause phone was dead and by the time it was charged enough for me to record it was too dark :frowning:

I’ll tell you now this isn’t going to work. Pretending for a moment this is legit and you have the ability to tweak reality this easily, when it comes to reality manipulation there are certain rules that are very hard to break. One is you can’t do something that would drastically violate established collective reality tunnels, like perminantly making a dinosaur appear in the middle of your room, or making the big dipper perminantly vanish. The reality tunnel will treat that attempt like a virus and reject it. If this is legit I could see you get away with making some star no one pays attention to leave our observable reality, if people don’t notice it, it’s almost as if it was never there in the first place so thats doable, but the big dipper won’t be so easy.

Have you ever seen orions belt look how it does now? Check it out and if you don’t notice the big deeper now has a bent handle I am working on removing the middle star of orions belt altogether but check out that new shape :wink: as the big dipper is a part of the consolation of orions belt.

I hope I don’t have my stars wrong if I am messing with the righ cosoloation you will see 3 stars that are there in the middle fomring his belt and I am messing with the middle one so keep your eyes on it. Let me know if I have the wrong conslation.[/quote]
You are sadly delusional if you really think you are moving stars, and not simply trolling. Claiming to have “bent” the handle of the Big Dipper is easily disproved by anyone in the Northern Hemisphere by simply going outside and looking up.

Looks normal, by the way. My brain, eyes, binoculars and telescope tell me so.

Have you ever seen orions belt look how it does now? Check it out and if you don’t notice the big deeper now has a bent handle I am working on removing the middle star of orions belt altogether but check out that new shape :wink: as the big dipper is a part of the consolation of orions belt.

I hope I don’t have my stars wrong if I am messing with the righ cosoloation you will see 3 stars that are there in the middle fomring his belt and I am messing with the middle one so keep your eyes on it. Let me know if I have the wrong conslation.[/quote]
You are sadly delusional if you really think you are moving stars, and not simply trolling. Claiming to have “bent” the handle of the Big Dipper is easily disproved by anyone in the Northern Hemisphere by simply going outside and looking up.

Looks normal, by the way. My brain, eyes, binoculars and telescope tell me so.[/quote]

First off fuck you. Second off I seem to have woken at 4:35 am so you thinking I can’t move the stars is awesome as soon I will have video of said fact I can’t wait to hear your bullshit of how I edited the video though.

Well, CrimsonWolf already checked for us and saw no difference in the stars which tells me for absolute certainty that this is a glamor effect and you are manipulating how people around you view reality without actually changing reality.

Think about it, stars are very far away, millions of millions of lightyears. If you truly moved the star, you wouldn’t know until the light from the event hit you millions of years into the future. It being glamor just makes sense.

dont see any Difference Either, Its just glamour effect.

I am not unhappy I am wrong but happy I know what I am causing now I was told this in the BALG chat too so I decided to take it at face value and then use the glamour effect instead of on the stars on my body so far the only thing that has stuck meaning stayed glamourised is my adams apple is now not visible.

Also I don’t seem to be very good at changing colors of things just yet but I did have heavy bags under my eyes and removed the sight of them from myself.


Can you make people think that the Great Pyramid at Giza breifly levitated 100 feet into the air? Should be possible given the heat haze effect, and if enough people think they see it, it might make the news pages. (I picked that because it has enough weirdness pointed at it anyway, so the overall current of thought is in your favour.)

Not sure honestly I always have to be staring at an object to glamour it.

You can do so on a picture,right?

Alternatively,try remote viewing,soul travel or something to go there.

Not sure honestly I always have to be staring at an object to glamour it.[/quote]

Are you still into poker?

Because there must be ways you can get in a live game, and make people think their hands are crap, or better than they really are (or whatever would work, I’m not an expert!), or even online, via XaTuring, and see what you can do.

Also since this is most likely a glamour (which by the way, is still an awesome gift!), it seems that some of that glamour is bouncing back onto you GamingOn. It appears that you might be accidently glamouring yourself at the same time you glamour others. While I can think of situations that glamouring oneself can come in handy, I feel it mostly will hinder you if you are just trying it on others and the glamour is meant for others.