False Angel Numbers

Hello everyone. So I’ve been seeing 1:11, 11:11, 2:22 and 3:33 almost everyday. Once I wokeup in middle of night and saw the time exactly 3:33 am. I took it all in a positive way and continued what I’m doing in my life. I just read a blog where a lady mentioned that the divine sends only a specific message and doesn’t confuse you with other numbers, if you see so that’s not divine but it’s probably a demon trying to contact you with false anger numbers. I really want your thoughts on it. Please don’t that I must use the search option this question is just different, so kindly elaborate.

Any spirit can send a number synchronicity, these numbers aren’t unique to anyone in particular. It’s just the trend to call them ‘angel numbers.’ Your own subconscious, your higher self, even the Universe itself can also send synchs. They can also happen because you’re looking for them, or expecting them to happen. Genuine synchronicities hit differently. You’ll just know when it’s genuine. It feels different.

A genuine synchronicity usually doesn’t happen as a single thing. Being bombarded by strings of numbers isn’t really helpful, is it? When you see a particular number, is there anything else that stands out? Do you see a number every time you have a particular thought? Are there others signs or synchronicities that happen alongside a particular number? An animal? A song? Anything else?

You can look up what 333 means and find 27 different answers of what someone else says it could mean and who could be sending it, but these are things you have to put in the work to find out what (if anything) they mean to you. Observe what goes on around and within you when you see a number and you’ll begin to be able to separate the genuine from the random.


I was attacked with a sharp pain in my eyes and right before I saw angel numbers. Actually I was attacked for years and saw 404 all the time and a pain/tension in my heart. I’m being attacked now ans STILL see them. They mean almost nothing.

I don’t agree with them being angel numbers and the guidance , I was a strong believer in them for years but they did nothing but give me false hope only to get disappointed :disappointed:

I don’t believe they are just angel numbers , mainly this was attributed by the believe of light workers, i suspect :thinking:
the universe it’s not only “light”, positive and unicorns dancing. Each sign and syncronity it gives us can came with a warning, negative side , lesson , hardship, change etc etc
Then, it’s up to you, considering your situation to find it’s use
It did happen to me , right before my divorce, to see 1:55, 2:55 almost everything with 555
And it was an AWFUL PERIOD, full of pain but full of lesson that later lead to me becoming more powerful


I get 11:11 12:12 and so on constantly

I’ve started noticing what’s going on when it happens mainly just bc I wanna figure out what it is communicating

So far I think it’s “pay attention”

Bc that’s what I’m doing now in response :joy::sweat_smile:

This is how I get communication from spirit. I have certain numbers. I love seeing them. Makes me feel comforted like they’re watching me. I’ve had a thing for numbers for my whole life, not just after getting into magic. Yes I also believe your higher self, your soul, whatever can contact u via numbers also. Not just entities. You are the universe , you are a part of everything. Numbers are synchronicities. It let’s me know im on the right path for me. I dont label them “angel” numbers. Lucifer is the main one sending them to me so far. But I feel one with him and one with universal consciousness so no matter where or who they come from, they mean something, to me personally anyways. Hope this helps.

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