Evocation for beginners


I tried evoking King Belial, Duke Dantalion and Duke Sallos on three different occasions. I’m not desperate for results. But, I felt that evocation was not performed correctly. And I felt King Belial don’t want to help me. I didn’t feel their presence either. Am I doing something wrong or not having enough power is the reason?

Thanks in advance

How can you tell? If you can’t feel their presence, how do you know Belial doesn’t want to help? What do you feel went wrong?


This is my first ever evocation. I didn’t have any prior experience to magick. That’s what bothered me.

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Thank you

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if you just started, try working on 1 being or entity or God or Daemon, and strengthen the relationship with it, and im sure they will then help ease you into their world, at least thats what I think, I work with who I feel is good for me in various ways, not neccessarily asking anything from them mostly, and they might guide you through what you need, I would suggest Lucifer, I had tried others too though

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