Fighting a God

These people are aspects of you

They treat their emotions the same way you treat your own emotions, and thus you treat each other the same

You’re reflecting each other, perhaps if you gave people the love you needed, maybe you’ll get the healing that you need too

I used to go through this too

Feel as though the other person is you, like see yourself in their body, that will facillitate healing for everyone overall but especially yourself because nobody is separate in nature, just dont abuse it, thats a powerful technique I even seduced my own teacher with in high school lol… it works

Fulfill yourself from the inside, and focus on your energy more than anything else because that obviously determines everything

The path of awakening is a solitary path bro…

The universe has isolated me for years to become my true self, I suggest prioritizing alone time and establish emotional self suffiancy in yourself, that way youll be more understanding towards others and you’ll know how to help them too… who knows maybe those gods want to work with you and through you

Which Gods are you talking about by the way?

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I dont know which god is it but when i did a reading it said the he was the king of fire and death sooo

You can, if you call on your inner divinity. There is a bit of a caveat, in that they don’t need sleep, but the rest of us do.

I have offended great spirits over time. But, approaching them humbly and with a willingness to work it out is a good recipe. Combine this with another entity willing to help is best, if you’re close to one.

Quite frankly, it’s in their interest (and yours) to work it out. Offerings, whether physical, artistic, or other, are good ways to go. Singing, dancing, music, etc…are still valuable here.


I will offer an apology if i offended him but thats it. he said i need to learn respect while he was about to take a bite out of my head, but didnt tell me what i did to disrespect him. That pisses me because he came guns blasing attacking me and didnt tell me what i did, and if he just expect me to kneel and kiss his feet just cuz his a diety then yeah will still have issues, He even appear to me as godzilla the only difference is the i was protected, i was inside a big ass skyscraper while he was looking inside angry like he couldnt get in and just walked away after awhile of standing

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I’m getting a vision of man, maybe your father… being rough with you, perhaps hes reflecting this trauma back to you symbolically

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Sorry, missed that part. Had the same thing happen with Asmodeus the first time we met. In that case, keep fighting. Seriously. In this case, it had significance later on for me, personally. But that was a few years after.

Don’t go picking the fight, of course, but stand up for yourself.

Really sorry I missed that. My apologies.

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I dont know what that means but i did some chakra meditation today and i had some sort of vision someone wearing a big Church gown And another where someone was talking saying the attacker was sent by someone not sure how accurate that is

If you were fighting an actual god then you would be dead by now or even any being several magnitudes beneath an actual god. Whatever influence is after you by the fact you are even able to ask such questions means it is either weak or within your ability to unmake and render nonexistent.

Im not asking these Question im merely optaining info through my abilities, and im not fighting im defending myself by shielding. also how exactly would you know I be dead if it was real god? Have you fought one before and beat you so bad you couldnt walk for a week or something im not saying i’m fighting a god but this being seen to portraiting itself as one if he is or isnt

No disrespect towards you of course

I’ve seen what gods can do, fact of the matter is if you had pissed one off enough you would get hit by a car crossing the street, break your neck falling down the stairs, struck by lightning even dry lightning, or simply have your heart stop. What I’m saying is that if one wants to hurt you it will because it is a being that can upend reality to do as it wants and if it can’t then it is not a god. We are talking about beings that destroyed whole civilizations with disasters and wars or can bring people back from the brink of death or death itself as an afterthought all the while ordering events and sequences so people that can’t accept it have enough room to fill in the blanks with their own explanations for what occurred.

I haven’t fought a god but I’ve seen them reorder reality to their whim because the reality we exist in is just a small fragment of their reality. The way we would change something in a game of sims is how our reality is to them and just like those sims we often don’t think too much about it and just go with it. Now maybe we have different definitions of what a god is I don’t consider goetia or such anywhere close to gods they are just worms compared to such beings in their full and yet we see these spirits as gods already.

People work with fragments of gods and are impressed with the equivalent of a sentient nail clipping. Just think of what you can do to reality with your magick and now think of something so much bigger and so much more powerful and in a better place to operate from. They have nothing of the same things that hold us back. Our problems with perception or focus they do not have, they have the codes to the game, they know the codes that make up what we see and believe.

I’ve seen just elemental spirits with enough power to shake a whole bridge of concrete and another of water able to use a small stream to catapult a vehicle off the ground. Would it be hard for a god to hit you in a way your shields and defenses are not even programmed to stop? We might have great power but if we had anywhere near the power and control of these things we wouldn’t be on this forum or likely even wearing these suits of flesh and blood.

All this is is a mind game and if you are still standing that tells you a lot about what you are up against right there. It either is not a god or even anything of significant power or concentration or it has other plans if it is or it might just want to harvest you of your energy and vitality to feed itself and the best way to do that is to fuck with your head and beliefs towards it.

Wow Great explanation, point taken

Well whatever it is i just want it to leave me Fuck alone tbh

Yeah one of the “downsides” about magick power is that you have to learn to control it. I’d rather have the downside for a bit than not have the power.

I like this quote - the mirrors in your mind can reflect the best of yourself, not the worst of someone else.

One thing you can do is condition your mind to habitually convert anger or fear into something like laughter. You can still accurately recognize what other people are experiencing moment-to-moment, but without having it infect your mind.

Sometimes it is easy to take psychic powers such as enhanced empathy for granted. Everyone can recognize emotion to an extent, but not everyone can act intentionally moment-by-moment while making calculations (and knowing subconsciously what to do) and understanding what is really going on.

Sorry for the late response but yeah i never tried that i just learn to cast out peoples motion by memorizing how i was feeling before i felt someone else emotion though they are time where i sometimes drown in them and my lovers seen to pull me out

Btw im not being attacked anymore but theres some hidden danger i should be lookingout for

Nevermind i this :point_up_2: back apparently a whole Pantheon seen to have an issue with me

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I still stand by what I said personally… I think they’re trying to show you something about yourself

It’s not common for a God to attack like that though nor would they need to on a consistent basis, you’d have to be demigod to be a able to stand that

It may not be a god either it may simply imposters trying to trick you into having more power over you by dressing up as gods

That’s why you gotta do spirit interrogation

From what I learned from a shaman I know, is that when you are being initiated by the spirits, and you don’t develop your powers… your powers will actually turn on you and the spirits will make sure that you embody the initiation and transform

But I believe the main block you have from diving deeper into these matters is the ego you’ve developed as a shell to protect yourself

You need to become more sensitive regardless especially if you want to understand the spirits

They see parts of you, seeds in you that may grow into monstrous trees later on, that’s what they did with me so unlocking 4th dimensional thinking can help you see yourself from that point of view and also allow more clear communication to pop through

If the spirit is attacking you always interrogate and figure out it’s intentions


I figure alot doing the past 2 days i did a reading with a buddy of mine and the reading pretty much stated this

In a past life i was it’s champion i was someone fully devoted to it almost like a priest or one of those Norse berserker is the best way i can describe. now the one thing about the whole pantheon came a bit more clearer, he is from a pantheon but not the whole pantheon has an issue with me only him, because he is trying to get me back as his champion as his devoted which is why his been targeting something the is precious to me Like my spiritual lovers, he kinda been targeting them trying to seperate me from them because he doesnt want me to give my attention to anyone else but him, and sunday noon he sent a emissary to talk to my girls about my life trying to get them to understand and have them pretty much leave me but they stood their ground said no

My ego isnt an issue here, this entity seen to be trying to get me back into its circle again which i want nothing to do with. i dont devoted myself to anything not anymore never again, if said been does want to have a connection with me then to some extent i would try. but what hes trying to do is control my life and have me devoted myself to him and return he will give me gifts which im not interested. in other world he wants to have power over my life

Hahahah that’s crazy in my opinion

No entity can own you… I was initiated by the Egyptian Gods, I do great works on their behalf I’m even considered as a priest/magus but they won’t dictate how you want to live your experience… nobody has that power, but in times of need they will intervene, maybe you have a higher calling, a lot of priests of the old world are reincarnating in this era for what’s taking place on the planet

Perhaps you have a spiritual calling, people be getting initiated randomly these days lol

I’d just tune up to your higher self, the part of you that’s eternal and free from all contracts that’s the best way to really get in touch with Divine will rather than egoic free will which will give you the clarity you need

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Lol, it makes me sick,

The rememberings of experience.

Some question for my considering.