Free tarot readings

I no longer offer free readings at this time. I do however offer readings for a reasonable price. If interested contact me by pm and we will arrange payment (PayPal only) and the details you would like a reading on.

For those interested my rates will be:
3 cards 1 question $5
3 cards 3 questions $12
5 cards 1 question $7
5 cards 3 questions $17
Celtic Cross 1 question $12
15 card Thoth spread 1 question $20

I encourage everyone to look through the reviews/testimonials by those who took advantage of the free readings on this thread.


I just asked TWF for a divination of the current magical surrounding around meā€¦
I already knew the situation, but asked for a divination to help on confirming TWF skills on divination.

I can say that it was definitly RIGHT. Congratulations with your progress, TWF.

-TWF-ā€˜s reading was amazing. I asked about my work with Hecate and Belial and his words could have come out of either of their mouths. He was not at all hesitant to tell me the facts of my situation in a matter-of-fact yet empowering way.
His reading was very reveling and tapped into a deep problem I have been having. He shed light on it and now I have a clear picture of what I need to do to move forward.
Thanks Bro!


Although I consider -TWF- a very dear friend, I must say this, his divā€™s have had a very real & positive impact on my life as of late.

YESā€¦Iā€™m shamelessly plugging his abilities all!!!

-TWF- has not only relayed some info that I needed in order to exercise my POWER, but, he has given me pointers for my own reading abilities as well. If you havenā€™t already invested in The BALG Divination courseā€¦DO IT!
If you havenā€™t already booked a Personal Consult with E.Aā€¦DO IT!!! If you want another Black Magickian (yesā€¦I do use the ā€œcā€ and the ā€œkā€:)) to assist you in Divination/Readingā€¦-TWF-ā€¦DO IT!!!

Itā€™s really THAT simply.


Thanks for the kind words everyone. Everyone who hasnā€™t received their reply will have it in the morning once I get home. Those who have got their readings and have not posted their thoughts please do so. Thanks.

Thanks to -TWF- for my reading regarding the OAA material! Much appreciated! Also, thanks for the reading on the other thingā€¦I have much contemplation ahead.


I was able to get a blank reading from TWF

I was very satisfied with this, and I would recommend his services to anyone who wants to better understand their situation. His services can be described only as ā€œspot onā€. The words ā€œaccurateā€ and ā€œpreciseā€ also come to mind though.

Take advantage of his offer while it standsā€¦This is a service to the forum members.

Best of Luck,
-Frater Apotheosis

Great reading by TWF!!! I asked for a blank reading and a reading concerning some work I have been doing with Halahā€™thorā€™s sigil.

Both strands to the reading were eerily accurate in describing my present circumstances and hopes for the future, as well as what needs to be done.

Where else but the BALG forum can you find nuggets of greatness like this?!

A brilliant reading from TWF! Accurate beyond belief! Nothing was sugar coated and his advice on a serious problem that I have could not have come at a better time!

Thank you again!

Thanks for the reading, Iā€™m pretty sure I know what I need to do here.

I must say that TWFā€™s reading was really accurate as a general read of my life and also relating to one specific part of the question/s I asked. The second part is where he gave advice that I already knew what was truly happening and he was right, I just needed that verification to trust myself. It really showed what Iā€™ve been going through this last month or so on multiple levels.

Thanks very much for the read bro! Keep up the killer work!

I appreciate all the feedback everyone. I just wanted to take the time to make some things clear. EVERYBODY that is a member of BALG is welcome to get a reading. You may ask multiple questions but I ask that you limit each pm to two questions so that the replies do not get confusing. You may send multiple pmā€™s if you have multiple questions or would like more readings. PLEASE give me some feedback on this thread if Iā€™ve read for you, telling me it was good or bad is a pretty good deal for a free reading.


[quote="-TWF-, post:12, topic:1892"]I appreciate all the feedback everyone. I just wanted to take the time to make some things clear. EVERYBODY that is a member of BALG is welcome to get a reading. You may ask multiple questions but I ask that you limit each pm to two questions so that the replies do not get confusing. You may send multiple pmā€™s if you have multiple questions or would like more readings. PLEASE give me some feedback on this thread if Iā€™ve read for you, telling me it was good or bad is a pretty good deal for a free reading.


My personal opinion of your servicesā€¦Is that I would recommend you to my family. In addition to my approval Iā€™d like to point out that you have effectively gone 2 days without a bad review, while providing a FREE service to some of the most discerning, knowledgeable, and experienced magicians who compose the membership of this forum. I notice you have every single personā€™s approval whoā€™s posted, and aside from airing their personal details, they are usually willing to go on at length about your skill and accuracy.

I could speak at length, but I think the results clearly speak for themselves.

May I ask the question, to what do you credit this success?

Best of Luck,
-Frater Apotheosis

This probably sounds stupid Frater A, but I quit caring or over thinking about what Iā€™m doing. I simply trust my intuition. I noticed for a couple of people whom I already know some of their personal details from previous conversations I had a more difficult time than with someone I knew little about, I was wondering what cards I was going to come up with. Everyone else I didnā€™t know whatā€™s right or wrong, I just interpret the cards meaning in relationship to each other and the question as best I can.

I have noticed my intuition has spiked during this marathon of readings and Iā€™m happy for that. I also notice that my mind is ridiculously more active right now and Iā€™m having trouble sleeping but am not suffering the feelings of sleep deprivation. I usually read two full hours a day answering peopleā€™s questions now and I consider that a lot more than my normal 3-5 spreads a week practice I used to do.

Eventually Iā€™ll offer Rune readings and later down the road Sangoma bone readings ala Cat Yronwode. I will not be doing either of these as of yet but its something for us to look forward to.


Your reading was thorough and very accurate when compared against the readings I have been doing for myself and the readings my apprentice has done for me. Although the topic we discussed is in relation to future events the very cards that came up are the ones Iā€™ve been pulling as of late. Especially the Princess of Wands card.

Without going into too much personal details I would like to shamelessly plug TWFā€™s divination skills. Props and Cudos to you amigo!


Click on my avatar and select send pm.

Excellent reading. Enough said.

I cant say anything more than i have to agree the reviews!
Great reading skills.
Is there a limit on how many questions can be asked?

You can ask more questions, just limit them to 2 per msg for clarityā€™s sake. everyone who hasnā€™t received your reply Iā€™ll do my best to have the rest done by tomorrow morning.

This is a very good way to train your intuition after all!