E.A'S insidious curse

Hello. I have a few questions about the instructions that I need elaborated for me. First, is it necessary to use only the mentioned tools? I don’t exactly have a black ribbon at the moment but I do have black yarn. There’s someone troublesome I need to deal with right away and I can’t get the ribbon. And is it absolutely necessary to bury the item at a crossroads or cemetery? I have a few problems with this last one because I pass by the graveyard almost everyday on my way to school and I can’t ask for them to pick a different route because there are kids he has to pick up on that side, so I’ll have to look back eventually. Plus I can’t just willingly enter the graveyard. This town is very cautious about witches and witchcraft and I don’t want to be seen. Can’t I bury it in my backward. And when it says not to look back at the burial site does it mean not to look back at the burial spot, the direction or not to look back when I leave the area? If not does that mean I shouldn’t ever return to the spot or I shouldn’t return before a given amount of time runs out? Thank you, C.


I think yarn instead of ribbon is fine, so long as it’s black. Wouldn’t ditch the crossroads requirement though… drive out to the wilderness and do it where two hiking trails or washes meet. Once you’ve done the ritual, turn around and don’t look back at the burial site. If you’ve done it out in a remote location you won’t have to worry about returning to the spot, but if you absolutely have to I would wait until after results are achieved from the ritual.


Yarn will be fine to change.
The Cemetery and other details are best adhered to.
Also stick to the not looking back part as it has significance.
Do not bury it somewhere where it will come to your vision and mind daily like a yard or porch.

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Might have to find another cemetery in another town.
Or sneak in and grab some dirt from the cemetary and bury the item with the graveyard dirt in a field.
Or, find a Crossroads as is recommended and bury it there.
Not sure how to find a Crossroads. Dowsing Rods ?

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Black ribbon works best, make it 23 inches long.

This is really good advice. Pick somewhere you want be bothered and will not return too for a long time. Looking back is a sign of weakness, do not even think about looking back. I would meditate on this before you do. So there will be no doubt in your mind.


A crossroads is just where two roads meet. It can be two hiking paths or two busy streets as long as it’s a full + intersection and not a T or Y or something else

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I usually steal parts of spells people write and sort of wing it, so stick with the parts that mean something to you.

Black yarn makes a good reagant, but since you really thought about it, the 23" black ribbon would be super nice right? Do what you gotta do though. I’d like to snipe my enemy with a nice ass rifle, but I’ll beat him with a tree branch if that’s what time it is.

The whole “blocking” of the ritual might work well for you if you haven’t cursed many people. Don’t look back at all, even if you physically look in that direction because a car is coming, you should have a black dot in your memory where the burial site is. It is done. It no longer exists. You’re just some guy walking.

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