Entity for sex magic and shadow work

Hi! What entity would you guys propose for shadow work and sexually related matters? I’m about to open up my Svadhisthana-chakra which is NOT in a good state. What has helped you? Why and how? It really doesn’t just have to be something demonic even If that is also more than welcome. currently I’m interested in everything to make more research. Thanks in advance.

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Lillith or Nehemoth. Both are amazing initiators for the base and physical realms of the Qlipoth. Working with them will empower you via sexual alchemy and shadow work is given when working with these beings.


I have given Lilith a thought and she is on my list. However, much people say that she chooses the men she want to work with herself. But when I tune in to her energy I can feel that she is a serious force to be reckoned with. A very dark and mystical energy.

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I don’t have much experience on Naamah though, other than what I have read. Heared she is very primal.

I haven’t done much sex work but for shadowwork, any deity asscoaited with death or darkness can help.

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Would be fascinating to combine sex and death.

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Many deities combine the two perfectly :grin:

Can you tell me of everyone you can think of?

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Hel, Freya, Hades, Persephone are the main ones that come tk mind

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Moved to the sex magick category to make it easier to search for people looking for the same thing.

Goth music is great for a combination of sex and death themes. You can get a lot of ideal for rituals or use it to set the mood from music.

This one’s a cover about the legend of the murder of Eliza Day by her boyfriend. A little soft on the ears but cool concept.

Original by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds and Kylie Minogue from the album Murder Ballads.

(Yeah I’m still on a bit of Lord of the Lost kick, only found them last year and still deep-diving into decades of missed music.)
Till Death Us Do Part. (I think this is much sexier and is less overt)

Death Penalty (just love this one, nice, aggressive metal while still being melodic)


I will check them out. I get what you mean. Music can be extremely powerful and inspiring.

Whats shadow work?

Going through things that you have repressed in life that causes blockages and limits your perception. Past shame, guilt, anger and stuff. Even parts of yourself that you subcounsciously chose to repress yourself that didn’t fit in to your identity.

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