Feeling weird between the brows

hello guys
lately i feel very weird on the middle of my brows
its a thrilling,deep intense and drilling like sensations…anyone have any idea of this?
what is that?


That’s your third eye. Meditate.


Do you feel something like a pressure around that area, like your eyes are almost forced to close but without feeling sleepy or tired in the rest of your body ?


i dont feel like its my 3 eye, i always felt it on my forehead

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an intense beneath the skull

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In this case if you were doing rituals that require using your inner vision… better take a short break until it’s back to normal. It’s like when you overuse a muscle. Needs some rest after intense work.


true that,will do thank you


I experienced this last night after connecting with Lilith. During my work, the pressure was slight, but at the end, the pressure was immense, and felt the size of a tennis ball. It was pushing out just above and between my eyebrows.

I had to close my eyes as it was very powerful, and i eventually fell asleep.

Obviously, I am thinking its my Brow chakra engaging and opening up. I have never experienced anything like that before!


When this happens to me, and it could happen anytime, I know there’s a spirit trying to communicate for an urgent matter. I get in TGS/Trance state, and that should be easy because the spirit itself helps with it by this pressure… and I receive messages or visions instantly.

Try it. When you have that feeling, get in deep TGS and keep your inner sense alerted to receive whatever the spirit is trying to tell you or show you.


It’s interesting that you posted this recently i noticed a spot on my head right there and have been having some for lack of better words weird events


Edit: I should start with “Captain Obvious here… Sry” When you are in what you might consider your spiritual time, you might relax your face a bit, while thinking and breathing differently at the same time. All may contribute to that subtle, or intense pressure. The third eye may rely on the pineal gland, but is also attributed to the pursuit of a spiritual path. I take activation of that area as a good sign. There are modes of thinking that contribute to that pressure. Extreme thinking, such as space, life, large distances…

