Fitness Magick

I am over 60 years old and do weight lifting exercises at the gym regularly. I have modified my diet to be healthier overall, but still enjoy some cheat days/treat days (so while I have trimmed the midsection from what it was, I might not get the six-pack abs ideal that some want). I carry a talisman/sigil of Zadkiel and also Gabriel in my pocket at the gym. Sometimes when I feel the need for a little more energy for the next set of reps, I take the two (kept on a keychain but not the same keychain as car keys) out of my pocket for a few seconds to gaze at them.
I recommend not training the same body parts with weights two days in a row. Take at least a day off in-between to allow for recovery/hypertrophy response. I always do a warmup circuit set with significantly lighter weights and more reps. And before doing that, I do 1/4 mile on the treadmill at a brisk walking pace to get the body revved up a bit. But don’t overdo treadmill before weight training as it will deplete the glycogen stores in your body. I drink whey protein before, during, after workout. It is readily and quickly absorbed. I also drink a supplement called Pre-JYM before each workout (especially formulated by Dr. Jim Stoppani).
Trying to get more consistent this year with yoga and martial arts also.


Hmmm kebab and chips is calling me – I must not I must not increase my man bust.



Cheat days are AWESOME!!! I’d literally eat whatever the hell I want but didn’t go over board. Cheesecake, greasy ass burgers, home baked desserts, greasiest chinese in the area. But always kept soda to a minimum shit is evil but tastses so good lol. My cheat days were Thursday and sunday. If you can stick with home baked desserts nothing in a box. If you love the box stuff learn to make it at home. Ive been baking since I was 8-9 and its so therapeutic I feel like an alchemist making something from bits and pieces.


A high quality whey protein as well.


The Biggest Loser (BALG Edition)

It is a fact, that you have to experience strict dieting and junk food avoidance for a while to truly appreciate cheat days.