Evocation made simple. Need help

I need help evoking. I needs answers from belial. How would one go about. Doing this. I’ve done it before without knowing. But how does one prepare materials needed and other types of things. Hpw easy is it.

I will relate my way of evoking it. I may even say that I may have been chosen by Belial. I did the evocation of Bune and I made my requests and I said that in a maximum of 7 days it was for her to contact me to say if I would or not, on the seventh day I had a dream and in that dream a woman presented me with my problems and said that I would offer blood from a pigeon or a Belial chicken, it would solve my problems. In my first evocation, I made his seal with a gold pen. To evocate it I used the goetia ritual, in the first evocation I offered a sacrifice to him, a chicken, I sacrificed and shed his blood on the seal, I made my requests and in the maximum of 3 days he started to solve my problems, there are still lots of thing to be done, but I’m having a great progress with it, I hope to work with it more often.


You and me both. I felt like he kept trying to connect with me. I still feel it. Bu theres a blockage. I’ve never done an advanced evocation ritual. Where can I find the instructions to the goatia ritual ? I’ve been doing blood offerings. I just dont know how to hear him better.

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take a bath in epsone salt and relax before you do your ritual to get rid of you blockage clean the area your going to evoke in as well take your time preparing and focus on who your calling and what you want to ask clear your mind you can play soft music very lowly while calling his enn to help trans your self gaze at sigil n keep an eye on your candles always record was you feel


candles insences sigil some use mirrors pens note book optional things like cerimonial clothing (the colors and things you wear wen you call the) place set for you n the entity you invite in an on site offering if you want respect and manner(both are a must)

also taking a shower before you call is a great thing to do it helps relax you and your mind is more at eases


Thank you. I will insert these when I try again.

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In order to hear entities work on Vishuddha (throat chakra) by concentrating on that point and thinking/saying “ham ham ham”, besides vibrating it: “hhhaaammm”. Also, ask questions and write the answers you mentally receive, trusting them and yourself.
Some suggestions: dress completely in black (for Belial as well as other Goetics and Qliphothics too), be bare feet on a carpet or wear sandals. Perhaps summon in kitchen using water vapor as incense (turn on the stove and begin the evocation) or, sure, real incense: sticks, resin on charcoal…


i do invocation in the bathroom i like to set blankets down to sit on i also wear white but keep something draped over my shoulders like a towel i never had to open chakra ive been able to see n hear them since i was little so i cant walk you thru chakra opening process but writing what comes to mind helps n if you hear a voice in your head thats not your own answering the questions then you have your answer


Thank you again.


What does belials energy feel like to you ?

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So, I do not know how to describe it correctly, but I leave the evocations very confidently, sometimes I get exhausted, tired, with my body warm during the day, sometimes when I am performing the evocations, repeating them, I feel a presence watching me and moving, and a voice in my mind saying, “I am here,” but I have never seen him personally, only through dreams. Sometimes I hear him answer me in my mind, sometimes I think it’s up to me, but sometimes I feel and I know it’s him. In one of my dreams he rushed like a gentleman, with a beard and shaggy hair, but with bright blue eyes and in that second dream of evocation he thanked me for my deeds and said that he would help me, and that it was for me to stay quiet. In all I already had 3 dreams, in 2 he appreciated and told me some things.

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