Fly Agaric/Amanita Muscaria

Does anyone have any experience with Amanita in ritual use, such as invocation? Any tips or suggestions?

I haven’t purchased any yet, but I seem to be gravitating towards it a lot lately and most of the info I come across is just people trying to get high. I am also considering using it in micro dosing.

Google terrence mckenna idk if that how u spell it but he had some cool ass insights on psychedelic mushrooms

McKenna is great, but he focuses more on the usual psilocybin mushroom, LSD, and DMT.

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True enough. I really want to learn how to synthesize dmt on my own I feel like that would be a worthy venture

Anyone know how to synthesize dmt?? :joy::joy::joy:


Many people experience nausea on Amanita Muscaria, so supplement with ginger or marijuana (the latter of which also synergizes amazingly). I prefer them to Psilocybes actually: although the experience is not as visual, it can propel you to mystical states a lot more easily IMO. Go out in nature when using them in ritual, or (what I typically do) take them before going to sleep & they’ll combine with the lucid dream state for an intense visionary ordeal.

It’s definitely not a traditional psychedelic though, so keep an open mind. I’ve experienced telepathic communication with a friend, Christ consciousness, what seemed like looped time travel and an inadvertent entity summoning on 'em, & others have reported anything from prodigious sweating and vomiting to feeling the fabled Berserker rage. :slight_smile:


Doable, search dmt how to create more - lots of results. :+1:


The real trick is figuring out how to combine 5-Me0-DMT and Psilocybin.

As a Berserker, or Ulfhedinn specifically, I don’t need the mushroom to enter that state, but that is something I should keep in mind. The Berserker state is a liminal state in itself albeit a unique one, but it is extremely difficult to remember what happens during it.

Though the qualities you describe are exactly what I am looking for. Not full hallucinations but an increased ability to enter into an altered state.

Thank you :slight_smile:


Also I should note that part of the appeal of the Amanita is that it’s legal. I was also thinking about Salvia Divinorum but it was recently made illegal in my state.


Lol you should move.:rofl:

Make sure you read everything you can about it.


be careful of fly agaric; makes you vomit like crazy.

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I have a cast iron stomach, so hopefully as long as I take the proper precautions, such as getting a completely dry batch and making a tea, as well as ginger, I should hopefully be able to minimize the nausea.

I fucked with the salvias once or twice not my cup of tea honestly. It wasn’t the nicest trip and it only lasted 30 seconds maybe


Really? No one mentioned me? I was initiated onto a holy other level of magic with amanitas. Read my story.

But beware, it is not for the weak-hearted. You will either go mad or discover the secret to immortality.


I didn’t throw up at all.

As for the strength, power and stamina it gives you. THOSE FUCKING VIKINGS WERE NOT JOKING, OK?! Find the right dose and it will give you power that you will probably be too scared to use once you get a glimpse of it. If you do, just make sure you have something to do, like some serious work, you will need something to do. Trust me.

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Don’t forget you can also drink your own piss to extend your trip, as the active component of A. Muscaria passes through your system unchanged. Apparently the Siberian shamans of yore used to distribute their urine in this way to other members of their tribe so they could also enjoy the effects. :rofl:

Also, be careful if you’re harvesting wild specimens. They can easily be misidentified with deadly mushrooms like the Death Angel. :skull_and_crossbones:


If you do it right, you won’t want to go back.

Nah bro, if we’re talking chems then it’s all about DPT, the demonic counterpart to DMT:

–Daniel Pinchbeck, Breaking Open the Head


Damn that sounds intense

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