Feather to trace magic circle

Watching some golden dawn vids saw a technique where the guardians are called through a feather instead of a ritual wand or knife.

What do you guys achieve through this interesting method?

I am thinking of trying it with west Hekate, south Sepheranz, east Lucifer Phosphoros, north Belial, Center gateopener Azazel *
*this magic circle is absolutely NOT for LHP beginners!!!


Ok guys i can encourage you to trace your magic circle with a feather calling the guardians. It works perfectly. Probably suits every magician :star_struck:

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Shouldn’t you call Hecate from South instead? Or wherever you call forth the element of fire according the tradition you’re following? :thinking:
Edit: seems South is where the fire element is called in most traditions…


According to the Gallery of Magick, in the oldest extant Kabbalah prayers and invocations, Fire is in the East, and Air is in the South. This is the correspondence they use in their angelic Circle of Power, which is similar to the Invocation of the Archangels in the LBRP.

When the Golden Dawn created the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, they switched the elemental directions so that Fire was in the South and Air in the East, and that switch has filtered down into the “standard” of Western occultism today.


Ah thank you for the information, I’m not following these teachings and rituals so I didn’t knew!

Then from West is water and Earth north? …or no? Still doesn’t make sense tbh for the directions the OP chose for those Spirits… Even Sepheranz (had to google this one lol…) her cardinal is northwest or west and her element is the fifth, so why calling her from South? Is it also a common thing in Kabbalah to call whatever guardians from whatever direction? :thinking: :thinking:

Not that interferes with my practices ofc, just confused how no one else noticed…


You’re not the only one who noticed lol

And yes, the North is still Earth and the West is Water, in the ancient Kabbalah teachings. The Golden Dawn just switched Fire and Air.

Usually, when you call guardians to the cardinal directions, they should fit the elements of each, but some people do try to force some beings into elemental correspondences where they don’t belong, like Donald Tyson did with his version of the Necronomicon.


Oohh I see. So it’s not common but some do it either way. In my tradition we switch west and north, West being Earth and North being Water, but usually I warn when I explain something :smiley:

Thank you DK!


Despite knowing and following the Golden dawn version - for some reason always wanted to place water in the north, air in the west and earth in the east, I know it’s really odd. Must be because In a way although unconsiously wanted import Norse cosmology into the mix, when you shouldn’t.

However I agree with you that when you do it right the watchers appear in forms that correspond with the element of the cardinal direction, as I have seen it for myself.


My understanding is that Fire was placed in the East because that is the direction from which the sun rises. Whether that is correct or not, I don’t know, but doing the Circle of Power daily, has shown me that the East = Fire correspondence is stronger than South = Fire, as the manifestations seem more solid.


That’s not so odd. It is the way the elements are arranged in the Hexagram Ritual for instance.
It’s based on the zodiac. Aries (fire) in East, Cancer (water) in North, Libra (air) in the West and Capricorn (earth) in the South.


Good to know. I really should look into the Kaballah more, the reason why I haven’t done so yet is because I have found it to be tricky to find a good book that isn’t dry or worse yet, boring. >___>

What I meant was weird was my idea wanting to place the elements like this:

Water in the north
Fire in the south
Air in the west and
Earth in the east.

I feel it’s more natural this way, but I figure it’s because I’ve spent to much time reading the world of Ederd Thórrson - where Nifllheim was placed in the north and Musspelheim in the south, Jotunheim in the east and Vanaheim in the west.

However ever since I finished the lessons of the O.A.A - where you summon the guardians of each cardinal direction, I stick with the traditional way - following the golden dawn version of cardinal points. But based on what I’ve read from you @Yazata and @DarkestKnight - I’ll be sure to try out the oldest way we know according to the Kaballah and see if it makes any difference.


There is absolutely no reason not to experiment. :grinning:

Donald Tyson attributed Cuthulu to Water, because his city sunk beneath the ocean, though the connection is tenuous at best.

The literature describes him as the War Priest of the Old Ones, so Fire might have been more appropriate. Yet Water does work.

Find whatever elemental correspondence works best for you in the cardinal directions. If you think Water fits the North, then use it in ritual and see how it feels.


Then I’ll be sure to experiment and let you or others know the results. :slight_smile:

And I didn’t know that! It’s tenous but as long as it works, I guess the trick lies in finding out where the pull of the energy is the strongest.

Thank you for giving me something to figure out and good know I am not too nutty. ^^

P.S - sorry @Rav for derailing the thread a bit, it wasn’t my intention.


Personally I find Cthulhu to correspond more with Earth in the form of a sleeping Earth God, in the way that some Earth Goddesses would sunder the world when they wake

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I find good to discuss something so important as the magic circle and the guardians. I am sure that the ancient Gods love it when we decide are own rules and create our own universes. There is no other law except do what thou wilt. :first_quarter_moon_with_face::full_moon_with_face::last_quarter_moon_with_face:


The only issue with that is forcing it TOO hard and causing the opposite or destructive results. Make sure during experimentation youre prepared for it to backfire and you set up as many safeguards as you feel appropriate. Backlash from a circle gone wrong WILL FUCK YOU UP

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I misread that, sorry.
Inspiring to see you steam ahead with the lessons of the OAA! I started the lessons of the second flame last week.

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No worries and thanks. :slight_smile: I’ll update that thing soon enough. I’ve just been lazy updating as of late. Tons of schoolwork that’s really the main reason. If I can help out with the O.A.A in anyway let me know, I’ll try to do what I can.

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