First Day of Full Kunda Yoga Practice [The Path of Smoke]

This is my first full day of Kunda Yoga practice, complete with asanas I could perform.

I’m not a Yoga practitioner in any way, shape, or form, so I couldn’t really grasp what Kurtis was talking about on page 180 with the seven asanas he recommends starting with.

Now, I could come on here and say “Kurtis … Kurtis … Kurtis …” and I know he would do his best to answer the question, providing his usual insightful answers along the way.

But I’m not going to do that. If he sees this post and wants to share his viewpoint, it’s always welcomed.

That’s just not what lies at the heart of this path.

So I embraced the Path of Smoke, the Path of Challenge, the Path of Becoming and did what any god would do … I sought my answer from within.

My intuition told me to research the various asanas and their connection to each chakra. I found this website which seemed like the right one for me …

Chakras and Asana Practice

I looked up the various asanas on YouTube to see how they were supposed to be performed and chose the following asanas for myself to use this first time through …

Muladhara (Root) – Apanasana
Svadhisthana (Sacral) – Supta Baddha Konasana
Manipura (Solar Plexus) – Dandasana
Anahata (Heart) – Balasana
Vissuddha (Throat) – Bhujangasana
Ajna (Third Eye) – Chakravakasana
Sahasrara (Crown) – Apanasana

I went through the Kunda Yoga flow suggested on page 181.

I performed the Seven Asanas while intoning Akomanah, the first Div listed in the Grimoire of Arezura.

It was challenging for me in a good way. A few of the asanas were more challenging than I thought they would be, mostly because of the extra fat I’m carrying on the old meat suit. lol

When I stood up to move to the meditation portion of the flow, my lower back was pretty twingy.

I’ve had neck and back problems for years. I fractured my neck and tore the shit of my back and both knees in a severe car accident about 17 years ago. That’s why I originally started practicing Qigong.

I took a comfortable seated asana in a chair for “Emanating the Rays of the Black Sun” meditation.

I used the Kuji In mudras for each chakra combined with mantra and mandala for each chakra.

I imagined a squirt of darkness injected into the bright colorful orb of each chakra.

I watched the darkness coalesce into a Vortex of Counter Creation within the chakra.

The sigil of Akomanah was in the center of the Vortex.

I kept intoning the mantra as I watched the Vortex consume the colorful light of the chakra.

What was new today was that when the light from the chakra was consumed, the chakra became it’s own Black Sun. I could see the black flames licking out from around the dark orb.

Just working my way up through the chakras was very empowering. I could feel a lot of fiery energy flowing up and through me.

By the time I worked my way back down the Seven Asanas, I started to get the hang of this Yoga stuff. I really relaxed into each asana and found it helped ease the slight muscle spasms in my back.

After I was done grounding the energy of Akoman within my body, I performed “Exercise 1: Awakening DoMar and DeHak” from page 183.

I didn’t count how many breaths or how long it took to perform the exercise. I just completely lost myself in the breathing and let the energy flow through me. And it did.

I found myself using a powerful breath like with the Breath of Fire. And the power flowed. I sounded like a dragon snorting. hehe

All in all, I’m really enjoying the Kunda Yoga. I’ll continue to explore various asanas and find what works the best for me.

And just a tip for anyone practicing Exercise 1 the first time … blow your nose before you take that first breath. Trust me. lol