Eating Meat

Like this bro? :rofl:


There are actual reasons for these instructions.
However, it comes down to how you want to progress and what you want to achieve.
One example:

-I’m not sure if the Translated version of this article will be readable to an acceptable extend,
so i’ll go over some details in basics.

The Parasite is called Toxoplasma gondii.
It’s usually transmitted from eating raw meat (like sushi, Carpaccio, Raw forms of steak, etc.)
Or from animals - main source there are Cats.
And from there we can go into deeper occult pretty fast.
Cat’s had been very sacred animals to Egypt, inspiring mysticism, and: They’re food for some people aswell.
Not very common, but nevertheless.
This is what i actually referenced when talking about the Goa’uld / Tok’ra.
It’s been instructions on how to alligne better with the parasites that reside inside of one’s Body,
as well as using their Powers to gain control over others.
Most of the Normal People don’t even recognize the fact, that they carry such Parasites / Symbionts inside of them.
However, they’re actually very common, and usually today get classified wrongly as “Cancer”, so the medical Records don’t have to explain which alterations where actually made to the Human.
Secound, there are Story’s of them Growing extremely huge, but it’s importend to mention, that while in a working symbiosis, they actually remove themselves at a certain point in their lifespan, being replaced by their children.
These Parasites are usually not mentioned, but for example the power which is transmitted in canibalistic rites, haves to do with part’s of the enemy living on in the eater.
A clinical disease connected to that is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
also known a s Jacob the liar.
The disease was found in my country a few years ago in cows and bulls, so they had to be killed of to prevent the spreading over to humans.
It wasn’t the exact same deseas, the media said, but i doubt that.
I believe it came from feeding the Cows wrongly and thereby spreading cannibalism under them.
Now for someone who is actually working with such forces as for example an Wherewolf, the disease isn’t just a curse but a powerful dark blessing.
However, it can have a huge cost.
Advanced Necromancy may also use these, maybe not even recognizing what exactly they spread.
There is a whole legacy about the difference of the DNA of mitheondreans inside of cells, from the DNA of the Person having them. That legacy is famously known as Star Wars, and inspired a whole generation, as well as selling new idols to worship to them. :wink:
I believe we even had an “Yezidi” on Balg. -which sounded to me like it was inspired very heavily by that background. :smile:
So - Is meat evil in general / harmful in general?
Can it be?

You may have heard of the HIV / AIDS disease, which weakens the human immune system.
According to one Story i heard, that Virus wasn’t just made in a Labor, it was actually constructed to be unhealable. It’s said it had been made to change it’s own genetic Structure (mutating itself), due to temperature changes while it’s reproductive process.
I don’t know who’s actually been activating it and spreading it into the world, but the tale goes on saying it had been designed to whipe off certain part’s of the society (Gay people is one version, while a similar version of the story says it’s been made to harm specifically the African people and had been transmitted from there due to prostitution. -i’m not sure what’s closer to the truth).

I heard spirits talking about it a little differently.
They referenced it as “Human Identity Variation”.



Really all the people I’ve met with just beautiful auras and energies… energy that feels like pure clean crisp water… they’ve all been vegans. I don’t think it makes a HUGE impact eating meat at all. People can still magically function while eating meat… But when you do cut meat out i will admit you do notice a difference. I was a vegan for about 3 years.


This is what i experienced years ago when i was heavily into yoga, eastern mysticism, and psychedelics for a time-though thats not what im into now. Around that time my kundalini was first awakened and i was going thru a lot of yogic processes having to do with the activations of central chakras & stuff like that (i was not working with kabbalahistc sefirahs at that time)…but anyhow, i underwent some very intense experiances, one of which included the taking of some strong hallucinogens in a session which ran throughout a night and in the morning towards the end of the trip when i was coming down i decided to get something to eat. I poured a can of peas into a bowl and started eating them and because of the effects of the drugs, i suddenly had some kind of bizzare explosive vision with the peas. It was funny & simple but very similar to my experiances with other initiations i had such as mantra diksha, gurus glance, & shaktipat (even tho on this night i was alone).
Basically the peas just started emitting lots of light. They all became extremely beautiful & seemed to me as large as planets. Its like i was consuming entire solor systems…delicious except they were just peas but i felt like they were planets with forests & grass and mountains & other stupid bullshit like that. Large green beautiful planets which i consumed, killing off the inhabitants. Intoxicating, like when u exercise so exhaustively that u feel ur dying of thirst, & when u finally drink water its as if u were drinking ur own soul back in.
After that i found that i had some kind of an enhanced aversion to eating meat & my food desires shifted into a desire for plants instead. Its hard to explain. I was turned out by peas.
Its both metaphysical & psychosomatic. I guess thats probably why hippys often turn into vegans. Yikes…after this experiance I found that i would often coincidentally be served poorly prepared peaces of disgusting meat when ever i sat down at meal times. As if to reinforce the experiance that i had. So im glad because for one thing i think its healthier.
I dont usually judge others for eating meat but i found that my own slavery in life had something to do with money. Money which is kept in a leather wallet. I thought that was significant. Maybe i was being paranoid but i thought it was ironic. And what animal is more a slave than a cow to a human, & a human to a creditor. So i felt very deeply that by consuming slave animals that i had been embuing the essence of there slavery into myself, & this was part of a kind of slave matrix-so to speak. A psychedelic vision like concentric circles of spiraling fractals of slave cages endlessly linking together & housing different species from farm animals up to human beings. Fences are for caging cows and the tactical placements of money, religion & sexual propagandas are used for caging humans. All this creeped me out a great deal, but i liked the idea so i went with it. So im vegetarian about 90% of the year now. The other 10% of the time being reserved for cannibalism. :skull::skull::cold_sweat: ha, ha, ha…
Anyway, all this happened about 10 years ago & the effect has lasted up till now. So I just think that this is an archetype of some kind, & if the conditions are right a person will eventually have some version of the same vision.


Heck I’m a carnivore. Not going to give up meat. There are certain other reasons too for that. :slight_smile:

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Okay, Part 2, some of the reasons for actual benefits of reducing meat intake:

first of all, meat is the closest to our own built and set-up.
Therefore, the more our body is used to having it in it’s diet, the more trained it becomes at re-struckturing it’s own muscles and it’s known by science that the body can indeed diguest itself.
Some of the Body Building which is sold as an own part of society here in the west -combining gyms, heavy sport investigation and tons of augmented food, which looks very little like anything i’d consider natrual goods - is focused on perfecting that restructuring processes.
Now Yogi’s had that stuff figured out to a deeper level, way before.
Meat is produced from vegtables and vegtables are produced from the elements (Sun, Water, Earth -minerals)
Most people in our society consider only certain plant opioids as being drugs - well, becouse those are the ones listed as potent and forbidden.
i believe the current abuse of animal parts in both beauty and body transforming methods, will come to legislation at some point. -yay, even more rules and laws to fuck off.^^

sorry got interrupted.
The Plant’s are basically a closer source to the natural energys of the planet.
which helps with gaining more sensability and better karma - which admires to concepts you’ll find disproven on this forum allready. :wink:


@Lady_Eva has covered this subject of magick and diet quite well.


nah dude thats grounds for a hexin’ lol

Personally I’d emphasise physical fitness over dietary restrictions. If you’re body is strong, your magic will benefit. Keep eating steaks; they’re delicious.
Fundamentally, humans have evolved to eat meat and veg. Our magic abilities evolved along side that, so, to keep our focal points functioning at peak condition, you should eat meat.

this explanation makes PERFECT sense !!!

Hi :slight_smile:

What is put in meat, especially in the u.s. or at mc donalds is made to decimate people
slowly, or when combined with other things just cause nasty things you wouldn’t even know where it come from (though it can be researched). I kid you not, I saw a video once where Mc.Donalds that works hand in hand with the illuminati was caught with having human meat in their machines, and a whistleblower said that it happened not by accident but that baby parts and human parts did get processed more regularly. The illuminati also WANTS to decimate humanity, it’s just what they do, and they do that through other types of meat too, putting a lot of crap into it- So those that eat meat, especially red meat can be the heaviest, I occasionally eat lighter meat such as chicken but it’s not guaranteed to be healthy everywhere. You also might want to check out how mc.nuggest are made…; I mean, at a certain point, in general, one comes to realize that the respect for life,
from a right hand or left hand is a natural and fundamental part of how one operates in this cosmos. You are the Source (as your true Self) of all in oneness and equality with all life-and there’s a point where you come to realize the truth of that, and that the source is in all, and runs on this principle- the more you awaken to more you realize that it’s ultimately you you are doing these things to. In the case of baneful magick white or black, also you generally do things based upon having the other realize the respect for life too, ultimately especially when it comes to life and death matters. Even Lucifer cares for morality in the grand scheme of things.

The energy of * fear * is often coming in meat, most beings know that they are going to die, and the effect of it, energetically and biologically is not beneficial for the human body, nor energy layers.

So far so good is not really the attitude to go, because poinonous substances are poisonous substances - one only comes so far in getting lucky, when the bucket is full, it is full.

Some meats are not so contaminated- however when fear is heavily induced in meat it will lower your consciousness or keep it low. E.A. makes a statement somewhere that he was being asked to become a vegetarian by demons (and angels I’m sure would say that too)

You can be cleansed by beings but they ultimately want you to be pure, energetically.
Eggs for example have everything that is in meat. However I am not sure what angels or demons think yet about eating eggs. If anyone wants to be most wise for themselves on this subject, there’s nothing like directly asking the spirits, to be 100 percent on point, which is what we all ultimately wish, for the best of ourselves, and to properly inform our fellow magicians, …)



Exactly like that! XD

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I love meat. In Texas, we have particularly good meat. It’s all organic and no hormones or any of that ilk.

It’s lovely:


Mmm looks juicy :blush:


Do vegan girls swallow?


eats deer steak. Meet balls, chicken and greasy foods



Women & Strawberries

I love meat. Most of my life I’ve been vegetarian. For some time I was pretty close to vegan. I’m not vegetarian because I love animals. I’m vegetarian because I hate vegetables! These days I eat ‘Free Range’ eggs, diary product and the occasional piece of fish or prawns.

I became vegetarian for ethical reasons. The immense suffering and horror is no longer because of me. I use plastic belts and shoes. There are so many vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains that if you ate two new ones everyday you’d die before you tasted them all. Then there’s different cooking techniques. I also take mineral and vitamin supplementation – especially magnesium and calcium (but not taken together).

Magickally I can’t comment because I don’t remember. I’ve been counselled (straight-faced) by rhp practitioners that by eating meat you’ll be a better Magician, but I forget why. If I was driving and I killed a rabbit, sheep, cow, pig or chicken I’d build a fire right there and start cooking. I didn’t mean to kill it so I’m not going to waste it. When they produce cloned meat I’ll eat meat again.

For my age and medical condition I’m doing a lot better than people – some younger - who started off with no medical conditions. Finally, I have found that women who don’t use dairy products tend to smell and taste a lot better. This quickly changes when dairy products are consumed.

P.s. When next eating fresh strawberries have these with (fresh) course-ground pepper. It really heightens the flavour. Also, chewed up strawberry held around the teeth helps to whiten – over time.


Only if there’s ranch on it.


I’ll keep that in mind