Free Tarot Readings

It’s been awhile since I use this deck, The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck so what better place to warm up than BALG

Post your question here or PM, first 5 people will get a reading from me.


will my ex come back

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What is the general outcome of me working with the current spirits I’m focusing on and those I’m thinking of contacting in regards to my development and ascent?

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I’m down for a reading, Tatters, if you’ll have me :slight_smile:

I would like a general reading on my life, please. I feel stuck and am looking for direction.

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i forgot to add i have my lord helping me out with this but i want to know is will he come back n stay this time…

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Can I get one :hugs:

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What’s the outcome of the main magical project I’m working on?

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what is the most wisest choice in my current life situation?

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ok i’ll give reading one by one be patient

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Present time you’re still on delusion and wondering “what if” about your break up. “Maybe”, “could be” etc. It shows your resistance to face the reality that your relationship is over. Your current obstacle is to wake up and realize that it is indeed over, as cosmic egg is a remedy of broken heart, and a reminder that while the journey has ended, life still needs to go on, as it is suggested that in the near future you will be given two choice in relation to your past relationship, to the old or the new, in which it will be the last chance to ever reconciliate the relationship. Your best outcome of this situation is wisdom growth, and it is best for you to be patient for the result you are hoping for. Horse card suggested that deep down you are not one to give up on your quest, even if it doesn’t do much benefit for you. It is adviced for you to take a step back and ground yourself, think what’s best for you, look to your future and trust yourself. The magick you do/did will effect the outcome of this situation, so be careful especially on your untapped magickal potential. Jealousy will be your worst enemy. Right now the cards is telling me that you will get your ex back but not in a kind of relationship you are hoping for.


whats currently blocking me? or is it just me?

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You’re currently in transition phase, perhaps relationship/sexual stuff, or working with spirits on those area. But you have hard time trusting people and yourself, and this is something you need to overcome. In near time you will be facing a concerning situation where you will need to be compassionate and protective. When you succefully faced this obstacle, you will untapped an unawaken magick inside you and progress toward your goal. Fox card suggested you are working with strong spirits that will help you, or a mate, and that you need to reconnect with those people you love. The cards adviced you to stop worrying and be grateful of the present because stuff and spirtis your working with are on your favor at the moment. Take a time to enjoy all your hardwork, but don’t take it as a sign to slack off. One of the main obstacle that you will face while progressing is the feeling/need to giving up. This might influence the outcome in the future. When you start worrying and being scared, it will be the start of your downfall. You will start complaining and neglecting your work/reality. Failed to do this, you will fall out of balance and stop yourself from progressing. TLDR; your spirits are working fine and will help you greatly, in the near future you will be tested, you need to watch out for your fears and feel to give up.

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I saw I was above your 5 quota limit. If you still taking requests, I would appreciate one.

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Thank you. Very accurate, both with who I’m working with and the trust issues.

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Im trying to work out why im faced with simultaneous multiple incarnations in this present life and im keen to hear the perspective of the animal kingdom. Thank you :blue_heart:

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Your present is that you are not a newbie anymore and you are lost on where is your next step on the journey. You’re self concious and apprehensive about this. Reversed lizard indicates that you overextended your journey to find the next step and your magickal abilities and its draining yourself out. This card remind you to pull off, step back and listen to someone who has been whispering your name. If you can’t break from this cycle, you will try to control people and things you cannot control, and eventually lose control of yourself. If you finally break from this cycle, you will finally stop wondering “what if” and stiop being stuck in a pit of questioning life and your past choices, and finally move on. Reversed hawk also indicates that you’re so suspicious in general and that’s one of the thing that block your journey. The cards adviced you to consider your mind and perception, get back your sense of wonder and passions on magick, and clearly see your path and what’s blocking you. It’s usually yourself. Your biggest fear is trust, this is something you need to overcome. When you sucessfully overcome this obstacle you will find a person who will inform you of an important message, most likely on your next path, and it will be a truth.

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do you have anything specific or just general?

My question is in regards to the picture sigil below: Who or what is this sigil / image.

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wow sounds about right i trust that it will work out im not one to give up i just dont know how but im defiantly going to take this advice from what i kno the things i did are working but he is afraid to take that step he needs time n im ok with that since i have alot going on myself right now he ust eeds to know him self hat he wants

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If you are taking any request…can I ask how can I get rid of my depression/obsession…

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