For those repulsed by the God of Israel but love the Qlippoth

Seems kind of a contradiction to me. If you are repulsed by YHVH, but willing to work with his fallen through his writings, it seems that a person might look into ancestral work and deity pantheons based on their ethnic heritage instead. My two cents. Also cuts out racism, at least anti semitism.


I donā€™t understand, what is the contradiction?

The Qlippoth is completely an invention of Western occultism, so itā€™s not really related at all to YHVH, nor to the actual mystical Judaic Kabbalah it is supposedly an ā€œinversionā€ of.

The concept is actually based on a thought experiment by a rabbi who tried to explain how evil came into being. Occultists read his treatise, and then ran with it, building up the Qlippoth over the centuries into what it is now.


This makes more sense to me now, thanks.

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Yup, as well as evilā€™s role within creation. I believe the rabbi you are thinking of is Issac Luria, the ā€œLion of the Kabbalahā€ and founder of Lurian Kabbalah. I believe that was the point where the Kelipot was developed, which may have been inspiration for the later Qlippoth


God of Israel is a title used to differentiate from all the false gods, keeping in mind that heā€™s more then that.

Most are repulsed because they donā€™t know/understanding the Creator.


The physical semitic people are more then just Israelites.

Spiritually speaking not every physical Israelite is of Israel, thatā€™s what Christianity is all about.

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So who is the creator

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The God of Israel was never the creator to be fair, atleast not in the original lore. Not until they revamped their faith that he became a creator God later down the line.

Logically however all Gods have a creator aspect to them but there is no such thing as ā€œTHEā€ creator God.

But when it comes to the Qlippoth there are some LHPers who are repulsed by YHWH but use the symbolism factor of the name not so much the actual entity.


The creator of Lucifer.

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So many traditions but only one truth.

To donā€™t believe in The creator God is like saying that you donā€™t have a origin.

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El seems to be the first.


Of course. He was a Canaanite war deity.


Itā€™s not really saying that, itā€™s saying the belief that heā€™s a creator is a later alteration of his role. That heā€™s not the creator and if there is one truth, itā€™s not the one.

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Even the people who follow the religion

Turn 40 or whatever it used to be and are suddenly introduced to concepts that seem blasphemous to how they have practiced up till that time

Itā€™s Judaic mysticism - Kaballah

Where religion is meant to end and spirituality begin imo (yeah I know people will disagree with me, my opinion)

My experience of my former faith was reaching a point where it couldnā€™t continue, dark night of the soul and discovering that rigid beliefs that I had held were actually allegorical concepts requiring no mere belief which is so stupidly fickleā€¦ ALL of us change our beliefs daily based on experiences

Experiencing something different was an evolution rather than a divorce from a tradition

Experiencing what I had called ā€œGodā€ morph into something incredibly sinister in the face of rigid beliefs that had stated was ā€œlove, merciful, set me free etcā€œ

And then finding out feeling fuck this isnā€™t actually my experience of thisā€¦ that instead of being a worthless sinner required to worship this now sinister beingā€¦ others held similar views and in fact read the texts in a totally different way to how I had been taught they must be interpreted

But instead of feeling bitter and fucked over by my experience- it was actually liberating to discover I experienced it that way bc I was forcing myself to walk THAT path unaware of others being completely possible for me to step onto

Dropping the old beliefs and working out ohhhh thereā€™s quite a few Gods out here, a whole world of possibilities and I get to CHOOSE what path I walk myself if I simply read this allegorically

I fell in love with the texts again bc they no longer say what I had assumed them to

When I read ā€˜fatherā€™ currently I read subconscious mind
When I read ā€˜Jesusā€™ currently I read imagination

Just donā€™t stick so religiously to it meaning exactly what it appears to say and if you find a system that works and you experience benefits from itā€¦ cool walk that path

Tbh I am new to invoking/evoking etc and there are plenty whoā€™s experience I see telling me yeah you can do that too

However, if I simply donā€™t experience anything substantial or even something harmful (to the extent I previously did) one dayā€¦ Iā€™m just gonna move on based on my OWN experience

But why should I look back on those still in religions and decide they arenā€™t experiencing the truth and are simply fooled - they are having their OWN experience

As I am mine

But if I ever do move on in the same way those in my former faith worry I have backslidden and am on my way to eternity in hell, thereā€™s gonna be those on my current journey who would decide ohh she couldnā€™t get the hang of it and didnā€™t try hard enough bc this worked And still works for me etc

Idk I think I just wanted to rant so I have :joy:

In short: mythology has many layers and everyone walks their own path at any given time experiencing it however they do imho



Have you ever heard of Luciferian Rebirth?

Lucifer is the Light Bearer. Do you know why he is called so? Lucifer has created himself by choice, through his own will. He refused to obey, to bow to another being. ā€œI shall not serve.ā€ Stay true to yourself, be authentic, find and execute your own true will, help those who search for his dark light. That is his message in my understanding.



yes but Lucifer has an origin, being a fallen angel, I believe his origin is Yahweh, but I might be wrong, I do believe he originated from someone higher though


how dare you question him? :rage: :rage:


The first mention of Lucifer is from the later adaptation of Yahweh, but Luciferians like any faith create their own mythologies around their entities.


Ay man sorry :triumph::angry::lizard: wasnā€™t my intention.