Feeling a little down and out

Thanks :two_hearts:

You got the this girl, it’s just like hermetics. Everything comes in waves.
I’ve been there to and I find alot of people on this forum has as well. Were all here for you because we can all share in the experience :slightly_smiling_face:
Never alone :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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Thank you so much!

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I think the Mercury retrograde just started, while we have a Mars retrograde going on… same though, I have a really hard time focusing on work :confused:


I’m the same here… mostly because im not working for a looong time and all of my applications have negative answers. And it feels like you are useless, but you know that’s not true it’s this covid situation + the economy of the country which is really bad anyways.
And despite of this, i found out that the 2 girl friends of mine are talking shit about me behind my back.
So how happy and mentally stable can you feel after all this :neutral_face:


Do shadow work,dont be a warrior anymore.

I felt the same way when i was becoming a warlord,so stand a little higher today.

when no light can heal your shadow then its time to be a warlord,use that energy and misery to fuel your ascend. take a little time off,go to a park or any isolated place and detoxify yourself from the world and reach that inner darkness and decide what you want and what you want to be today and now.
Give that pain for the thing that you want.

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I have days like that. I like to believe it’s the universe testing my resolve. Hang in there, fam. We :heart: You.

So many retrogrades at once. I am super sensitive as it is. I am just like why am I crazy now. :joy:


These are hard times, and shadow work especially can bring it out. For me I find resistance makes it worse and only saves it for later. When I have bad days instead of trying not to slip, I dive and immerse with raw acceptance - swim with the tides and let the rip current take me. It can be scary at first but worth it. Hope you feel better.

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I haven’t worked since the end of august so I feel you there too. Thankfully I have amazing family and friends that are keeping me a float during these times.

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This year has been hard on me, too.
But every crisis offers the chance of a new beginning.
A better one.


Yeah, sadly it’s the same with me and also the changes in weather… and it only got worse when I started working on my senses, like when rain is coming I get the worst headaches ever :sweat_smile:

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I am trying I am doing 80 Days of shadow work and I just started my next 20 day section. It’s just digging up a lot of stuff that I didn’t even know I was carrying around since I buried it so deeply.

Thanks for commenting I don’t know how many times you have helped me when I wasn’t sure of a situation or a vision or a message i had. I value your friendship and guidance greatly.


This so so true. I think the earth itself is just in chaos. You’re connected to nature like I am so I think I am getting what is coming from there and also all of the pain I have had in the past year mundanely as well.

Here’s to better times!

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I am so some really deep shadow work so I think that is what is happening too.

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You know you can always call me.

I feel you. I was very depressed a few weeks back. It was hard to pull myself out of it.

I’ve found doing mantras help me when I’m really depressed or down. But everyone has different things that help.


Thanks I might take you up on that! I hope you don’t mind lots of tiny house talk and pictures.

Going and ordering the shed helped a lot. It’s giving me something to look forward to and that is completely mine.

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I don’t mind at all. You might give me ideas :sparkling_heart:

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I am soooo excited to do this is it will all be done (besides the wiring and plumbing) by my own hands.


Yay! That is really awesome to hear about your tiny house.

Although, I have to wonder why the word migration keeps coming to mind. :thinking: Oh well, passing thought.

Anyways, Little Ms. Bumblebee, HUGS!!!

For whatever reason, I feel I must tell you that you are extremely loved by a dark Goddess. I’m so happy you are doing your shadow work. It’s tough, but so worth it in the end.

The deeper we go, the more we shed those skins and our true self comes out. We are our own apocalyptic hell. Remember, it’s okay to feel down. Own the feelings and become like the Blue Lotus flower.


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