Failed Petitions?

I did two petitions to demons for the same thing and they both failed. I’m not really upset or disheartened, but more so I am confused as to why they did not come to pass. Is there any tips to make my petitions more effective?

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You could be doubting yourself, being too vague forcing the universe to pull strings in a more complex manner, lacking the means for things to come to fruition which again leads to elaborate methods needing to come together… all of which can seriously draw out the time it takes for these petitions to come to fruition.


I had a week limit for both and no results. What you’re saying is that maybe the demon I petitioned may still be working on my request?

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I think it is most likely that your time frame was too short. A week might not have been enough time to move all the variables necessary.

I usually give a minimum of two weeks, but preferably a month for petitions.


Likely time is the issue, even in the best situation the spirits don’t always play to our will or it could just require more length to produce the intended result


I made the petition about two weeks ago. Should I be patient or make another one? I’m thinking that I’ll wait until the end of this month.

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Could always redo it, but you got to remember to learn to let things go. That way there is no opposing will power, essentially the element of doubt.


Alternatively, demons are there own persons with their own ideas about things. It’s entirely possible that they think answering your request would be a bad idea, alternatively, if they’re not spirits you have a good relationship with they could feel used and not want to answer your request.

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