Eye Doctors Control Reality


Don’t trust your eyes. - YouTube

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What you see in your eyes may not be reality…

I like not wearing my glasses sometimes because when not focussing on anything one learns to be aware of the other sense’s, which has always made me wonder what a blind magician’s life is like , I bet they know and experience a pure enlightening life, anyone hereof a blind magician?

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Well, oculist sounds rather similar to occultist. Maybe you’re right. Also, I remember someone pointing out the similarity between Lucifer’s sigil and a diagram of light refracting in the eye.

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You might be on to something, I watched a episode of Sherlock Holmes the ones with the guy that plays the sorcerer Doctor Strange, in the Sherlock episode there was a guy who had a pair of glasses which looked normal but was actually a super computer that told him everyone’s weaknesses, now what if the glasses we get for Occitan’s had a secret thin WiFi connected camera which showed the intelligence community everything we looked at, if you think its far fetched look at this article about ultra thin rfi chips.