
Hi guys,
I hope all are doing well :heart:. Actually i want some ans, which i have been looking for quite long time. I love lady lilith so much. And i am trying to invoke her for about a month. But the problem is, i haven’t heard from her side. But why i am confused, let me tell you that. I haven’t heard anything but one night, i was meditating few minutes later i felt some kind of warm circle around me. I thought may be i am too scared so my body is getting warm due to fear. Than i felt a touch on my arm. I thought may be it’s a placebo effect. So i continued. But just 2 minutes later something hit my knee and i scremed. I was scared but smiled that may be that’s the signal. but another night it didn’t happened. i keep on trying for some days but failed. I was loosing my hopes. but last night again i sat on floor but didn’t meditate at first. My mind was filled with negative thoughts. It’s not gonna work. May be she is not happy with me. So i came out of that dark room. And stand near my balcony. Suddenly my mind said. That what are you looking for ? Why are you so afraid of dark?. Because it’s too dark, you can’t see anything, fear of death,people are habitual to light, because they can see, everything is visible, you believe what you see. But in dark you can’t. But so many bad things happening, did you able to see wrong people or their motives in light. But in dark you can see their real form. People murder rape, do illegal things, sex, coz in night they reveal themself to their real form. Dark is the revealer, you can’t see anything except truth in dark. And you want to came in connect with dark lady lilith, if you can’t accept this truth of dark, if you can’t accept the darkness. How can you accept her energy. I took a deep breath, came back to that dark room and start meditating. Few moments later, i felt that warm feeling again, but it’s was very windy outside, so i accept it and concentrating even more, than i felt noxious and dizzy, i completed my meditation. I was so exhausted, that i came to my room, and tried to sleep but suddenly i felt like i m gonna vomit at any point. Now i m so confused? Can anyone help me out?


You accepted it for what it was and stayed focused that’s a good thing she reached out to you and accepted you as well they are what people say they …they are actually kind beings some stern like fathers and mother’s some hilarious like class clowns others very wise and welcoming like teachers…none bad unless well you decide to hurt them or disrespect them… I was like you last year scared of them scared of the darkness of how they would look acted but… I found out that none of them are as scary or bad as I thought … I can hear them clearly and see them when they want to be seen or felt …and every time we speak it’s always good well the stern stand offish ones scary me cause they are intermediating… But they aren’t bad either Lilith is a wonderful woman she can take you through life’s teachings and help you become some one you never thought you would be…I myself don’t k ow her but I wish to in the future take the time you need to recharge sometimes if you’re new to this kind of energy it can do things you wouldn’t believe…I slept for darn near three days after calling three in one sitting… So just next time do some breathing Technics and you should be fine


Thankyou so much dear :heart::pray:
I will work on my concentration and breathing techniques.

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I love this. :black_heart:

I love the dark, it feels comforting and protective to me. Dark is the shelter of a cave at night or the nurturing of a woman’s womb, dark is necessary and awesome.


No problem I know it’s hard to acy when your starting out but you will get there

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I wish i could be as strong as you.:black_heart: