Forum RULES Reminder

Regarding: another forum - did everyone just lose their minds here or something?

Forum Rules

No specific declarations of intent to curse a specific person, or umbrella organization.

Keep in mind that it is not hard to screengrab from this forum or any other if you’re not lazy, and it’s easier to present these screengrabs out of context. Whether it’s wise or not to tell anyone that you’re cursing them is subject to debate, and the answer seems to vary with incidence and experience. What I can tell you certainly is that while it is not considered punishable in the Western countries to afflict with a curse because it is not commonly considered possible, it is very much legally prosecuteable to instill fear or intimidation through terroristic threat, leading to a demonstrable decline or collapse in physical and/or mental health of a harassed victim.

Please bear that in mind, as any post that may attract undue legal attention to the BALG organization will be terminated so that this forum can continue to be a place for the advancement and discussion of Magick and Ascent.

Do what thou wilt - in thine own circles and media - and accept the consequences like the men and women that potential gods and goddesses have as their origin.

But anything that can legally be construed as threat or harassment against a specific individual or a specific group needs to happen elsewhere.

… … …

Magickal jihads against people for being wrong on the internet?

Do what thou wilt, but do NOT attempt to make this an interforum rivalry thing, nor attach it in any way to this forum, nor to BALG the business, or anyone other than yourself.

I’ve deleted the thread, if people want to persist discussing how people you’ve never met and who’ve never harmed you deserve to suffer for being wrong on the internet then take it to PM.

This forum is NOT for that purpose and I’m frankly amazed that people are even mildly attracted to the quasi-religious persecution of others for the crime of not believing as you do.

If you want to show people magick in action, get amazing results, lead amazing lives, and then either be open about your practices, or at least, teach your methods to other up-and-comers, so they can make their own minds up.



[i]instill fear or intimidation through terroristic threat, leading to a demonstrable decline or collapse in physical and/or mental health of a harassed victim.[/i]

4th law and all that.

Magickal jihads against people [i]for being wrong on the internet[/i]?

Hence why I don’t throw my lot in with dingbats. Trying to earn “respect” (yawn) by terrorizing another forum into submission, to try and beat them down for “damaging the base of magical knowledge”- it’s a silly effort publicly or privately, as neither of those things will give their perpetrator power, and ends up wasting their own for some petty effects.

The difference would be, being hired to create such chaos.

“Black” magicians will do as they will, it doesn’t mean its smart. Natural selection and all that.

Do what thou wilt, but do NOT attempt to make this an interforum rivalry thing, nor attach it in any way to this forum, nor to BALG the business, or anyone other than yourself.

Where we have heard that before, Eva? :wink:

This forum is NOT for that purpose and I'm frankly amazed that people are even mildly attracted to the quasi-religious persecution of others for the crime of not believing as you do.

I’m not, people that fancy themselves beyond the reach of opposition tend to either get themselves killed or get their energy drained beyond recovery.

Regardless, under the assumption that their rag-tag version of an attack will proceed, it will not be successful.


Yeah it got rather ugly quite quickly and I realized I didn’t want to gain a reputation as a magickal terrorist, I think the liberal/ conservative conflict had poured into the forum and yeah everyone who had an axe to grind started grinding it here. We got to start watching ourselves when we come home from the battlefield as to not bring the war back with us.

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Velotak, I’ve never been a fan of interforum rivalry, as you know - aside from everything else, we have FAR bigger enemies on all sides than other magicians who are just that bit too enamoured of their own chains, BUT who could easily grow, and evolve, as almost everyone here has done - I mean, how many people reading this have never once learned, or changed, and have remained with the worldviews we had aged 5, 15 or whatever?

Anyway the Rules are self-explanatory, and I hope people will bear them in mind in future, YES other forums can have an annoying culture and annoying people, but drumming up a jihad to perform baneful magick against them - yeah. Not such a great idea.

I’m not going to issue any personal warnings for this, on this occasion - passions can run high on this kind of topic and I think we’ve all sometimes wanted to go postal on someone. I know I have.

But for the reasons stated above, this cannot happen again as a thread on here, nor any attempt to link this community as a whole to any kind of concerted magickal actions against another magick forum.

Wise words there from Adam popped up just as I was about to post this - I’m going to lock this thread now, let’s all move on, and please take any further conversations about it offlist.

Cheers. :slight_smile:

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Just saying you never locked it😂

DAMMIT I spoke to you and haven’t done that thing. But this was a worthy thing I think

Erm, actually I did, then we had a software upgrade a few months ago across completely different platforms that unlocked things. :wink:

Oh lol

double dammit

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