Evocation and cats

Does evocation affect my cat?

Affect in what way?

Cats can sense energy and have been known to stare at the space where a spirit is manifesting but there isn’t usually any negative effect. My previous cat liked to accompany me into ritual and would claw at the door to my temple room if I didn’t let him in. He also liked to sleep in my universal circle.

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A cat sees what’s underneath spirtuallity , and cat protect you sometimes from harmful energies , Blood of kitten used in invisibility spell , and just it’s image can used to get connections to get money !

Yes… for one… Cats are Gods! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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This is terrible and evil

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I think so too ,and there are other invisibility spells without blood

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No you will not kill her , but some blood extracting from to write spirtual charcter @RAYN

Can this also apply to roadkill, like discovering a dead kitten along the road?