EAs evocation course doesn't work

I don’t understand why if worked for you and not for me.

I’ve tried evoking sastan and lucifer to help me with my magick to see and hear spirits and make my magick work.

Told sitri to get me tinder matches and get me laid with a hot woman. Still I haven’t got laid from Tinder.

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Even though some authors preferred the ritual way over meditation, a meditative routine would be advisable. Some exercises: sit on a chair with your back straight but without “effort” and just be still while keeping your posture. - Concentrate on the various parts of your body and, where you feel tensions, relax them. - Focus on your breathing, on the air entering and exiting. - Push your thoughts out of the mind, one by one, or ignore them.


Ok, so I’ll try and give you some advice in regards to the answers you gave me:

Yes, you should definitely do this.

It is crucial for the development of your senses (in particular, as you complain of the inability to see or communicate with the spirit, sight and hearing, hence clairvoyance and clairvoyance).

Regular meditation (even 5-10 min a day) will allow you to get used to the “background noises” of your mind, such as the ideas that suddenly arise, or the memory of having to refuel the car, the desire to drink water , and so on.

I know this is boring, but it is already from this that you understand your level of discipline and patience, because it is these two things that will give you the results.

Good, try to focus on the more theoretical part of the videos too, watch them several times.

You will better understand the concepts of “Preparatory Immersion” and Theta-Gamma Synch (TGS for short; this too is fundamental to proceed with evocations and scrying sessions).

Well done. It is essential not to get caught up in a rush or other emotions, as well as important not thinking about anything.

Considering what you’re discribing , I take the liberty of advising you to practice a lot of meditation and TGS.

In the forum there are many tutorials and posts from people explaining how to proceed with these two practices. In my opinion, if you invest a little time in it, it will only help you.

Have fun!


It’s similar to if you were training for track event you base your success off if what you place in the race rather than if you ran a PR (personal record) as long as you keep hitting PRs and progressing who cares what place you come in. Don’t expect to see spirits until you’ve gotten better.

Even now I don’t always hear or feel spirits, there’s a connection but it’s subtle especially with angels, you can feel them in your life but they’re so subtle it’s hard to tell if you’re just saying random words.

Imagine everything is real and that magick is happening, then forget you ever did anything.


They aren’t gonna develop it for you. They may direct you to someone or something that may help you with it instead.

I met someone who introduced me to evocation and taught me a bit about it. I evoked a few entities and asked them to teach me whatever I need to know to ascend and to help me develop my clair senses. In a few days I came across this forum and a few other sources and it helped me alot.


But I haven’t been introduced to anyone that taught me evocation. I’ve tried things from this forum but its not really working for me.

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These days I was about to post a thing, I hope it helps in case you have problems with trance. While watching a video I realized I zoned out, and it occurred me to consider that it probably was due to not paying attention. Indeed, like it is sometimes pointed out, in certain magickal occasions I was too much concentrated.
Perhaps try to “naturally” watch one of those videos like Satania’s or by Satan and Sons, about a spirit interesting you. After having zoned out a number of times, you may apply the same mechanism to instances such as gazing at a sigil drawn by you.


It is real. I have tried these things myself and found some success with it. When You do the exercise with the pentagram it’s not that easy to reach the state he describes but if you keep repeating it with a strong will and successively increasing the force you do it with you will start to feel the effects. I had to do it fir at least 10 or 15 minutes before starting to feel anything at all and what happened was my hands started becoming really heavy and loaded with energy and eventually it spread to the rest of the body. It’s a feeling of ecstasy you reach through this exercise, try being more persistent. And I believe you can make the sigil exercise work for you, some things that help when trying to open a sigil is pulling your vision back from the surface of the paper as if you are looking at an invisible layer in front of it or viewing the entire sigil at once while softly gazing at it and possible combining that with the spirits enn.


That was an example. Just to say that they’ll introduce you to something or someone who can help. You also can’t expect to master something in a few days.

To the OP:
You need to ask yourself, “Is it possible we’re all lying/ wrong about magic?” Based on the sheer number of success stories here, it’s safe to say we’re not wrong.

Is it possible we’ve all gotten together and decided to lie and plot a conspiracy about our results to newcomers? Possibly but dam sure not probable.

Here’s the good news / bad news then- If we’re not the problem, it’s you.
That’s some of the best fucking news I’ve ever gotten in my life…that I was WRONG! I can fix and improve me. I don’t know about y’all though :rofl:

Keep working and learning, it will happen for you.

My BIGGG piece of advice to add to what everyone else has said- look up “lusting for results” using the magnifying glass in the top right, read about it, and then stop it!

And, in case you didn’t know, your defeatist attitude spawns directly from lusting for results and the ensuing frustration and doubt that always follows.

Best of luck to ya!


I’m in the same boat as you and I am starting to wonder if the people on this forum can really do what they talk about. Not to mentioned I had some bad experiences with a few “professionals”.

If something works for you, please let me know. I will likewise do the same.


it will take practice, try it again and again until it works


@Goetic @infinitywars I know first hand that meditation to enns looking at sigils techniques for opening sigil works, I figure that at least some if not all the people saying they’ve had success with the course actually did have success.

My suggestion is don’t expect big things starting out. Start small progress to bigger, because big successes are built on top of smaller ones.

If you can’t open the pentagram try a different sigil and the different sigil’s demon’s enn and try opening that instead.

Maybe try opening the sigil of the demon you have the most interest in or strongest pull towards.

Then, once that’s working reliably for you then go back and try the ones in EA’s course again (because though I haven’t got the course yet but am considering it, I’ve noticed some of the stuff in his books assumes at least a bit of experience with magick (not all but some).

So is it possible that maybe he’s expecting you’ve already been opening sigils successfully by the time you have gotten to that exercise?

Anyhow, it won’t hurt you to try opening a different sigil (especially if it’s one belonging to a demon you are interested in or feel drawn towards).


I’ll share this: remove any and all expectations. They get in the way. I’ll use myself as an example. Check out my posts, and you’ll see my chats with my spirit allies. You’ll notice sentences, and the occasional paragraph. One may think I always chat like that.
Example: I sent a petition to Aim. During the event, I noticed absolutely nothing. Days later, I feel wierd. I drive, and see plate numbers with the letters AIM, AEM ect. I now know this is the spirit reaching out, letting me know petition is heard.
Note: Pick a spirit you vibe with. Work with them, do it daily and skip excuses. You want results, yes? When you start communicating, they will use synchronicity. After a while, you may notice a “feeling” or presence. Later on, you may hear word fragments. Like a bad phone connection.
Then, you may pick up words and chat with them.

It is frustrating to see experiences here and think “Why can’t I have that?” Here is the thing, you already do. You call and they show up. It’s a matter of training yourself to notice them. Have fun with it, you got it.


Hey @anon41658706 that was a really great post.

This :point_up_2: is absolutely correct and it happens to me much the same way.

Excellent verbage and delivery of the message in that post. :ok_hand:


To the OP and on the subject of EA’s work.
I was quite skeptical of him at first. I really don’t like most professional occultists out here like jehennum or some of the others. I feel like mostly they market thier UPG as if it’s facts and sell it to people afraid to think or experience for themselves.

E.As stuff though actually has a pretty good quality in my opinion. After reading evoking eternity my opinion of him changed and I think he is sincere in trying to share his light and technique with others.

I don’t think I agree with everything he says but I respect him.

His demonic conjuration is off the chain too. Great stuff that is.


I drive, and see plate numbers with the letters AIM, AEM ect. I now know this is the spirit reaching out, letting me know petition is heard.

Can you absolutely say that it’s the spirit reaching out though? Couldn’t it simply be that because you did to petition that you are now noticing things (AIM, AEM ect.) that you have never noticed before?

Like for instance, you went on a first date with a girl in your city and you noticed that she drives a blue hunda civic. After the date, you are going to start noticing blue hunda civics everywhere.

It is frustrating to see experiences here and think “Why can’t I have that?”

It’s extremely frustrating.

Thank you for the tips.


Casting doubt on other people’s experiences isn’t going to help you. That I can tell you that for certain.


I’m asking a logical question.


@Goetic I think what we’re talking about here is looking for and recognizing spirits call signs after a working. I don’t know how long you’ve practiced or what your experiences have been but I can tell you it’s basically standard operating procedure to be hyper aware after a working looking out for any call signs a spirit may be giving to signal it’s intentions. To my knowledge almost all practicioners of evocation do this.

You’re question is legitimate but be aware that being observant after a ritual is something we all pretty much do. That and watching our dreams for signs also.