First journal a new beginning

It all starts somewhere

Today I started my adventure into my studies and health. I got my old Mala out hope to put it to use soon. Im currently blowing about books trying to find a good foundation to start reading luckily over years I gathered tons of books. Outside the normal candle spell and work with enery I never realy pushed for magick full time but something tells me lately that is the direction I need to go. I need to push my self.


To help break out of all my mental blocks and fears. Im hoping writing on this site and pushing my self to move forward I can get my journey out there any maybe meet up with a few people on my journey and maybe help a few others out on the way.

Some things on my todo list

  1. Get books collected on my shelf to study
  2. Get my diet on lock
  3. Get back into Daily Meditation
  4. Get back into Japa
  5. Get into writing on this Journal Daily
  7. Daily Card Draw and noting the card and how it turned up in my day
  8. Taking note of synchronicity in my day and life
  9. Staying Positive and not negative in my own head.

Meditation Session

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Day 1 a new beginning:

5:33 a.m.
So I started in August and quickly feel of the train I was not ready emotionally or physically. But due to recent events I believe the time is now. I’ll keep this posted through out my day.