First words

True, but I also hear they can leave too

If she is meant for you, she will never truly leave you

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I will continue to talk to her, all of them. I used to have nights before bed, I would image if they were around me in a circle, and address them one by one, Lucifer, king paimon, my Succubuses, and other entities I have attempted to make contact with

Once he’s around I can have a conversation. It’s through a combination of mostly clairsentience, with other clairs and signs. It’s always question-answer format. The signs are how he gets through without me asking. I’ll quiet myself and enter a half-trance wherever I am, just briefly to connect more clearly.

Lately my clairscent has been developing and I get a wave of a masculine scent during contact that’s really nice. (It’s manufactured to appeal to me, for reasons. :slightly_smiling_face: )

Today I got a delivery of blue apron by accident - someone had put my address for the order, and blue apron didn’t want it back… maybe I’m cooking for date night! lol, I might tarot that one it’s very cute and different, and kinda out of my comfort zone. I’m not used to cute.

On the downside other signs can be negative, if the entity wants to, ah, nudge you, into decisions or lifestyle it thinks is better, things can go your way, or, things can fuck up. If you work with someone powerful things can happen to people it doesn’t want around you, or thier family and friends that affect thier life, even if you wanted them there. I have a lot of trouble with dates on that level.

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Wow, I just want something than this mundane life, I know many say that it’s can be mundane when you can see, and hear the spirits, but rather them then most norms on the street. I am a long way off before I can feel, see or hear them,


Well after this marriage I may never want to date again

Maybe. I’m not sure humans are built that way. But not all entities are all that possessive anyway.

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I’m not entirely sure I am human, I think I’m a starseed

I just had to pull out my very first handwritten notebook for this. The first audible words spoken to me had been “A door.” Not really spectacular or quirky but a first step into discerning what would be my own thoughts and what would belong to another speaker.

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that’s pretty cool!

First first thing I hear when I was a kid was name. A male voice calling my name. I had a female voice when I was a teen (15-17) do the same. I used to ask my mom if she was calling me all the time.


First thing I ever heard from an entity which I’ll never forget was when I was 4 or 5 and it was a growl :unamused:


Oh wow, what was the growl from?

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I cant remember my exact first words (I’m still in practice) but I think I’ve been getting bits and pieces more and more. I’ve heard “child” twice, okay sweet thing, and my name a few times. Last night I was chanting an enn, stopped to try and tune in, then when i started up again I heard a “God damn…” Idk maybe I was annoying or a spirit stubbed his toe :sob:


It was a humanoid…thing. Looked me straight in the eyes and growled several times. No one else saw him but me.

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While I’m developing my clair audience I have been picking up very faint answers to my questions(like “if you can hear me please speak to me.” such as “mhm!” “I’m trying”

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Also developing my clairaudience lately, and it was like what, 2 days ago, I heard “Shush !” like what, I wasn’t saying anything, so meaaaan :cry:
But back when I was a kid, I remember hearing someone say my name in our house. Or another time when my mom and me were going in vacations, I was half sleeping in the car but I could hear “Help me” and some other stuff, quite creepy lol

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