Experience with Marbas

The other night, I woke up out of a dead sleep at 3am. All I can remember from the dream is fire, but I don’t feel like it was a nightmare or anything scary. When I woke up though, the name “Marbas” was like echoing through my head. It kept repeating itself, so I got up and wrote it down in my journal.
It’s been snowing and sleeting on a daily basis here and it’s been making my back and my muscles really tense. I woke up later that morning and rolled over and everything just kind of popped back into place, even the deep down stuff. When I had some time, I looked up Marbas to see what was up with that, and I thought it was kind of interesting that he’s associated with healing. Sooo I don’t know if Marbas just popped my back for me or what’s up there. I’m planning on making some time to contact him and see what his reasons were for reaching out, if it was him or another spirit telling me I should contact him, etc. I just need to find the time. I’ve been trying to make time to contact Asmodeus for awhile now but I’ve been snowed in with my boyfriend or busy for the most part.
I guess there’s no real question here…I just wanted to share that with you guys because I thought it was cool.


Nice, I wonder if he used fire element to help ease everything a bit, burn away the tension? That could explain the dream.


Huh, I didn’t think about that but it makes a lot of sense! Heat definitely helps loosen my body up.

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I’ve been looking around but can’t really find an answer…do you happen to know enough about him to know what he likes? I really want to thank him.

Marbas is an incredibly generous spirit.
He helped heal some serious back and muscle issues I had over last summer. He was kind, gentle and felt very much like my family doctor.
Another cool thing I’ve learned about him is that if whatever is making you sick or suffer from pain is from a curse or crossing magick he will send it back to whom ever created it “In a new and terrifying fashion” his words. LoL

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