Elemental growth connection benefits

Water :sweat_drops: Fire :fire: Ice :ice_cube: what does growing my connection water :sweat_drops: Fire :fire: Ice :ice_cube: actually do? Any benefits to it? Any etc you would like to share with me? Thanks in advanced have a great day. May the elementals be with you today and forever :infinity:

Not too sure exactly what it is you need answers /clarification on @Seraphic

Care to elaborate some more.

Dark regards

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Growing my connection what’s it do?

Wat does it mean to you to “grow your connection”?

The answer to that might be the answer to your question. We are all different, so though it’s worth trying what worked for other people, your unique energy system works with the elements your own way, so why not try it and see?

For example, you you develop an affinity for water so that you naturally improve your swimming and diving abilities? Or find you can more easily contact entities aligned with the water element? Or get really thirsty a lot? You can use fire to warm you up without having to add another sweater in winter…? There are tons. What are you interested in?

You can get books on elemental magick if that helps. I’d get more than one as it depends on the current what you do with it. Chinese 5 element Theory is not wicca is not hermetics.

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Yes be able to contact entities warm myself up that kind of thing

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