First experience with Bune

To be honest it was the very first time I worked with evocation, so I was very anxious the entire day to do so.
But I’ll share a little bit of myself and how was the experience. (Please notice that english is not my mother language, sorry if it gets confusing)
I’m an disable person, I have autism, dyslexia and ADHD plus mental illnesses such as BPD and C-PTSD, so working is extremely hard for me, I literally feel that I will never be able to work as a “normal” person because of my disabilities and mental health problems.
Everyday of my life I feel useless because I don’t work, I live in an extremely toxic enviroment, I just want to have my own financial independency so I can have my own house and a healthy mental place.
I “work” as a freelancer artist but I feel that life just don’t want to make things easy for me, no one wants my art, and I get extremely desmotivated to keep doing it.
I’m also an alternative model, I did a photoshoot to SuicideGirls and other photographers, but yet, no one wants to hire me to model as an actual job.
I just don’t feel like I’ll be successful one day, and I’ll never be able to have independency from my mom.
In the beggining of this year, the deity who guides me since I’m a little kid, called Yvur, started to teach me about Goetia and Chaos Magick, and I loved it! But just this week I decided to work for the first time with it.
I researched sooo much about who’s the best daemon to work with to help me get clients and job opportunities, and I found out that Bune was the best option. So I got extremely determined to do so, I got everything ready, spent the entire day preparing myself and energy to my first evocation.
So it started, I started the ritual and started to repeat Bune’s enn, for about 30 minutes, I didn’t see him (I really wanted to) but I know he was there, the time he came to me, I started to see two red dots looking at me, and then they disappeared, my attention went directly to the two green candles that was in front of me, he was there.
I kept repeating his enn, and every time I said it the candles flames started to move frequently (all the windows were closed so there wasn’t any air going on) I told him what I wanted and what I had to offer, one of the things was an abisinth.
To thank him for coming over, I started talking to him, about me, about my currently life situation, at that time I felt like i was talking to a friend, I got a very friendly vibe from him. We decided to open the abisinth and enjoy together, I started drinking, talking to him, I got emotional, I cried, I was completely honest and vulnerable about how I feel and why I called him over.
Even tho I didn’t see him or feel a huge energy presence I knew he was there, communicating with me through the candles.
I was at peace, so happy and my mind was empty without any anxieties.
One of the things that I offered was an orgasm, I felt like at one time there was something going on in the air, such a powerful and beautiful deity right in front of me, I was aroused. So it was time to give to him one of my offerings, my orgasm and sexual pleasure, I’m not going to get into it so much haha but it was intense, I was out of my mind, and I had the best orgasm of my life, right in front of him, and he liked it.
It was time to say goodbye, we made the work together, he accepted my offerings, I was so happy.
After the evocation I’ve never felt so happy before, it felt like I spent hours talking to an old friend of mine, laughing and chit chatting about life.
To be honest, I don’t know if something is going to happen, but it was one of the best experiences of my life, and just because of it, it’s already worth it.
Hail Bune! Thanks for being such a nice company :slight_smile: I hope we can meet again anytime soon.


That sounds like an amazing experience! Having a sense of accomplishment after a ritual is a great feeling. On a side note, don’t feel the need to compare your life to others. Your path is your own and you define what your normal is, sounds like you are doing well


Just keep on doing it, they like when we give them emotion and we treat them as good friends, it’s the best way to get close :slight_smile:

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update with Bune:
Since we first met, I started to have soooo many weird dreams, and one of them I saw him, but he manifested himself as a very mystical animal (?). but yea
Two days after we met and made the deal two friends of mine came to me and bought commissions, both of them paid $50
I feel that after the work I made with Bune my art improved sooooooooooooooooooooo much! I’m feeling so motivated to draw again, I’ve got so much more followers and people who are saying so many good things about it.
I feel completely like a different person, and I’ve got 1 more commissions I’m currently working, and 3 people waiting to get paid to buy art from me!
I’m happy and thankful, HAIL BUNE! A very good friend and company


That is so awesome. I’m so happy for you. Loved your testimony!!

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