First Chakra balancing

So I performed a short Chakra balancing just now (it was around 6 minutes). I felt tingling in my Solar Plexus and then immense pressure in my third eye and finally I am left with a splitting headache and head pressure after this. It seems to be my Crown Chakra. I also think my body is getting rid of all toxins now.

However my Vision seems clearer and I feel the need to rest. Even Astaroth told me to rest and continue studying tommrow.

Did anyone else ever experience these headaches after a balancing? How long do they take to heal?


A bit of an update. It vanished. Do your Chakra Balancings at least twice a week people!!


I just did something similar to a chakra balancing. I basically took in the light of creation and the darkness of the void into myself through my chakras and balanced it within me, as a modified for of that chakra merging meditation I posted a thread on before… My vision felt sharper after I finished, and everything feels a bit clearer.


Same here! Do you have a link to your method? It seems interesting.


You should be able to search for the thread I posted on the meditation a while back. I plan to make a new post with an updated version of it soon.


Look forward to it thanks!