Free tarot readings :)

Very spot on! Thanks!!

I don’t know how to break this to you but I meant I’d chase that member up as well, not just DK doing it, glad you can now count to three though! :clown_face:

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In the past, you had to move on. Maybe it wasn’t easy, but walking away from a situation was what you did. (VIII cup)

Now, and I’m so sorry for you, but you seem to be in a rough time. It might be because of this breaking apart, or something else, but it’s difficult regardless. (VI)

But things will get easier, and in the future you’ll find your resolution. End of a journey, and that’s for the best. Maybe you’ll find something that truly makes you happy, like your one “true” vocation or love! Or maybe the release of freedom will be enough (The World)

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Eva’s post disappeared before my eyes!


Yeah had to edit thing. :smiley:

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Please could my reading be a private one please and not on the thread

Now, you need time to rest. Take a step back, recuperate and find out your next plan of attack, sleep on something. MAybe this is not what you need, or you’re approaching this wrong. (IV sword)

Luck is on your side. What is best, will happen. Just let it fall where it may, (wheel of fortune)

Err… You might not like this card. VIII of cups, walking away from a relationship or situation. Maybe you’re better off without them, or you need a break, but it’s time to step away.

I pulled two cards on accident! Try figure out which apply, both or one or the other. I personally think both.

Work together with people on a project, maybe get others to help you change your life. Whether they be physical or spiritual. (III pentacles)

Also, there may be a new opportunity for love, or a developed love in a raw form. It’s overflowing, or will be! This will help you. (ace cup)

Hey, could I get something career oriented? And maybe if there’s something important I should focus on right now c:

I’d love some reading in this areas of my life please:

My future in my present place of work
Is Mmesoma likely to be my future wife? If yes ok but if no how do I know when I meet my twin flame.
Is my dad’s spirit peaceful where he is now
Is the business I’m planning to start by month end going to be profitable
What’s Esther’s thought about me
Is there any ancestral spirit disturbing my family, if yes what will likely appease it to leave us alone.

Pls pardon me for this long request. They are what bothers me right now

I hope you mean kids, because as a gay teenage male I have a very incomplete understanding of the female reproductive system!

Advice, I can do, though!

Be adventurous and free, don’t bother looking where you leap. Enjoy your life! (The Fool)

Annnd temperance is the future. This could mean that you’ll manage to moderate something, balance it correctly, or that you need to pay attention to doing so, as it’s important.


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You see him as… a bit of a source of torment, or maybe as tormented. Something about him is bothering you, tormenting you, and you need to get to the bottom of it. (IX sword)

He sees you as someone who is quite detached, forcefully pushing people away or denying help when it’s needed, almost blindly. Maybe you’re refusing to see the truth? Don’t be that person, if it’s true. (II sword)

Your intent with him is… Well, you’re either helping him, or he’s helping you, most likely the latter. You want something from him, or are reliant on him. (VI pentacle)

His intent with you is… hard to explain. There’s a feeling of movement. MAybe he hasn’t decided what it is, but it doing so quickly. Or maybe he wants to be done with you quickly. He wants something done quickly. Not necessarily negative. (VIII wand)

My advice is to lighten your load, or walk away from something that doesn’t suit you. Maybe you’re working too hard or it’s more harm than good, but ultimately it’s in your best interest to rid SOMETHING from your life. (X wand, VIII cup)

Ultimately, in your future you’ll find a new opportunity in business or life, a success! Or a sign of prosperity.

In the past, you felt… a lot of pain. Maybe you hit rock bottom, or were betrayed. But there was also a feeling of raw love. Maybe it’s a new opportunity, or an old lover, but it was an important aspect. (X sword, ace cup)

Now, you’re just in a hard time, and it’s wearing down on you, but you’re moving along. It’ll get easier though.

In the future? You just gotta walk away. Something doesn’t work for you, and there are greener pastures ahead. Accept change.

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It is unwise to only ask for the future. To assume we have learned all of our lessons from the past, and to assume we know where we are now, is not a good thing.

In the future, you’ll be in a fit mood to fight a new battle, or challenge. (page of swords)
But you might need to take a step back and rethink your decisions, or “sleep on it”. (IV sword)

Page of swords has the tendency to rush into things a bit too fast, a side effect of being quick witted. Do not fall into that trap.

In the past, you or someone else didn’t face up to the truth. Or maybe, even worse, committed some sort of crime! I won’t tell :wink:
But maybe not. (VII sword)

Now you’re in a position where emotional maturity, and control, is either present or necessary. (king cup)

In the future, you might feel like you’ve got the world in the palm of your hands, or just general passion and vigor! But you might have a tendency to think first and act later. (knight of wands)

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Interesting, I basically set up a series of spells to pull in a perfect partner for me. I supppose the situation itself is what is tormenting me. But he has t shown yet. So I was trying to figure out what the roadblocks are. Been trying trying extremely hard to not lust for results, but it’s been quite a bit of time. I’m sure there are somethings still in my life that need to go. But I’m bit confused on some of the reading. If it’s at all possible could you dm me? I work 3 jobs and can’t always keep up with everything for the day.

Something isn’t working for you, namely a relationship or social situation, it’s time to walk away. (VIII cup)

You may feel a rushing sense of movement and intuition. Go with the flow!

In the future expect a great change, or end of a cycle.

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Still haven’t recivied a reply

Lust for results? Honey, that’s just something people say so you don’t focus on it and let it drive you crazy. Don’t go crazy focusing on the fact that your will might manifest something terrible ON ACCIDENT. Don’t

Because it’s not your turn. Don’t be impatient, cause I have every right to skip you eventually if you get demanding with me.