Fall of Man & BALG

Hello All,

I’m curious who is familiar with Fall of Man publishing? I have recently acquired a few texts and have a few questions about combining formulas from two different sects of magick and the possible outcomes. Is it possible to use an Athyer invocation / evocation, with the Qlipothic realm and diety names in place of the stated? Should.one connect to the Ayther and establish a bond of sorts before attempting the above? If my understanding is correct, the Ayther is where chaos resides (chaos being Tiamat). How can you utilize the two areas mentioned above, within the draconian current?

Apologies for the scattered and what might seem like random haphazard questions. Any input is greatly appreciated.

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You know a Black magician is pure power. If the Gods of Chaos tell you to try it than is for your own Ascension. Every person has a different energy matrix and has special personal needs to evolve.
The realities of other magicians are theirs and most likely have nothing to do with your path. Every path is unique.
If you believe you are a witch and a God on earth say Yes!!! You make your own rules!


Were those incantations written for the purpose of invoking or evoking a specific spirit? If that’s the case then I would use those incantations for what they’re intended for instead of switching out the names for other spirits. IMHO, It’s a bit half-hearted to do this but I feel like most people would disagree.


Not designed for any specific spirit or deity, but it is particular to the aetheric realms of the Sephiroth. The incantations are written and spoken in Enochian, while also, utilizing Solomonic techniques of invo and evocation.

Side Thought
I’m curious though, if combining both Enochian and the Daemonic tongue (The Black Witch) together during these rites, while also approaching / engaging with the entity in a manner one would regard their most esteemed Professors, instead of the binding and constraining approach (which in my opinion is based on fear). The kind of results that may produce. Regardless, whether working with one side or the other, you are dealing with celestial energies (both, neither good, nor bad), so perhaps the two languages are just different dialects with the same roots at its foundation, that when used in conjunction with each other can enhance the work at hand?

Apologies in advance for my random side tangents, but if you have any opinions or suggestions I am open to reading them.

Now I know what you’re getting at. I would use them for what they’re intended for.