Freaking Out

Well, I suppose I fucking got what I asked for. I’m just reading BALG posts in bed, and then a chemistry award I had on my wall fucking flew off and hit the ground with a loud bang.

The nail holding it there is undamaged, and it’s been hanging there undisturbed for years. And then it fucking took flight. Like someone slapped it off the wall as hard as they could.

My cat is completely freaked out. She keeps staring at that fucking wall. Is this a sign? I’m losing it here… my Catholic upbringing and too many horror movies are playing tricks on my mind. Advice would be awesome.


You asked for physical evidence, and the spirits have made themselves known. Now, continue your spiritual growth in the occult.




You’ve got “proof” now that the spirit world is alive and well. Try not to let fear creep in. Think about it like this, they have limited ways of interacting with us until we can better attune ourselves… so until then it may take signs like you experienced maybe not so bold from now on.

I’ve witnessed all manner of paranormal stuff. Much of it happened during the day time when it was sunny and bright out. Overtime your fear will disappear and be replaced with amazement!

All the best,


Yes, yes I did. Half believing that it wouldn’t result in anything at all. But I did get what I asked for, and I think my heart rate is returning to normal. How do I find out which spirit did this? Whoever it was, I feel I owe them an apology of some kind for my negative reaction, and a thank you at the very least. After all, I asked, and I have received.

:rofl: You might be right! Come to think of it, that could make a lot of sense. Now the question is, how do I find out which spirit is responsible?

I’ll try my best. Something about having “demons are coming to get you” drilled in through years of Catholic school has made me subconsciously paranoid. How do I break that curse? :thinking:

I’m not sure I believe that, though. I have a friend who was cursed as a result of his mom not knowing what the fuck she was doing in the occult. Guess what happens to him these days? Every two weeks or so, he has excruciatingly painful werewolf-like shifts (I have photos) that he can’t control. And others on here have talked about demons that can kill people.


Easy. Stand up and tell em “Now which one of you bitches did it hm?”


Uh don’t do that

That is not how you make friends with demons LOL


I agree with the others. Dont show fear. For example when I was younger I was haunted a lot. Then once i heard someone whisper in my ear and felt the air pass over my skin. Instead of panicking I just began sleeping with the blanket over my ear.


@GodlessEndeavor Hey. Gotta show some balls.


Just evoke whichever spirit you’re closest to and ask them.

Alternatively, use a Ouija board.


Yeah until you realize you don’t know enough to fight it LOL


JOKE @GodlessEndeavor JESUS!


I disagree with ouija boards whole heartedly. Unless you’re especially skilled at spirit stuff.


In time you will develop a better sense of hearing. Until then you could use divination methods like tarot, or a pendulum. If you have been studying one particular being and have a hunch it was them, that’s a good place to start.


Advice? We don’t really even know what that shit is, lol. Are you hurt? Feel oppressed? Sense something is not right?

If not, then welcome to the club. Once you get past the freaked out part (totally understandable) it’s kind of provocative on the mind, yes? You got a result. I almost never see spirits or have any fantastical encounters, but poltergeist activity is not uncommon. Still wild though. I cannot say if it is a good or bad thing, but something is happening, so if nothing else it reminds me that I’m more than some creep stalking around naked and saying silly shit in a circle, lol.


Fear is the enemy. If you can’t evict the programming that’s been ingrained in our cultural consciousness about the evils and fears of Ouija boards, then yeah don’t use one. You’ll only shoot yourself in the foot.

But, once you learn how to conquer your fear (in the way I have where I was transformed from someone who would scream at the sight of a small spider to the point I am at now where I can calmly carry spiders outside from my house all while chatting with them and nicknaming them “Stan”) then there’s no reason not to.


I fancy myself a scientist as well. I say you have some good personal eye witness proof for yourself.
What’s really going to boggle your mind in the next day or two is how the laws of physics were seemingly broken. Don’t panic! I assure you no laws were broken and everything is fine. The universe still works the way you think it does its just got a whole bunch of extra stuff you didn’t know about yet.

And yes that was a reference to the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy! :wink:


I agree. Ouija boards are just like so many other ‘magickal’ portals; they are a focus.

If you are worried about Pazuzu ruining your world, the ouija board is not your enemy. I would be way more concerned about the digital god we are interracting with every time we look at a screen.

And what is a screen (tv, phone, tablet) when it is off but a scrying mirror? How many people here, including me, have used a screen device as a scrying mirror? And who is looking back? Naw, ouija boards are just a focus.


You need to cleanse. Now.


Also this will happen every once in awhile. It’s a thing. Especially with Evocation. Just cleanse regularly, stay calm and place wards.

Welcome to OccultBurger with your all time spooks, would you like to try our knock your shit off the wall combo? (@AdamThoth I did a funny with my workplace lol)