Evocation with Ismaelta, Could use some assistance and advice

Long story short, I’ve been working with the -Mastering Evocation Course Program- I’ve got as far as section 7 and though I haven’t opened my astral vision I am pretty sure I can evoke spirits because I feel a presence. In my defense I have never really been successful with magick or manifestation. Now, yesterday November the 20th I decided to evoke Ismaelta for protection, from the Kingdom Of Flames. I called down light and spoke the mantras as directed in the video program and called the four gatekeepers. It seemed the instant I gazed at his sigil I could immediately feel his presence before I verbally called him. When he asked me “what do you want” I then told him that I wanted protection. He told me that I have no power and he can’t help me. Not to mention that every evocation before this has not really had any results at all.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Is the communication all just an illusion? How do I know what is real and what is bullshit? Some times I feel like I’m chasing my own tail, I would appreciate any advice.

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Hmm, maybe he’s saying that you, the magus, haven’t realised that you are the locus of power of the evocation. He gets his power, in part, from you. Hence, he’s a tool you could use to protect yourself, but the hand wielding the tool must be firm and sure.
Without getting preachy, I would recommend reading up on hermetic and chaos magic paradigms to help convince you of this.

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To add to my previous response, when you evoke are you visualising your desired outcome with the full confidence that you are able to bring it about? Watch ea’s video on casting a love spell via candle magic and the mindset and visualisation required. Now, do the same when you evoke whilst giving your command to the spirit.

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When I get this, it means the entity wants me to work with another entity first or instead of them.

If you didn’t have a target in mind Ismaelta probably isn’t the best entity. For specific guidance of building protections like shield and wards, thoughtforms that will intercept projectiles, weapons and also strategy and battle tactics, try Lae’ti’kohl of the Book of Azazel.

She gifted me thoughtforms to get started, but you should create your own and maintain them. When I worked with her, she told me to create a new one every day for 30 days for example.

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