Food for third eye?

Ok thanks! Also my third eye is awakening! And I think it is about ready to open! When I open my third eye all the way. Will I be able to eat astral things when I close my eyes? Or astral project at will? And I get these feelings of knowing at times. And I know my third eye is gonna open soon! Any advice I should know when it opens completely?

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Adviceā€¦errmmm, it will come fast and intense, and feel like something in ur head crunchingā€¦and u will see things that ā€¦errmm i cwould say try to look human but arenā€™tā€¦Also avoid spending long swathes of time daydreamingā€¦

Ok! Also is meditating myself to sleep bad in the third eye awakening process? I canā€™t sleep unless I meditate myself to sleep! And if I go to sleep without meditation I wake up throughout the whole night! And donā€™t get good sleep! (Note) Iā€™m developing clairvoyance and I Iā€™m starting too see people behind me! I used to not be able to see that! Is that my 4th eye?

And my forehead looks bigger! Is that part of the third eye awakening process? Or just me being more in tune with detail?


Damn, ur doing way better than me thenā€¦meditating urself to sleep is the best way to enjoy the perks that come with itā€¦like outer body experiences, projecting into other worlds in between wake and sleep stateā€¦Being more in tune with detail is another plusā€¦doubt it makes ur head bigger.

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Everybody is different, eat what you feel is right for you. By that I mean intuitively eat and listen to your body.

I know extremely psychic people who eat everything, steaks, junk food etc. and other extremely psychic people who cannot stray from an alcohol free/vegetarian diet. Really all depends on you.

I did receive information from a channeling years ago which advised against the eating of animal flesh, and that in the future there will eventually be no consumption of animals and for now, when we do eat the flesh of another creature we should cleanse it before we put it in our bodies. Energetically we are ingesting the trauma the animal went through. Some people might feel it some might not. Iā€™m not vegan btw, but I every time I walk through the meat section of a supermarket, something feels very off in the air.

Generally speaking I would recommend eating food with life in it. Lots of vegetables and natural spring water. Not just for your third eye but your overall health.

Also, donā€™t be too eager to blast your third eye open. Youā€™ll open doors you canā€™t close and you will see things you wish you couldnā€™t. At the very least have some sort of protection and practice spiritual hygiene. Like a flame that attracts the moths, you will attract things, especially when they know they you can see them. Not trying to scare you but really, be careful what you wish for.

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Yeah and even if I open my third eye I need my clairvoyance opened up real good. So I can imagine and put protection around me!

3rd eye is already open, clairvoyance isnā€™t something you open or close itā€™s something you actually start practicing.

Many newbies think they are where they are because something needs to be opened, no, itā€™s because theyā€™re not practicing things that help those skills develop. Itā€™s like a muscle, focusing on the muscle alone doesnā€™t do squat but doing the proper exercises that cause the muscles to react does.

In this case the clairs are worked out by learning to scan, incorporating all the senses to gathering information about your own energy, the energy of others, entities, and your surroundings.


Does melatonin do a good job of keeping the pineal gland healthy?

I donā€™t know about that. But, Melatonin regulates your circadian rythm. Its created by the body in response to lower light levels and is at its highest studying the night.

Disruption in melatonin production, eg, by looking at blue light from phone screens right veggie bed, results in poor sleep and insomnia ā€¦ Which inceases stress, reduces immune system and ages you early.

You can take melatonin brie bed to help replace melatonin you didnā€™t produce naturally and helP you sleep. Itā€™s great for jet lag. But itā€™s a temporary supplement.

Apart from assisting with sleep, which helps you stay healthy, i donā€™t know if it directly does anything for the pineal gland.

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I eat what I want. My diet is generally healthy, but it does include a bit of junk as well. I have used remote seduction a lot (very effectively) and obviously ,since that is about telepathy, the third eye is active during that time. But my diet has never really affected the communication between my target and I one way or another. The only exception is if Iā€™ve had too much alcohol. That does affect things negatively.

They say caffeine revs up the third eye, but Iā€™ve never noticed a difference.

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I noticed eating lots of red meat, clogged up my pineal gland, literally I felt this layer inside of my head that was blocking my pineal gland, the higher chakras thrive on a more alkaline diet, acidic foods focus more on the lower chakras, while alkaline foods activate the higher ones.

The best nutrition for the third eye is light, especially cosmic chi, this will charge your third eye like crazy. Iā€™d say avoid eating a lot of meat, eat more greens, have a light diet, but if you really want to feed it you need to breathe light from the third eye, itā€™s subtle nutritional light.


Taking melatonin can mess up your pineal gland, it messes up the natural melatonin production in the brain. Best thing to do to help with melatonin production is to meditate or do breathwork wjth the third eye in a dark room before going to sleep.

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