Ensuring Proper Etiquette in Vodoun

Greetings my friends. In the past month I have felt a strange pull towards Vodoun in a way I never have before. I never have had any interest in it until recently it has been on my mind constantly. I have been reading The Spider and the Green Butterfly by EA Koetting, (I’m sure everyone has an opinion or critique on this but I don’t really care to hear it). The book is great so far and I can sense how powerful this tradition is but one chapter has me at a standstill. EA mentioned that if you want to work with all three families of Lwa/Loa you must have an altar for each group of these Lwa. Each altar must be segregated in another room or space from one another otherwise its your funeral. To be honest three separate altars/ temples is a lot of space. Im curious to know if anyone who is a Vodoun practitioner and is legitimately knowledgeable has information on this.

Another question I had was whether or not the Lwa disapprove of the sorcerer contacting other entities or preforming other magickal traditions in a temple dedicated to them.