Friends with Benefits III: For a Few Dollars More

taokua - I think doing various forms of divination re: the workings is a great idea and great practice as well. You could use it to make needed connections, to choose the best working and spirits, to see the result of a choice, and more.

I’ve just done my very first evocation for a blessing upon the group.

I choose Martal, with a request of clearing the past for each partaker of the group toward the fulfilment of their goals and their Ascent. I made sure that the path would be benevolent for the members of the group too (Ascent can be harsh if too fast!).

My props for the ritual were the most basic and I didn’t see a visual manifestation. But I knew he was here, I noticed the shifts during the steps of the ritual.

I even wrote down his reply after my request. He’s stated himself as a gate opener, but that it will be the work of everyone then to walk through these gates. He said that he already bless the group (maybe he was at soon as I told him to do so… or maybe someone else called him before for the same purpose?!) and that everyone will reap what will be sow.

Last night I performed the death of the old self ritual as well as my first evocation for the list.

For Count Zeros task of acquiring enough money to pay of debt I chose Salas’ash from BoA. As no specific amount was given and the task implies that once paid this task will be “finished” (as opposed to generating ongoing investments for example) Salas’ash seemed appropriate with his ability to generate single , unspecified sums of money.

I also performed a three card tarot draw during the ritual to gain clarification and insight, a technique mention in the latest S Connolly interview.

The ritual went fairly well. I have PM’d Count Zero the specifics of the results, I am happy for him to share them here if he wishes.

So, in case anyone is wondering, yes, the project is underway. Go to your respective group threads and find out what the assignments are. :slight_smile:

This week, you should be doing the Death of the Old Self ritual, a blessing/guiding ritual or evocation (optional), and your two assigned workings from your group.

Group 1: [url=][/url]

TheWanderingFool [request confirmed]
Sinata [request confirmed]
necromaster [request confirmed]
Divinator [request confirmed]
taokua [request confirmed]
PyreOD [request confirmed]
HGA-7-5 [request confirmed]
Defectron [request confirmed]

Group 2: [url=][/url]

Count Zero [request confirmed]
Azesiel [request confirmed]
Soundwave [request confirmed]
Frater Apotheosis [request confirmed]
Malice [request confirmed]
DarkestKnight [request confirmed]
HedoNNN [request confirmed]
X [request confirmed]

I completed the Death of the Old Self ritual this afternoon. Now, on to the workings :slight_smile:

I performed the Death of the Old Self ritual back in December when the newsletter came out so it’s still in process.

In EA’s interview with Gozer he mentioned that Belial is excellent for legal issues, so that’s an option TheWonderingFool’s task.

By the way, I won’t be performing full evocations as I simply don’t have a suitable location to burn incense. I plan on calling on the watchtowers at the beginning of each working and I’d like to start out with the elements. EA’s newsletter said that you essentially just need visualise each element personified in human form in its respected direction. Can anyone comment on this compared to calling on the actual elemental kings?

For the death of the old self ritual, I’m using the sigil of thanatos instead of the pentagram. Was going to burn it tonight, but I think I’ll go over and see if I can find some of that death current incense Connelly talks about to burn along with the paper.

I performed the DOS ritual night before last, ready to start working and see what we accomplish.

Metatron777’s brother, who had requested a working on both he and his brother’s behalf, will be replaced by his brother HGA-7-5, who will be doing the working instead. They were previously both working on it regardless, but the younger brother will be doing the bulk of the work now. For the workers of the project, this shouldn’t change anything other than names on a page.

For Count Zero.

Yesterday I zoomed in his avatar picture then draw on a paper the major lines of this (hidden) face with the intent of making a connection with him.

I made some searches and found that indeed, Lokurst would be an appropriate spirit to work with. I draw his sigil on another piece of paper.

This morning, after a deep (and quite long) meditation, I lighted a black candle. With an already deep sense of peace and slow movements I put the sigil of Lukorst over my drawing of Count Zero’s picture… a way to let the energy know that the working is for him.

I went deeper in trance using pranayama, then started gazing Lokurst’s sigil while imagining Count Zero paying all of his debt, confident, happy and secure about his financial future.

I don’t know how much time I went through this, but I really feel a strong positive energy while doing this, I was genuinly smiling myself, the sigil was flashing, energy went through my body.

I then stated my intent verbally. Say thank you 3 times. Blow the candle. Fold the sigil against the picture of Count Zero. Sealed them with the black wax of the candle and put them inside the Martal’s sigil I used to bless the group.

I feel good about it. :slight_smile:

Nice ritual HedoNNN. Sounds like you put a good deal of thought into that.

I’ve got a little something I’m planning for Sinata’s goal, with Sinata’s approval I’ll post some pics and details after the working is complete.

Go for it :slight_smile: I am still around. Just having computer issues. Will write again soon. Currently using my PS3 controller to write this…Hope all is well with everyone.

Just wanted to tell everyone working on my behalf thanks. I don’t know what you guys are doing but the past couple days I realized I haven’t been thinking about the trial. I also found out there is talk of a possible settlement but nothing concrete yet. Thanks all, I’ll let you know how it turns out.

For Count Zero, I am working with King Paimon. I have had excellent results with him in the past. I will request a continuous flow for each person in my group instead of just a one time hit.

Began working for Sinata’s goal. I made a poppet of her using modeling clay mixed with Blessing oil. I used a picture from her Facebook and placed it on the head for a visual aid. Drew the sigil of Raphael on the body of the poppet and opened it while visualizing her doctor telling her she has a clean bill of health and praising her for her hard work and dedication. I placed the poppet on a bed of herbs for cleansing, strengthening and drawing in health and fortune to assist in her goal. I also set a glass candle with a sigil I created for overcoming adversity.

I saw positive signs from a series of divinations I performed. I saw that she would be successful in her goal, and that success would come from mastery of herself, overcoming her obstacles, and finding balance in her life.

I will make the rituals THIS WEEKEND.

I need photo and name of the members, please private message me. I will make the rituals this weekend!

Hey guys, for countzero i charge the sigil of bethor, on a piece of paper and visualize, him having enough money to pay his debts, then i took a white candle and wrote his name and bethor sigil in the white candle with a green marker to represent money. I chant some words that flow form my lips, then i place the candle on top of the sigil, by accident the wax of the candle that melt it form the flame, fell on top of the sigil. After that an idea hit me saying you should burn the candle, and draw the sigil of the entity using the wax that melt from the candle then open it like how you would have it if it was on a piece of paper, i haven’t try this new idea yet, I got a feeling i should :slight_smile: back to the ritual, I let the candle burn to it couldn’t no more, and thank bethor.

For Azesiel, I followed nearly the same process as my work for Count Zero.

Yesterday: researches for the proper spirit to work with, establishing connection with Azesiel, gathering of the tools and preparation of the altar.
I felt drawn to Ghob for this working. Just drawing his sigil already felt quite strong and… magical!

This morning:

  • Long void meditation
  • Lighting a black candle, statement of intent
  • Pranayama / Invocation of Omnipotence
  • Opening of the sigil of Ghob while visualizing big riches coming to Azesiel from everywhere in a positive energy, visualizing that good things will come fast and improve his finances for years and years since then

The sigil was midly flashing but then I “heard” Ghob saying : “State your wish.”

That’s weird because this is not a full evocation and I didn’t expect to “hear” (in my mind) the spirit speak to me.

So I stated the wished result… then the sigil started to flash like crazy! It was impressive.

I stayed in this state a while, then thank him. Blow the candle. Seal with black was the paper-target of Azesiel with the Ghob’s sigil, then put them in the Martal’s sigil.

I think I’ll continue this way, it’s very interesting.

@HedoNNN - thanks! I will have to give that a try also. I have not worked with Ghob yet, but now I am intrigued to do so.
I was going to work with Paimon for everyone but perhaps I will switch it up.
When I did my working (and continue to) for CountZero, the sigil flashed like crazy. Perhaps it is because of the group effort? Very cool!