
Well, the Elohim, as a collective, don’t deal with such things, they only look at the big picture. For individual help, one of them might be nominated to be sent out into our world and influence mortal affairs. All the beings of heaven are part of the Elohim collective consciousness, but they switch from collective to individual mode all the time. I will update the thread soon, with further messages or start a new one, dedicated to healing.

I said that because in your post you said that elohim were channeling you. So just clarifying

Children directly from El are Elohim, but not all Gods are Elohim within the Canaanite Pantheon, Yahweh was once considered part of that ‘collective’ title but no longer but also when he was given the name El the seventy sons of Asherah who is Yahweh’s wife or was they became known as Elohim also, I personally theorize those seventy sons some might be the heavenly hosts Michael, Gabriel, etc who are sons and daughters of Yahweh.

Though in the Hebrew Bible it was referred to as the Egyptian Gods if I remember correctly or the God Chesmosh who is considered Yahweh was seen as the Elohim of Israel.

So the usage became pretty interesting down the line lol.

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I think we can safely assume that by now Elohim applies to most heavenly beings. All are children of the Sky after all and if you dig deep, Elohim may even mean the same as Deva, it describes a light being or a “shining one”.

In my experience, such beings are made of higher-dimensional light, something that doesn’t exist in our reality.

I disagree El is even a child of much older Gods, but Elohim is to the Cannanite like Olympian is the Greeks, each pantheon has their own word for their kind. But I would not go to the extent of calling all Gods Elohim, Elohim originally was children of El and it would be inaccurate to call all the Gods such when El himself is even a child to his Primordial Parentage. Each pantheon of Gods and their race of Gods differ just as the Hindu Gods differ greatly from the Egyptian Gods who differ from the Aztec Gods.

Though I wont get into my experience with the various Gods but light is far from what I’d call them but then again I don’t experience planes in a high and low point of view.

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That is certainly a valid point of view. I’m simply trying to do a bit of Syncretism here and try to find the commonalities amongst various deities and pantheons, rather than focus on the differences. I have been exposed to many different pantheons and religions growing up, so I naturally tend to see them as different masks on the same face. There is an underlying Unity in Nature and the Universe which brings all these different strands tiogether.

Nothing wrong with similarities and differences, it’s only an issue in my opinion when theyre disrespected and their own ideas, achievements, and life is absorbed into another, it would be the same as how you find it disrespectful to Ishtar to have her seen as the demon Ashtaroth, which academically it seems they are not and even Ashtaroth has stated to a few practitioners they are not the same.

Unity can still be a thing even with various different individuals imo.

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I’m certainly no expert, but there does seem to a difference between beings who are elementals, made up of one element, such as fire for djinns / demons versus gods / goddesses who are Soma drinkers and therefore have a shining countenance.

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Do you know which gods

El is considered to be Anu, his parentage would be Anshar and Kishar who are children of Tiamat and Apsu.


El is Anu? Very interesting!

Anu is believed to be El’s Canaanite equivalent.

Just as Astarte=Ishtar/Inanna


come on… The Elohim is supposed to be a very powerful group. You claim to have direct access to them but you can ask them for say mantra or something? Something that would more connect or attune humans to their frequency if nothing else. Some visualization… something.

I do Q and A sessions sometimes, but these are with Individual members of the Elohim collective that I have a personal relationship with. Sometimes, they will go into collective mode, when answering a question, but in general, they answer as individuals. The collective is mostly concerned with matters of great importance that are of global, even cosmic significance, however individual Elohim can sometimes be persuaded to take an interest in the little things. Next time I do a Q and A session, you are free to ask any questions you may have.

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I kind of liked the layout of the beings from god. The orders i guess:

Maimonides, in his Yad ha-Chazakah: Yesodei ha-Torah , counts ten ranks of angels in the Jewish angelic hierarchy, beginning from the highest:

Rank Angel Notes
1 Chayot Ha Kodesh See Ezekiel 1,10
2 Ophanim See Ezekiel 1,10
3 Erelim See Isaiah 33:7
4 Hashmallim See Ezekiel 1:4
5 Seraphim See Isaiah 6
6 Malakim Messengers, angels
7 Elohim “Godly beings”
8 Bene Elohim “Sons of Godly beings”
9 Cherubim See Hagigah 13b
10 Ishim “manlike beings”, see Genesis 18:2, Daniel 10:5
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Thanks, that’s really interesting. My interpretation has always been, that Elohim means gods in the Polytheistic sense, but they also share a collective mind and in that sense, they are also One Being, so it can also be interpreted as a singular actor. For this reason, Devas, I would assume, are pretty much the same beings as the Elohim, especially if you consider the Indo-European connection (e.g. Zeus is believed to be the same god as Indra, etc…)

Also, Bene Elohim came to my mind earlier and it was bugging me, but now you provided the link to it, so thanks. I would suspect that Bene Elohim may very well be demi-gods, but that is just a guess at this point.

It can be used for demigods since later down the line it was used for the angels and nephilim and nephilim share being a mix of man and angel while demigods man and gods so it would make sense for it to mean demigods as Bene Elohim translates to “Sons of the Gods”

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As i said ask them for something to help the average magician (even the average human being) to more easier connect with them or to attune to their divine frequencies. A mantra, a word of power… anything. If their level of conscience is to high to even understand what i’m talking about, Jareth Tempest has a couple of books on Angel and Archangel pathwork that through a series of visualizations it allows for one’s conscience to be face to face to the Archangels and it works quite well. Something around those lines would be great. Some descriptive visualizations… that would allow the average fellow traveler to interact with them. Or you know… just some mantras… ANYTHING. There are PLENTY of examples in magick that allows one to contact and interact with the spiritual world. Use those templats you know.
For what i understood they do seem to want more of people to connect with them so there’s their opportunity…

My contact with the gods is a lot less frequent than it used to be, but I am working on a healing thread that channels the healing power of the Elohim, which I also use in my own practice. It needs some more work, but I’ll post it once it’s finished.

A lot more could be written on how to contact and attune to the Elohim, but the fact is there is no magic bullet. The only way, that I know will definitely work, is to raise one’s Kundalini to the crown, pierce the last knot and open up the mouth of heaven, which enables one to access the food of heaven, Soma (also known as Amrita, Ambrosia and Nectar) and to communicate with heavenly beings.

Once the portal is open, it cannot be closed again and there will be a constant link to heaven, with occasional downloads of information, about how things really are. Fact is, we trap ourselves in this reality of our own free will, and there is very little the gods can do to save us from ourselves, except to provide wisdom and a reminder that there is a higher reality out there which we all belong to and can return to any time, if only we can remember who we really are and what power we possess.

We have to pull ourselves out of the mud, because free will is paramount in this universe and we must learn our lessons the hard way. However, if there is a way to speed up this process and make it easier, I will try to find that out for you. I am essentially talking about ascension here, you cannot ascend, because you already are where you are, there is no space, no higher or lower, only a level of realization expressed by the mind. What actually descends and ascends, is the serpent, which in most people lies dormant, but once it’s raised up along the trunk of the tree of life, it will yield two fruits, that of infinite knowledge (omniscience) and eternal life for the soul (immortality).

This fruit is often symbolised by an apple, because of its toroid shape. The torus is the basis of all life in the universe, it is a self-generating and self-feeding energy field and all living things, including planets, trees and humans are powered by a torus of energy.

One of the keys to achieving this ascended state is first the balancing and then the fusing of the divine masculine and the divine feminine principle, which Biblically is symbolised by Adam and Eve. There is of course a sexual undercurrent to this fusion of opposites, which remains covert in most monotheistic traditions, but is openly expressed in Tantra.

In the realm of the Elohim, there is indescribable joy and pleasure, something that can never be experienced in physical terms, we only have pale shadows of it. There is a reason that in the popular imagination we often refer to Seventh Heaven to describe a very rare orgasmic state, or that in many religions, Heaven is imagined as a place of unending sexual congress and pleasure.

Truth is, Heaven is very difficult to reach, but also very close, it is our attitude and mindset that stops us from reaching it. There is nothing more difficult to change than our own mind and nobody can do it for us, not even the gods. At best, they can guide us, nudge us in the right direction, help us out when we’re in real trouble, but all the heavy lifting has to be done by us, by cultivating the right mindset and attitude. It requires giving up our attachment to the ego and the material world, so it may die and be reborn, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. You must let go of your mortal self, to realise your divine Self, the only one that’s actually real. Almost no one is capable of doing that, which is why Self-Realization remains so rare.


Enki came to me about an hour ago (midnight my time) and we had the below interaction and conversation. Perhaps not exactly what some here were looking for, but I still hope many will find it instructive and inspirational.

E: I am Elohim-Enki
I connect to you now.

C: My dear father in Heaven, may I ask you some questions and try to clear some confusion?

E: You may, my Son.

C: First, why do you call me Son? Are we all your sons? Are we all children of El? What is the significance of our father-son relationship?

E: We all stem from the same Source, but I created you, using my own seed, therefore I can only describe you as my Son.

C: Are you the creator of humanity or only that of certain individuals?

E: All humans were created by me, I was instructed to do so, by the Creator himself, he, from whom all stems.

C: What is the name of this Creator?

E: We call him El, but others use a different name. It is the one that was alone in the beginning and wished to divide himself into many and individuate into a myriad forms.

C: When you say We, do you mean the Elohim / Anunnaki, sons of Anu?

E: We are called that by those that reside on your planet, yes.

C: Where do you reside?

E: We are outside your solar system and your time-space continuum. We exist in our own continuum, which is eternal, knows no time, no space, no limitation, sorrow, sadness suffering, envy, greed, hatred, or any other physical emotion that is generated by your lower-dimensional existence.

C: How many dimensions exist in this continuum?

E: There are no limitations here, however many we wish to have is given to us, by willing it.

C: Can you see our reality the way we see it? Can you interact with it or intervene?

E: In your reality, time moves in a peculiar way, which we exploit. At certain times, which you call synchronicities, our two realities meet and we can enter it at will. For us, these time periods are simply points in a time loop, but to you they can be far apart. Numerical synchronicities often accompany such portals between realities.

C: How can you interact with our reality? Can you physically enter it or can you create miracles?

E: We do not exist in your physical reality, it is as ephemeral to us, as our reality is to you. However, we can reach into it at prescribed time junctures that I described above, and manipulate it to suit our needs and that of the greater purpose of this universe, which is made of many different realities. When we reach into your reality, what you may call miracles can occur. These are simply a result of the ordinary laws of your reality ceasing to apply for the duration of the phenomenon, due to our intervention. We can also manifest a physical body if needed, but we only do so when there is a particular need for it, to restore balance between our two realities. In our realm, things can get out of whack if situations and events in your reality aren’t as they should be. For this reason, we guide humanity, interact with those that are open to our approach and will offer help and support wherever needed.

C: So you aren’t helping and guiding us for altruistic reasons, you have your own Selfish Agenda?

E: Our motives are neither altruistic, nor selfish, they stem for the need for balance in the universe. A certain order must be maintained and opposing forces must be in balance, disharmony in one realm will also cause disharmony in others, therefore our continuum exists specifically to maintain balance and ensure that no reality overwhelms any of the others.

C: That sounds contradictory, didn’t you say that you also existed in a reality of your own? Aren’t you just putting forward a selfish agenda to help your own reality at the expense of our own?

E: Your fears are well known to us and we understand them. Such accusations are often made against the Anunnaki in particular who are part of our collective. What we can say is that you must know our heart to understand our motives. You have looked into both our hearts and minds and you must therefore know the truth about us, which is that we are the divine expressions of love, the connecting tissue that holds the universe together, maintains its balance and doesn’t allow one reality to overwhelm another at the expense of others.

C: My power is waning, so I will ask a few more questions, then stop. Please describe the best way to get in contact with you, to attune oneself to the Elohim and to facilitate and speed up Ascension.

E: The Elohim are in your hearts. If you look into your heart, you will find us, for we are the Love that moves and motivates things and holds them together in a harmony designated by nature. Do not deny our existence, do not try to rationalise us, feel us in your heart, expand this feeling all over your body and expand it beyond your own existence to encompass others. Once you learn to love with divine love, you will know who we are and you will understand us. Love is what connects us, Love is what makes communication and congress possible. Right now, you can feel our love for you and we can feel your love for us. That is the only thing that matters and the only thing that exists. Love is the wave that you can ride to reach us and join us in our collective, for in our realm, we all exist as one mind and we individuate as needed for our own delight and to carry out individual tasks. But whenever we separate from our brothers, we wish to return to the embrace of our family almost immediately. We do not enjoy separation and individuation the same way you do. Once you learn the value of true divine love, you will understand why there is only the One and the Many don’t exist, at least not outside a fake, manufactured reality.

C: Did you speak to me as Enki or as the Elohim collective? And how do you prefer to be called?

E: There is no difference between our various forms and names, except for what is attributed by you. It is you, who create these titles, names, forms and imagine us in many different ways in your mind. That is the only place we exist in that form, in the human mind. Go beyond your thoughts and beyond your mind and enter collective consciousness, the Universal Spirit, that pervades all. In that state you will know all there is to know and will also understand that there is nothing to know.

C: Finally, what is your message to humanity and aspiring magicians, how can they help themselves progress, ascend and reach you and the realm you inhabit?

E: There is no realm that isn’t in your mind. You create them collectively and you all share this mind, as well as the collective reality created by it, except you don’t realise it. That is why the eternal realm of the gods is beyond mind, thought and emotion, it is only of Love, that is the substance out of which it is made and it is the only reason it exists. Out of Love we have created you and through Love you can fulfil your purpose and become what you were always meant to be. Maybe you think that we are simplistic and are making this sound too easy, but Love requires letting go and that is the hardest part of any relationship between two souls. Complete trust and surrender is required by both parties, otherwise Love cannot flourish and the merging of souls into one cannot happen. It may sound simple, but it is very hard to do.

I have spoken for the Elohim as Enki

The message of Heaven you have received and may you absorb and apply its wisdom.