Free Hellfire Dragons (Draconic Demons)

Gimme a min to Google pertinent.

I’m doing the dragons today, so in a few hours

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I already gave you relevant information what do you mean

To clarify it isn’t necessarily a waiting list it’s more of a “hey I’m messaging you to tell you I’m offering free services” list. It’s be unfair for me to just reserve spots when there were limited spots to begin with but I have no problem pming anyone saying that I’m doing it again

Sorry. Just wondering how to call on it, any name and how to feed? Any perticular colors that may work best or something you may think that is important that I should know.

My apologies

Oh. You summon it like it were any other spirit sometimes just me saying the name brings forth the servitor I require. To feed is to give offerings or give them prana, your choice but I when I create the spirit and give you the information, it will have offerings listed in the information on the spirit as well as planets, it’s sigil, name, colors, elements, etc.


You are the best!

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If you ever decide to make more Hellfire dragons please let me know. I want mine for protection from the crazies in this world gone mad.

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Looks like I came waayy to late. But if the offer is still up, I would like one too😁

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Who’s the thread necromancer?

Not me, I still haven’t dwelt into that area. I will do sometime, but I have other things in priority that I would like to accomplish first.

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Twas a joke. This is an old thread.

Ohh, I see. It was worth an ask😂