Feeling very sad after a visit to graveyard

Today I was walking in graveyard like many times wen i have time. From some time I’m interested in necromancy and study a lot in this field.
Wen i was there, I was start feeling a deep sadness near by some abandoned gravestones. I was identified few graves what get my atention.
Now, after couple of hours, i feel a deep, very deep feeling of sadness, i don’t feel something bad on me, just sadness. I was walking respectfully paying attention to surroundings.
I feel that THERE must be something what need to be fixed.

It could very well have been the residual energy left by the deceased or by the people who were tied to the deceased. I often lean to the latter because usually I find the emotions of the dead lingers where they have died not where they have been buried.

Of course there are cases those lingering emotions cling to the corpse as well. So it could be mix of the two.


I was many times in the same place, from more that 6 months and never felt like this.

When I’m at a graveyard or near something dead my right eye twitches lol, I use to only feel this heavy feeling in my chest now it’s just that I mentioned. So I find it happens when I am near the energy of the dead (graveyards) or by something that just died (it’s a lot of roadkill here) and the energy causes those reactions.

To shame I can’t go in night time there because is closed and is on very busy street. Definitely I will go another day there. I MUST know what is going on. Like Dante, BTW, I read his book more that 10 time, trying to understand. And I don’t know why but is a network between his book and those gravestones.

I’ve wanted to go to the graveyard by my house as well but can’t for those same reasons lol.

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I’m from Romania but I live I Czechs Republic, close to Prague. Back in Romania I can have access to many graveyards I want easy, without problems. But here…

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Maybe relatives visited in between? Is there a groundskeeper you can ask or was anything changed at the site, like it being cleaned up or flowers left?

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This! Especially if there was a funeral lately, the group of mourning peoples leaves a residual energy that lasts awhile.

It’s a shame that so many members here face the possibility of legal trouble for going to graveyards and cemeteries at night. I’m lucky that I’ve never lived in such a location that made a big deal out of it. The cops even caught us smoking cannabis in the graveyard one night in a cemetery years ago where that was also very illegal and let it slide…

That is so totally cool, Transylvania maybe? there is vampires Dracula Castle and spiritism Hasdeu Castle

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Maybe, but this graveyard is old (one gravestone is from 1806, but many are destroyed)

Actually my family have a house very close to “Dracula Castle” (70 km) from castle)


I had an experience at a nearby cemetery where I noticed that when I was closer to the newer graves I’d start feeling a sadness here and there, but when I was closer to the much older graves there was a feeling of deep peace and stillness. You could literally walk into the peace and stillness.

Do people in romania really believe dracula had something to do with vampires? :thinking: because as far as I have read the connection between dracula and vampires was purely a work of fiction from someone who actually never visited transylvania.

I don’t have the same vision. But you have right, many stories are on that castle.

are they all vampire related or is there some that are different? :thinking: I rarely hear much on the castle as opposed to in the past.

This is what i feel now after a joint and some OBE. And yes, a lot of energy around me

To be honest i don’t know about those stories because this not my cup of tea

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That is mega totally cool!!! :star_struck:

" The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.” -Les Brown

I have experienced a similiar saddness after visiting a cemetery and this quote often comes to mind, especially from a family line of Graves at my local cemetery that I leave coins for the parents and candy for the children when I can. Makes me wonder if it is a reminder of the dead for the living to live.