E.A.Koetting Audiobooks

I listen to the Audio-book ‘The Book of Azazel’ many times and i think it is brilliant.
I think that E.A.Koetting should release his other books as Audio-books for the people who did not get chance to purchase the 1st Editions.
I have noticed that Eric does not want to release any other printed copies as he promised the 1st Editions would be the only ones, so for those who have not had the chance to buy them, they should be able to listen to the Audio-books.
Anyone else think this is a good idea?

I doubt if it is possible to enjoy an audio book more than I just did. A local Thunder storm synced with the words of AZAZEL and it was… amazing. Thanks EA for the gift of this free audio book.

Eric’s Story is one of Progression.
He never thought it would go this far.
Thus conditions have changed.