I’m wondering which evocation technique is best. I have Evoking Eternity and plan on putting it to use in the near future. I’ve also read, but do not have a copy of Works of Darkness and it has a chapter on evocation. Now, the evocation in WoD is, in my opinion, far more practical than in Evoking Eternity (not to say Evoking Eternity isn’t practical, it is but the method in WoD requires much less preparation).
As of this moment I’m only interested in evoking demons. I will get to angels, planetary spirits & intelligences, elemental spirits, etc after I’ve achieved my goal which I would prefer to work with a demon on. Now, my question is this: which evocation method is best? WoD utilizes a scrying mirror which is my preferred method due to my living conditions (college student living at home) while Evoking Eternity is a physical manifestation and I haven’t figured out how to modify it yet to utilize a scrying mirror rather than incense.
Also, Evoking Eternity says it’s ritual can be used to summon any spirit in existence to appearance whereas WoD seems to be only geared towards demons. Would it be possible to utilize the method in WoD to evoke other spirits than just demons or is it exclusive to demonic entities only?