Fire Scrying

What exactly are we looking for?

I’m at a Starbucks on the outside patio next to the gas fireplace to stay warm. I get the idea about trying fire Scrying, and while I can make out images in fire or cloud to a fair degree, I don’t really know what to make of it.
So I’m looking at the fireplace, and the flames start leaving and exploding. I saw the little SPAM red devils, but the exploding flames threw me, like micro fireworks.


Did you have any question while you were looking at it. I think you could interpret the symbolisms you see in the flames :thinking:


They were weaving though each other left and right and flaring up with intensity, mini devils ascending via the flames, and little flames from the flames exploding popping up and vanishing.


interesting :thinking: I can’t figure out what it may mean tho

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A real fire fireplace? Nice.

Around me all the restaurants that have fireplaces have those fake natural gas ones.

As to interpreting it, sorry but I think it’s something that you have to see to interpret so I got nothing for you interpretation wise.

Add: I think you are looking to see if you see any shapes or actions in the flames and their movements that are relevant to the question in mind when you scry fire.


Nah, was a gas fireplace. Still, the energy and the winds had movement, and everything vibrates, so I gave it a shot. When it knew my intent, they started doing acrobatics for me, launching flames in the air out of nowhere.
It was … interesting.


If anyone knows the Red Devil SPAM brand from the 70s, you’d know what I was talking about, small yet tall slim devils with horns, I guess an alternate view could be leaping gazelles. At least three and all moved up and left. Five flames popped at the top like fireworks.

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Fire scrying is fun :upside_down_face:

With fire scrying we are looking for visions that we can see in our mind’s eye or for different shapes of the fire that we can observe with our physical sight.

I suppose it depends on what you originally wanted to see. I think that no one except for you can decipher the visions you saw. Just like the other forms of divination, fire scrying talks directly to the operator and sends signals that only you are able to understand fully.

Although imo, performing any form of scrying with no goal and purpose is just as dangerous as calling a random spirit with the ouija board. To be able to easier understand the messages, try setting a certain goal for the session. In my experience, fire scrying works magnificently well as a method of communication with demonic entities. It would also greatly help you if you have some piece of paper to write down whatever it is you see.


Well, unfortunately the seating arrangement at Starbucks is a bit problematic, unless I go out to the snow covered patio and scry outside … Which despite the temperature, is probably better, since it’s less loud or distracting.

I always find when I tried as hard as I could to focus on the physical sight of the fire I couldn’t get anywhere. What worked for me was relaxing and letting the fire simply provoke thought.

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I tried to fire scry again, and noticed something different.

Stretched hands toward the fireplace and stated

“I consecrate thee, O creature of Fire, to give me true and faithful answers to the answer I seek.”
“What can I expect for today?”

Pulled hands inward, feeling the heat, the energy, the cold. Tried shaping the flames into balls and pushing and pulling the flames.

The flames, as a spike wave moving, starts weaving left and right, intertwining, spelling out vowels and J’s.

Then resume to normal spike wave.

But never thought to look at the base and see letters.

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Do you think it was require, I’d always suggest just kindly ask again for the letters, most spirits are understanding… I think :thinking:

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After I had pulled inward, I was simultaneously pushing and pulling the flames, and trying to form it into a ball.
It did start moving and shaping slightly. Perhaps the O’s were balls being formed.
Perhaps a day of perpetual motion. Such is my day to day work.

Thats the thing … fire is so quick moving, it was hard to keep track of the letters.

And at work, so no more fire Scrying today.

Thinking elementally, we have fire Scrying, water scrying and crystal gazing, what for air?
Sand tossed in the winds?
Cloud scrying?

Cloud scrying, I’ve heard of