Finding Persistence Amidst the Moon-Ruled Tides

Dreams of beautiful and amazing things can be frustrating, for in the dream it is just natural, but on awakening you will be divorced from the experience and placed back in reality. Sometimes you can be lucky enough to re-find that specific wonder in future dreams, but most often it is a singular experience.

Last night I dreamt of an amazingly skilled vocalist. I spent a lot of time listening to her, mainly it was covers of DSBM songs, sung cleanly. But I began to realize she had her own unique songs also.

I did not realize it at the time, but her voice was almost hypnotizing. I can almost still hear her now. I wish I could still listen to it. I thought she was young, but the more I listened to her and the more of her videos I watched I realized she had wrinkles around her eyes and lips, her age was older than I had thought.

The only name I found associated with her was Isis. I had a feeling she was Iranian, or from somewhere around that area. Her skin color was close to white, but her name and pronunciation of words was foreign. Her accent also played into the beauty of her voice.

I wish I knew who she was, or what her appearance meant in that dream. There was literally a drop in my chest when I awoke and realized that she wasnt “real”. How frustrating…

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I am in the process of setting up a cyber-temple for Santisma Muerte. It is semi-publicly available, but hopefully well hidden.

It was suggested I work with her, and in my first experience I was impressed by the outcome. She asked me to build an altar for her, but I lack the physical location for it, or the necessary required items, so I opted to make it digital.

I was worried about the possibility of it being lost or destroyed, but I realize that is a possibility also with physical altars. I know cyber-temples/altars aren’t very common, and much less so with Santisma Muerte also, but she didnt seem to be against the idea.

Ill try to work with this and keep it updated. With any luck it can prove transformative.

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I spent a few hours today designing a flag for myself. I plan on charging this and using it as a sigil of sorts to represent myself.

The green triangle represents a lush mountain slope, and the blue triangle represents a deep night sky.

The yellow/golden circle represents the daytime sun (masculine energy), and the black circle is of course representative of the nighttime moon (feminine energy).

The crest at the center is a placid pond, symbolizing stillness and reflection. Above it a dragonfly descends to rest upon it. The dragonfly is an important creature to me and represents a powerful predator who rules both water and sky. They are intelligent creatures, with 360 degree vision, whose dominion of the air goes unquestioned (except by other larger dragonflies).

Gold surrounds the pond, and it symbolizes strength, protection, and inherent value. The border is equal as a blazing star, and as a formidable shield. It both protects the pond, and shows to all the power and beauty that it holds.

The banner above the pond heralds my matron and the essence of my power CHAOS (CHAO being the singular form). The banner at the bottom bears my motto (Those Who Can Must, For Who Else Will).

The two candles on either side of the pond (Which I think will act as my crest) represent how my power manifests, through the number 11, which is both a number of creation and of balance.


My dreams were odd last night, and I dont remember them great. Lots of the individual parts but not how any of it fit together. What I remember most clearly is trying to take care of the silver/grey cat that I owned, which is interesting as while I do love cats, I am very allergic.

The dreams were in two parts, split by a period of being awake. The cat persisted through both parts though. I do remember that the first dream was a pretty typical stress dream, the ones where im moving/packing. I found the cat stuffed and packed inside one of the bags, I was worried it was hurt or starving but it was perfectly ok.

In that dream also I remember a vampire who kept taunting me, but then it would hide behind a beautiful woman when I went to deal with him. I remember seeing him grab her by the neck with his arm, so she was standing directly in front of him, where he would continue to taunt me. I think it tried to attack even with his shield, but I dont remember.

Again though, what sticks out most was that cat. I wonder who it was or what it meant.

I found out my father and I were exposed to covid. He is sick and waiting on test results, I feel pretty much ok. Luckily we are both vaccinated. Hope this doesn’t turn into anything serious. Ill have to do some casting to assure that result.

Its confirmed we were exposed. I was exposed through work on Saturday, and my dad was either exposed then or some time earlier at the same location. He is feeling worse today but luckily he is still doing okay. I feel fine besides allergies and a touch of hypochondria.

His results are still going to take a few days to come in, which at that point I wonder if they will even do any good. Also lucky, is that the two other family members living with us arent sick.

I have also pretty much lost one of my last IRL friends. When I informed him me and my father were exposed, before he could even ask if we were okay he told me “I see more people with the vaccine getting sick than those without”. Literally go fuck yourself. I am both worried, and livid anyone would say something like that. He pretty much said “I told you so” when I was sick as a dog from vax symptoms a while back too.

He had the audacity to say “dont be a dick, im not being rude”. Well, its not fucking up to you to decide whether or not you’ve been rude. And, for someone who has said on numerous occasions “youre my best friend”, I would have thought you cared more about MY SAFETY AND WELLBEING, than you care about getting some bs point across to the person who could potentially SEE THEIR FATHER DIE.

Its time you learn two very adult lessons, think before you speak, and that I dont have fucking best friends.

(Spitting in shame)

I worked with Quan Yen last night to assure he would get through this ok. Ill look into it again tonight also.

My father is over the hump of the sickness, confirmed covid. However now my mother is sick also. Again, luckily we are all vaxed so despite being sick the symptoms should be relatively mild. The sad thing is, just two days ago my mother went to recieve her 3rd booster shot, only to be denied because it wasnt long enough after her second.

Here’s hoping she is just being sensitive towards her flu shot, and she didnt pick up covid from my father. I on the other hand feel fine still. I was exposed a week ago today, and I believe the incubation period is two weeks, so I am most definitely not out of the woods yet, especially as a second person is sick. The third member of the household was asked to not come home until people aren’t sick anymore out of caution, not sure how serious they will take that however.

Im going to try my best to record this dream while it is still fresh in my brain.

It started off being fairly normal. I was ejecting my puppy from my room, as he was causing problems. My house seemed extra large, and victorian. I was pointing him down the stairs and telling him to get out. He left, but one of my sisters was in my room also, and for whatever reason I was directing her out like a dog also. She was pretty upset with me for this, and gave me a cocky response.

In fact, all three of my sisters were there… the strange thing though, is that I only have two sisters. I was directing another one of them down the stairs and out of my room now. This one was wearing a red-pink long dress, if I had to place an era I would say it was from the 20’s, it came down past the knees and to the ankles. As she was approaching the bottom she stopped in her tracks, and her eyes widened in fear. She began shaking, saying I dont know whats happening. Her voice was trembling, and a restrained scream.

It scared me also, seeing my own sister in obvious pain and danger. I grabbed her, hugged her, and just held. I did not know what else to do, it seemed like the only option. The dream skips here some.

At the bottom of the stairs to my room, was a large room that seemed to resemble a library. I direct both my actual sisters out and close the door. My third “sister” was standing in front of a mirror, smiling and brushing her hair. I approach her, and tell her I don’t recognize her. I can see my own reflection in the mirror as I say this, and I am trying to hold back a smile (which sometimes comes out of me without me meaning when I feel awkward). As I try to hold this back, I watch in the mirror as my eyes and lips bulge in an inhuman manner.

This enrages my third “sister”, and she turns with a look of pure rage on her face, and raises her hand to strike me violently. At this moment, I am grabbed, and I can tell it is from Santisma Muerte. I feel her press her hands against my back, where my heart chakra is, and I am overcome by a “popping” sensation and I see two beams of gold/white light burst from my chest, as if the light was piecing it all the way through.

At this moment I awaken to a dream-within-the-dream. I was in japan, staying at some sort of hostel. I was walking around the strange neighborhood. I felt alien, and was trying not to draw attention towards myself as I don’t know the language. I had an idea of the customs I had to follow, and was doing my best amidst the hustle and bustle.

On the ground I noticed to shards of ice. One of that same pink-red, and one of an “aquamarine” blue-green. The are large, and crystalline in shape. I pick them up and carry them in my hands as I wander. In time pink one begins to break from the wear and tear of me carrying it around, and it is significantly smaller in size now. I pass by multiple shrines and feel compelled to leave them, but cannot bring myself to put them down.

Now I am working in Japan, indoors at some sort of health-spa. There are multiple old men in a hot tub, working out with strange equipment. It is my job to refill their equipment with more hot water, and apparently to use it with them, as it seems to be a two person machine. I fill them wrong, and break the filling apparatus. I tell one of my superiors, doing my best to over-enunciate my english as I have no idea how well he speaks it if at all.

He is giving me stern and angry looks and tells me “A sincere and heartfelt apology won’t do much good with me”, and informs me that it is a very bad thing it is broken. Then, before me are multiple people, with complex toolboxes and electronics, attempting to diagnose what the problem is and how to fix it. On of them grabs the pieces and simply pushes it together. The man who had been telling me how bad it was it was broken began laughing heartily.

I am left with a feeling of overwhelming sadness when I think of this mysterious third sister. The pain and fear I saw her in was very real, and fucking tragic. She was beautiful, and although I said I did not recognize her, I know a part of me did. It felt like I was banishing her from me. In fact dwelling on this is bringing me to the verge of tears welling in my eyes. As I have writ here elsewhere “The wheels are ever turning”.

When I think about the equipment being fixed easily however, I have a sense of relief.

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Aaaaaaaaand, its a positive covid diagnosis for me. Luckily symptoms seem to be mild. Two days a go I started getting a headache that is now at a pounding level. Its fucking painful but if thats the worst I get ill he happy.

I dislike horror media so much, especially video games. Horror is not jump scares, or zombies with digitally altered voices making strange screeching noises. Horror is not the xenomorph, or the demon, or the werewolf. All horror comes from the natural world, and human nature itself. The real horror is the horror of man.

Any attempts to create horror with fictional creatures, must do so with the understanding that it is human nature which is most terrifying. Horror in the context of fantasy is nothing but a way for us to reconceptualize our fears into something that makes it more palatable. Something “otherworldy” and distant. It is a means by which we can ease ourselves of our fears by making them less real.

Especially in the context of video games, it becomes a power fantasy, a cathartic experience whereby our internal anxieties are made external, and we are set to overcome them. True horror brings no catharsis, no sense of power. We think that because a product can hit the typical beats, it then becomes horror. No jump scares, no setting, no vampire or otherwise mystical/impossible creature can make a product “horror”. Real horror is more than the sum of it’s parts. It is the very visceral pit in your stomach, your racing heart, your drive to avert your eyes from what lays before you. No formula can generate such a response, and veritably one piece of media which can summon such feelings makes successive pieces weaker. It is not that we become desensitized (and the implication we do proves my point about the failing of formula within the genre) but that the “soul” of the product is lost, as one can not copy feelings like one can copy plot or characters.

For horror media to really succeed at it’s job, the focus needs to be placed squarely on the human. For the cruelty of the human nature knows no limits, and is bound only by creativity. Likewise, the callousness of the world around us to our own survival is not hindered by time or empathy, and yet it is the crib in which we all live out our lives. The vampire ceases to be an archetypal symbol and conveyor of fear when we know the actions and form it will take. When such is the case it begins to be a symbol of fear, rather than a fearful symbol. The vampire will no longer be an arrow pointing at fear, but rather an arrow pointing at an idea of fear.

This is not to discredit monsters or fictional beasts as effective methods of provoking fear within a person, but rather to discredit shortcuts and derivative creations. Where now is the fear of Cthulhu after book after book, and game after game? Lovecraft understood his creation, few others have. After all this time, Cthulhu has gone from being a fearful symbol, to merely a symbol of fear. Something “artists” can point to and say “look and be afraid”. But we are afraid no longer, as that arrow no longer points to fear, but an idea we are expected to understand as fear. (I understand Cthulhu might not be the most perfect example of this but it is one I am familiar with. The Call of Cthulhu is far from the most frightening book, even within Lovecraft’s library).

Fictional creatures, or monsters can be quite effective at horror, but the focus should not be on them, but the human experience. Sure someone drinking your blood and leaving you lifeless is scary, but vampires do not leave us with that feeling any longer. The focus with vampires should be on the pain of the transformation, how they are driven to slaughter those that were once close to them, and how they are removed from the mercy of time and deprived of natural rest. Do not pose the question, “what will the vampire do to the main character?” but ask “what has the vampire been forced to feel?”, and from there you can extrapolate the danger to the character. We all know the vampire wants to feed from the main character, we expect it, and thus it lacks any horror. Instead, you could focus on what it is like to be hunted by such a creature, how something effectively immortal could outsmart the (presumably) human character. How it would play with it’s food while it hunts.

Im rambling and don’t know exactly how to end this. These are very rough ideas, and while I think there is some truth to them they need refined and worked on. I’m sure someone intelligent and discerning could pick apart some of my arguments here and I really wouldn’t have a lot to say in defense. The thing that I am trying to get at though is that “horror” sucks, well most of it. The setting and monster are expected to do all the work, when the work needs to be done by the person experiencing the piece of media. You can’t just drop the pieces in place and expect it to become horror, the fear needs to be generated within the person interacting with it, and when things are too fantastical or cliche there is nothing for the person to relate with, which is necessary for that fear to be created. Zombies might be frightening, but only when a person can relate to the situation in which the zombies are encountered, and not when they are watching a team of people execute them by the hordes. Above all else, the person must relate to the emotions present, because as I’ve said, the real horror is that of human nature, and not of the mere existence of a “boogeyman”.

Here is another strange dream I have to write down before I forget. This has to be one of the most disturbing dreams I have ever had.

Warning, graphic

It started off playing videogames with two friends. I believe that they were dating. They wanted to go to the bar so you oblige them. It is late at night, and the bars wont be open for much longer. I get a plain soda with no alcohol, and the bartender is surprised and tries to get me to get something with alcohol but I say no.

Well, some people you know from Highschool are there, and you go up to greet them. You suggest to one of them you take a shot together, only to find that you didn’t bring your wallet, as you werent intending on actually drinking. The friends I had been with were a male and female, and I dont see the male so I approach the female and ask if she will buy you the shot, and explain to her about your wallet and let her know you will pay her back. She begins talking about how at least one person should stay sober (which would make sense if I had a license but I don’t), and how it is important we don’t get too drunk because thats when all the things that are bothering you, even the ones you aren’t consciously aware of, start coming out and it could be an issue. She specifically said “black out” at one point, implying she was intending on getting really drunk.

Well, I explain to the person from highschool my situation and they tell me it’s no problem and buy the shot for me and himself. I let them know that I really appreciate it and that I owe them, they just tell me to buy the shot next time.

It’s time to go, and it is the dead of night. We had driven a small gold car, but there was snow out and the windshields were covered in it and ice making it hard to see. My two friends begin trying to clean off the glass with their hands, and I open the passenger side door and see a huge pile of snow inside the car where my feet would rest. I use my hands also to toss out large portions until there is none left, and find that underneath the snow was an ice-scraper.

It is at this point that the car had turned into a large RV sort of vehicle, of a design I have never seen before. It was old, worn, and a silver-grey. My two friends are happy I found the scraper and I begin to use that on the windshields. There is some sort of maintenance worker in the parking lot also, and he climbs a tree in front of the RV. He has a weird sort of device that looks like a sponge on a stick, and acting as though it is a superior ice scraper he asks if we would like to use it, and tosses it down to one of my friends.

He begins to compliment the RV, noting that there appears to be a pool on the top and we must love using it. The female tells him that the other friend is in love with it and uses it all the time. At this point another person I remember from highschool appears and climbs to the roof of the RV. I climb up the side and talk with him also. I vaguely remember the RV originally having two stories, but it does not any longer. I do not see a pool at the top, but a hatch entrance, connected to a pole, sort of like a firemans pole.

The person from high school is chatty and seems to want to have a conversation with me. He climbs through the hatch and slides down the pole, which leads him to a strange harness made out of seatbelts. It is a pair of straps loosely in the shape of shorts, that connect to the RV with a large amount of seatbelts, so he is strapped in, in a standing position.

The windshields are clean now, and I understand we are leaving because the female has a job interview that she needs driven too. It is no longer night, and the world is beginning to become light. Everything is lit up in a pale grey-light indicative of a breaching sun and overcast sky. The three of us get in and put on our seatbelts. The male is driving, and to pull out of the parking spot he must go in reverse and swing the car down a bit of a slope to the right. I remember the RV groaning and sliding uncontrollably some as it comes down the slope, something that I greatly disliked.

As we pull out the person from highschool strains himself and forces himself free of the seatbelt-short-harness he was in, and sits in a regular seat and straps himself in, and continues to talk to me. Every turn, every hill we take causes the RV to groan loudly as it moves. Finally, after driving for some distance the person from highschool asks “what are the chances you are going near [xyz] location?” Apparently just realizing that we have driven so far from our original location and he has no idea as to our destination. One of us tells him that the woman is being driven to a job interview and while he doesn’t seem happy about it he seems content enough to accompany us on our journey.

We descend a hill, and I close my eyes. I can feel the drop in my stomach, and I remark as to how much I dislike large vehicles. The person from highschool tells me it’s not that bad, and pretty much any roller coaster will cause a much greater sensation. I respond with the fact that I don’t like roller coasters either. We begin to discuss how a large vehicle is probably safer than a small one in the case of a crash, which I agree with, but say that big or small crashing into a building could put me in serious danger. It is icy and snowy out after all, and we are barreling down a hill in a very vocal machine that doesnt seem to enjoy it very much.

We arrive at the location of the interview, it is a dairy queen. The sign out front reads “Mover and Climbers Convention”, and I realize we are at an event for a moving company. Immediately I sense that something is going to go wrong, as IRL I had to cut a “friend” out of my life who worked at a moving company. There is no longer snow, and it is no longer cold, and the world is filled with a yellow light that tells me the sun has begun to set, though it is still very bright out.

Though it was supposed to be a dairy queen, and it looked like such as we approached it, now that we are pulling into the parking lot, it looks quite different. The parking lot surrounds a parking garage, and some hotels/apartment buildings. The lot is packed with cars and people, and while I expected us to stop just momentarily to drop the woman off as there was no place to park, instead we drive into the lot, and maneuver the thin drives between the cars. We make a full 90 degree turn at one point which I dislike because the RV is so big I have no idea how we will get it out (especially in reverse) without damaging any other vehicles. And just when I think we have finished moving, the RV is brought through an impossibly tight spot in between two other cars. So tight that our mirrors on either side nearly collide with those of the cars, and only don’t because our vehicle is raised so far off the ground.

We enter park, and are very close to the parking garage itself. Mounted on the concrete of that garage, is a small television. I take it that due to the large number of people, we are to sit and watch an introduction video on this screen and wait for it to finish and receive further instruction. I am unhappy with this again, still expecting us to drop the woman off and leave until she has finished.

Well, the television isn’t playing any sort of job related video, but is playing pornography. And for lack of a better word, it isn’t normal pornography, it is hardcore sick pornography. We are watching the actresses shit themselves, and preform fellatio until the vomit all over themselves and the male actors. There are various people outside around us talking to each other and walking to and fro. It is obvious that some of them are busy with convention tasks and so forth.

There is one woman standing outside the car next to us, with a big smile on her face. She is enjoying what is on the television a lot, and here and there makes comments to us about the convention or what is being shown. Everyone in the RV is a little uncomfortable with what is going on, but the others seem to be taking it in good spirits. Clearly confused, but taking it with a sense of humor. The woman outside approaches the drivers window and is talking to us.

On the screen the pornography actress is being placed in heavy makeup, like movie make up. And through it her face is being transformed and distorted into something twisted and disturbed. Her whole face seems to droop and be made fat and bloated, and her eyes are brought more to the side of her face. The person from highschool who is sat next to me has searched the film online for answers, and shows me that she is supposed to be this strange furry pig-like creature which is renowned for having sex with just about anything it can. He seems to nod with an interested understanding.

The woman outside passes something to the driver. It is a small square of aluminum foil. I can tell that it is meth. She is imploring us to smoke it with her, in a way thats like “We all do this here, this is what everyone is doing” (though I don’t remember what she actually said). Everyone is a bit put off, but eventually one of the people im with takes a lighter to the bottom of it, and starts inhaling the smoke that is created. The woman outside is giving him pointers.

I am… very fearful at this point. Whatever I have been brought into is fucked up and I want no part of it. I refuse the offer, and the woman tries to encourage me. Now a second person I am with is smoking it. The woman seems happy. Now the person from highschool is smoking it, and I can see the crystals have turned to a liquid and are running around the tin foil. This person passes it to me, and again I refuse and give it back. The woman is scowling at me, and her eyes look like she was prepared to kill me. She keeps telling me to have some. There is a crystal stuck to my fingers from when it was passed to me, and I wan’t to get rid of it but don’t want her to notice because I think it would enrage her.

I undo my seatbelt, and gather my socks and shoes (which for some reason I wasn’t wearing). I tell everyone, “Come find me when you’re sober”, and exit the vehicle. I know that the drive was 10 minutes, which will be a long walk to get back, but I am prepared to make it. As I exit I flick the crystal out of my hand.

I don’t know where to go. I am in the middle of the parking lot, surrounded by cars and people, or the brick faces of buildings on all sides. I can tell everyone here is high, and the whole seen feels like some sort of cult. I had been dragged into this cult recruitment event and I knew they wouldn’t willingly let me leave. I begin walking, searching for a way out, trying to avoid as many people as I can. I walk past an older man who tells me about a good price on some product they are trying to sell (not anything illegal). I don’t know what it is and am so nervous I can barely speak, but tell him “okay” and keep walking. He gives me a strange and unhappy look, and I know that he was questioning whether I was an outsider or not, but I just keep moving.

I am searching for an exit but can’t find one. Instead I just run into more people. When I think I have found one, I start moving towards it, but am confronted by the crowd. There is a nude woman, also a bit older, and the crowd is trying to convince me to sleep with her. I know if I do there won’t be any escape for me and I keep trying to refuse. She wont leave me alone though, and she and others repeatedly block my path as I try to walk. For a moment, everything gets very confusing and dream-logicy, but eventually I manage to break away and make a run for it.

A lot of the people I was with previously, and a lot of the buildings I was around had green tape on them. When I run, I try to move past an area with blue tape. A large man steps in front of me and grabs my arms, and we slide violently a far distance across the parking lot, as though he had rockets strapped to his back. The feeling was that of a video game, like the green tape was level 1 and I had accidentally stumbled into a higher level area.

Somehow I break away and keep running. I run all around the parking garage, and make it to an area with trucks being filled with oil and gas by large machinery. There is a warehouse there which I enter. Inside, is a rock-climbing competition, and the different courses are being shown off in some sort of introduction video. The warehouse is set up similarly to an auditorium, with rows of seats on one end that rise up a few levels against the back walls, which are facing the rock-wall-sets which are being displayed. I manage to make it behind the display, and see three normal looking people that I can tell are competing.

I am relieved to find people that aren’t high out of there mind on meth, and ask them if they are aware that we are surrounding by fucking insane people. They are aware, and seem mildly alarmed by this fact, but still intend to continue to compete. They tell me “Everyone outside is chanting ‘Ice breaker, ice breaker, ice breaker, ice breaker’” with a concerned tone in their voice.

At this moment, another person comes behind the set and speaks to me. I knew that this was a person that had been chasing me since I left the RV, and that he had found me in my hiding spot. He tells me that I need to come with him. I back away, and he follows me. I am outside the warehouse again, by the oil-truck. Still backing up I duck underneath the tubes the truck is hooked up too, behind the machinery, and turn the corner around the building. I am quick enough to escape his grasp, but not to elude him completely. He turns the corner also, and begins taunting me. He tells me that I will smoke the meth and I can’t escape him. I keep refusing. He raises his hand, and in it is a long thin cooking knife. With a tone of cold amusement on his face, he tells me that he will just stab me then, like he thought what he was doing was funny.

There is nowhere for me to run, I know that you can’t escape a knife fight or attack without harm, when suddenly he is shot in the head from behind. For a moment I can see straight through his skull before he collapses to the ground. The shooter? The person from highschool who came with me. Evidently he had sobered up and became as disturbed by the events as I was. He tells me how insane everything is, and remarks that everyone was chanting “ice breaker” like the other people had told me. I tell him we need to get out of here and he asks how.

We are standing next to a tall wooden fence, and I tell him all we have to do is quickly jump this and we will be in the relative safety of someone else’s yard. He agrees, and I begin trying to climb. It is too tall for me, and I lack the arm strength to lift myself over, so I tell him to help me by lifting my legs. As I crest the top, I see we don’t just need to clear one fence, but two. There is a fence around the location we are in, and a fence around the yard we intend to enter. Between the two is around a 2 foot wide strip of grass. This isn’t impossible to get across but does make it more awkward and difficult.

I make it across, and am telling him to hurry up and climb. He gets further than me, but is struggling to make it over also. I grab his arms and pull to try and help him. At this point, everyone at the convention knows that the two of us are trying to escape, and we can hear them shouting and rushing towards us. This person from highschool is nearly parallel with the ground at this point, with his arms over on my side but his legs still hanging on the side of the convention.

I don’t know what happens here, but he seems to pause. Maybe he had second thoughts about leaving. Either way, the rest of the people catch up to him and pull him back down. Had he not stopped and kept trying to climb he would have made it across, but he was gone now and I had to leave on my own.

Im running and running, but I don’t know where to go. I know I am close to an area I am familiar with, but where I am at now I have never been before. It is the dead of night now, and I see a street. The street is filled with like 30 police cars, sirens blaring, lights on full blast. The stop at a turn in the road and all the officers get out. They are dressed and are acting strangely, clearly methed out of their minds. It is clear that whoever these people are they have the police on their side also. I don’t know where I am at this point, but I know I am somewhere very close to where they have stopped.

They talk to eachother momentarily, and then one by one, the grunt into a communication device on their wrist, get back into their car, and drive off searching for me further. The dream then zooms in on me, somewhere in the distance in the wet woods right next to where they had stopped, huddled up in fetal position in the complete darkness. A slow song starts playing on a guitar, and a man in falsetto starts singing “I cant stand this loneliness”, and credits roll. At the very start of the credits is the title of the movie: Street in [my city] somewhere in June.

What is so disturbing about this dream, besides everything I have stated yet, is how vivid it was, and that there was a sense of continuity, and callbacks. It really felt like a movie, with motion in the plot, and references to event earlier. Normally long dreams are actually a few smaller dreams that melt together, but the theme and events of this one were referenced throughout. Like how multiple people, at multiple parts of the dream stated everyone was chanting the same thing. And there was more also that I am not remembering as well.

And meth? I have never been around that in my life, but I knew exactly what it was the people were doing. For some reason having credits like it was an actual movie is fucking with me too. It was so realistic when I woke up I searched the name on youtube, but luckily didn’t find anything.

This is not proof-read. It is way too long for me to do that. I really didn’t want to even write about this it was so disturbing. I wanted to just forget about it but that didn’t seem to be possible, so I thought writing it down would help me process it and move on from it.

Fun-fact, the m word to refer to being killed is not allowed on this forum. Who knew.

Lmao, none of my journals can stay on a single theme :rage:

More weird dreams. This one not as clear as the others.

It started out with me and some friends (mostly ones I am no longer actually friends with, or that I don’t have contact with) being homeless and forced to camp out. There is some worry about the legality of doing so, and making sure that we arent breaking any laws. At one point, we all end up at a grocery store that has a large dining area/cafe in it. After eating, one of the friends stands up and addresses the crowd, proclaiming how unfair it is how we are being treated (being homeless and stuff). I expect the crowd to be upset but instead they give us a roaring round of applause.

Back to camping, we are doing so on a woman’s property now (well more like in her fenced in back yard). She is kind enough to provide up with a place, and some amenities as we need them. She also likes spending time with us and playing some games with us as a group.

She is dressed very modestly, in pants and a jacket over a shirt. I think she has glasses(?) and her hair is done up on top of her head in a messy bun. She seems ditzy, scatterbrained, very kind and with a smile on her face, making jokes with us and laughing, but like her mind is somewhere else.

I am appreciative of what she is doing for us, but don’t feel particularly fond of her at that time. That changes though when we are sitting together, and she brings up some obscure websites she used to visit. I realize, shit, we are pretty similar. This creates a newfound interest in getting to know her.

At some point her glasses are off, and I get a good look at her eyes. It is almost like magnetism, like she was drawn to show me, and I was drawn to look. She goes still allowing me a clear opportunity to gaze into them, and I go still also as I examine them. They are… almost indescribable. A shining purple/pink hue, with the vibrancy of lighting. I swear I see galaxies upon galaxies in them, and vast nebula and asteroid belts. Like when I look in I can see through time and space itself.

I ask her, and my exact question I don’t remember well at all, something along the eyes of “Am I seeing the dream?” or “Am I looking into your dream?”. She is different now, quieter, more still. She responds with a yes and I ask her to do the same to me. She looks into mine, and the change is solidified. She goes silent for a long while, and walks away without talking to me.

Her demeanor is different now. She is much more authoritarian, and critical at times. Not cruel or rude mind you, but I come to find out we are on a spaceship with her, and she is the captain. The rest I can only piece together through bits and pieces.

The crew is small, maybe four or five people total including myself. It was some sort of research/mining mission, but it had begun to go really wrong. They had been floating for… who knows how long, millennia? Something had happened and they had never reached their destination, which I took to be some intergalactic mining and research station on a foreign moon or asteroid. I got to see that station and it was massive, a structure the size of many cities, larger than the natural structure it was anchored too (in size but maybe not mass).

I know for a fact there was something wrong with their oxygen. Something had happened that had put a hole in their supply and it had been constantly leaking for a long time, they had made a mistake in the repair process and were never able to get it fixed until we (I) showed up. They needed something which could produce a flame to mend it, which I (my group??) conveniently had with them.

I know they were cloning animals too, but stopped for some unknown reason a long time ago. The only reason I received for that at all had to do with dogs. Apparently they found out through successive cloning, each generation of dog became progressively more aggressive. She mentioned that she was sure some people wouldn’t mind but that they had stopped. I never learned anything else about why they stopped that operation completely.

I think they were using the dogs for leather? They mentioned how they would die the legs with color and that when they were removed the pigment would stay, I guess these dogs were also able to regrow their limbs?

They were able to contact and communicate with other ships also, but for some reason they never called them for help. Perhaps the ship had drifted to far away from anyone that a rescue mission was impossible ( I know our galaxy is inside a void ).

Our captain was trying really hard to make everyone believe that everything was under control, but this clearly wasn’t the case. At least I could see through it pretty easily. She was very tight with information, and the dream made a point of showing me that she was drip feeding me with information over a very long period of time (but dream logic it didn’t feel like that).

She was worried, exasperated, and did not know what to do, and her and her crew had just been floating aimlessly for a long time. That was the last impression she wanted to give off though, and she carried herself as a captain and lead researcher should. Clinical, knowledgeable, and focused on the task at hand. It seemed like in her heart she knew the mission couldn’t be completed and had given up on it, but her mind and body continued the tasks she new was necessary.

The dream transitions, and everything that had happened had been like a book, which I had been listening to an audio recording of. I am sharing my love with it with someone else, how engaging it was and how I was completely pulled in and invested by the story. They ask me how I missed the trailer they had shown earlier. I responded I didn’t know, and they play it for me again.

The trailer seems ancient. The color and quality told me it was from the 60’s or 70’s, but the real ancient quality was the location it was shot in. Great natural forests, teeming with wildlife and overgrown nature. It is in another language, one that seems familiar but that I don’t speak, and there are subtitles to let me know what is being said.

The last shot was of the movie’s adaptation of the captain. She was standing on the incredibly steep slope of a mountain, dressed in a long yellow dress with her hair down, amidst grass that came up to around her waist. The mountain is to the right of the screen, and the left is just open air. She turns her head that direction and looks off into the sky, and credits roll.

Just as I am asking the person what language that was, the credits reach their end and there is one word “NORSE”.